

Jeon Wonwoo lived for one thing – his grades. As far as he’s concerned, the only thing that mattered was maintaining his position as top of his class. That also meant steering clear of anything and anyone that might lead him otherwise. He’s always kept that promise – until a certain unbearably annoying, yet insanely attractive transfer student.


"You know, from where I come from, people usually greet each other when they first meet." Wonwoo's gaze came in contact with another's. It was the transfer student. Scratch that. It was the insanely goodlooking transfer student.


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Chapter 1: SCREECHES. I LIKED THAT GAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH Smooth Mingyu is smooth lol Wonwoo's dumbfounded I just- I like where this is going already lol XD
ilovesuhoandchorong #2
Chapter 1: Oh yeah!!! Mingyu got game.
Chapter 1: SMOOTH BOI
jeunjihye #4
Chapter 1: Damn smooth mingyu very smooth