How it began


A/N: I hope you all enjoy the the first chapter! Tell me some ideas in the comments or some feedback! Enjoy! 

Kasey's pov

*yo ladies this is your story*~ goes my alarm. It's finally Friday and I get to go to seventeens fan meet today! I go downstairs and grab my lunch. My parents don't really acknowledge me so they just left me on my own in an apartment they just pay for. My brother and sister just ignore me as much as possible since I'm the back sheep of the family. Here's som information about me my family and I moved to Korea 3 years ago. I'm half Korean half Filipino. My mom is Filipino and my dad is Korean. We moved to Korea for my dads work and now I'm staying here for college. I'm in my first year of college in Seoul university. I go on the bus and go to school. I see my brother and I wave hi. He just looks at me in disgust and turns away. Ha as usual. I see my sister and try to walk up to her she then runs away and goes to her friends. This was a normal thing. I went into my first class and took notes. As the day goes by school is over. I get a text from my mom she said to come home. I follow her directions and go home. Everyone is huddled in a group. "Seoyun we need to talk." My dad says. "What is it?" "We've gotten to talk to your school and they told us that you're the top music student in the school." "Isn't that a good thing?" I ask. "Well no we want our eldest daughter to have that so we told them to change it your sister Eunji." No they can't do that. I've been working so hard for this role. Do they really not care for me that much. "You can't do that though! I've been working on that role since my 2nd year of highschool!" I shout. "Well you don't need thatrole, your the youngest anyways." My mom tells me. I run out the door. "Ewe its you, you're lucky mom gave me the role in school. You don#39;t deserve it you freakin ." My sister yells at me. I start to cry and run to the bus station. I open my phone and try to call my best friend Connie. She doesn't answer. Ugh why does life of much! I then run to the fan meet instead. At least seventeen. Can help send my mind if this. As I'm running to the stadium It starts to rain. Ugh seriously why now. I run to find shelter and bump into someone. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" They say. " "yeah I think so." I look up and see Woozi from seventeen in front of me. "Omg OMG I'm so sorry I'll just go." I scream back. I run off embrassed I literally embrassed myself  I. Front of my bias. I WISH I WAS INVISIBLE! Then something hits me. "OISH what was that I say." I look over a window and no one sees me in the middle of a sidewalk. Someone bumps into me looks back and sees nothing they look confused by shrug it of. I then noticed and see that I'M INVISIBLE!

How can this happen! I try to see if I'm really invisible and go up to some random dude. "Can you see me?" I tell. He looked so confused he just started to run. I go infront of a walking couple. The guy bumps into me but he thought he just tripped. Omg I'm actually invisible. As I walk back to the area I was before someone starts to point me out. "Hey it's you! Are you sure you're okay?" They say. What how can they see me no one else can. I turn around and see Woozi. "Wait you can see me?" "Well yea can't everyone else?" "WAIT YOU CAN SEE ME!" "What do you mean?!?" He ask. I take his wrist and walk to the group. "Okay now ask if they see me." I tell him. He looks confused by he does what he was told to. "Hey guys do you see a girl next to me?" He ask. The members look confused. "What are you saying?" Jeonghan says. "WAIT WHAT? You really cAnt see her?!" He yells. "Okay Hyung I think you need some water." Dino says. Woozi grabs my wrist and takes me to a nearby alleyway. "Okay this is is weird. How come j can only see you?" "I don't know." I then noticed something. I'm literally talking to my bias in my favorite group. I start to panic and do what I would do. Word vomit. "Omg I'm so sorry I shouldn't treat you like this. The Woozi in front of me in person and here he is talking to some average girl he may not know haha. So I'm Seoyun but j prefer Kasey for resins. Haha and IMG is it getting hot here. I'm really confused right now. Haha oh it's raining again." I randomly word vomit. I then look up and see Woozi just laughing his head off. "Hey it's okay! It's fine so kasey is your preferred name." I laugh and sit down on the floor. "Dang why is my life so complicated." "HEY! Hyung we're about to start and who's this girl?" Vernon ask. "Wait you can see me?" I ask. He looks confused and just walks away. "Ugh they can see you now?" Woozi ask. Maybe this only happens when it rains." I think about that might be but it just started happening today. "Well I need to go home." I tell him. "What didn't yo buy these fan meeting tickets?" Oh dammit I forgot I was here for that. "What if I turn invisible out of no where again?" "Well how about you just wait in the waiting room and I'll introduce you to the members then." I agree and he leads me to the dressing room. I just sit down. I watch the fan erring through the tv while j wait for them to finish. Out of all the days why did this happen all the sudden today?



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