
Hating Bae

Irene and Wendy started dating just a month ago and the main vocalist discovered a few things she hate about her girlfriend:







She hates how Irene is such a playful and childish unnie.






Wendy was done eating breakfast with her members. Here she is in front of the sink, washing the dishes while happily humming to a song. 


"Wendy, Wendy." Someone tapped her shoulder. Wendy turn her back to see the leader smiling widely to her, their faces are just inches away from each other. Olaf choose to shrug off the fluttery feeling inside her heart because of the close proximity. She don't want Irene to notice how much the leader affect her just by her presence.


"What is it, unnie?" Wendy asked calmly, trying her best to prevent herself from stuttering and scrambling her words.


"It's nothing." Irene shook her head, a wide smile plastered on her face.


"Okay." Wendy return her attention on cleaning the dirty dishes. After a few seconds, Wendy felt another tap on her shoulder.


"What is it this time, unnie?" 


"It's not me." The leader denied, grinning. Wendy roll her eyes.


Obviously, it is Irene. She return back on doing the dishes, not entertaining the leader's antics. After a few seconds, she felt another tap on her shoulder. The main vocalist felt annoyed to her girlfriend. Though she liked the attention, she knew she can't finish these dishes if Irene kept on pestering her.


"Unnie, you see I'm busy here. Can you please stop it?" Irene ignored her pleading. Then the leader lean in, stealing a peck from Wendy's lips.


"You're blushing, Wendy." Irene giggled. Amuse how Wendy's face became tomato red instantly after the kiss. Wendy pouted her lips, showing displeasure to the sudden affection of her girlfriend.


"D-don't do that all of a sudden, unnie!" Olaf playfully punch her arm.


"You're so cute~" Irene pinched her cheek, earning a grunt of pain from Wendy. Irene loves teasing Wendy because of her adorable reactions.


"Thank you for the dessert, Wendy." She blew a flying kiss before running away from the kitchen, leaving Wendy frozen on her feet. She can still hear Irene giggling happily in the hallways. The maknaes came rushing in the kitchen as soon as they heard the word dessert coming out from Irene's mouth.


"You gave Irene unnie some dessert?!" Joy exclaimed, making Wendy surprise a little.

"You're being unfair, unnie." Yeri pout cutely.


"Can we have some too, unnie?~" They both use their aegyo, together with their puppy eyes. 


"Sorry. I bought it only for Irene. I will buy some for you two later okay?" Wendy answered nervously to the two girls. Forms of sweat running down her forehead. The main vocalist rarely tell a lie but there's no way she could tell them that the 'dessert' Irene mean was a kiss.


Wendy hated how she almost broke the remaining unclean dishes that morning, unable to focus well because of the kiss.






Wendy hates how Irene is needy. 






Red Velvet has an early schedule tomorrow. A fan signing to be specific. Wendy knew she need to have a proper rest tonight so that she won't look tired and stressed in front of the fans tomorrow. She doesn't like them to get worried of her health because she loves her fans too much.


She wrapped the blanket around her body. The main vocalist was about to travel to dreamland but sound of knocks prevent her from doing so. Her feet touched the ground, making her way to open the door. It was her girlfriend Irene, hugging a pillow close to her chest. She look like an adorable kid.


"Do you need something, unnie?" Wendy rubbed her eyes sleepily as she wait for her girlfriend to respond.


"Wendy, can we sleep together tonight?" Irene ask shyly, hugging her pillow tighter. The leader avoided Wendy's eyes, looking down like the ground was the most interesting thing that moment.


"I know this is our first time but I really want to sleep together with you tonight, Wendy." irene lifted up her head to look straight into Wendy's eyes, seemingly very determine. 


Wendy widen her eyes, startled by words came out from her girlfriend Irene.

Her sleepiness was thrown out of the window instantly. 

They have been dating for only a month.

She didn't know that Irene wanted to take their relationship to the next level this fast.

Wendy do love Irene very much but she thinks it's too early for them to do more intimate things.


Besides, Wendy has zero experience with this kind of things so she doesn't know if she could satisfy Irene.


"U-unnie, I-isn't it too early for us to y-you know... I-I hate to reject you b-but I think I'm not ready to do it yet." Wendy explained with overly-done hand gestures, being the dork she was. "Please don't break up with me, unnie." Said Wendy, in the verge of tears.


Irene seems like she didn't pick up immediately what Wendy just said as she stared at her girlfriend with a confused look on her face. She burst out laughing hard when she finally understand what Wendy was talking about.


"What are you saying, Wendy? I'm not referring to that. I meant sleeping literally on your bed until we wake up in morning." Irene explained. "And why would I break up with you just because of that?! I love you too much. Just stay by my side and let me love you all I want. That's all I needed, Wendy." Irene hugged Wendy.


Wendy would be super touched right now if she wasn't embarass by her wrong assumption. Wendy covered her face using both of her hands.


"But I didn't know that you're such a ert, Wendy." Irene Olaf, breaking their embrace.


"I'm not!" Wendy defended louder than she intended. She was pissed off to herself for being stupid. Wendy wished the ground would open up and eat her whole. Wendy felt fingers on her chin, lifting up her head.


"Hey, I'm just kidding. Let's just sleep together inside okay?" Irene smiled sweetly at her. The leader planted a tender kiss on the top of her head. Wendy felt the sensation of Joohyun's sincere love on that sweet and gentle contact. Wendy seems like a precious person for JooHyun. It made Olaf blushed hard. Even now, she still can't believe that Irene love her the same way she do.


Irene interwined their fingers together as they enter inside the room. Wendy laid down the bed first then Irene laid herself next to her. Wendy face the wall, moving around until she found a comfortable sleeping position.


"Goodnight, unnie." She muttered before she closed her eyes.


"Wendy, I'm feeling cold." Olaf heard Irene complaining so she turned her back.


"Here use this." She passed the blanket to her girlfriend. Irene shook her head indicating it's not what she wanted.


"I want Wendy Blanket." Irene said smiling like a kid.


"What do you mean by Wendy Blanket?" Wendy scratched her head. Sometimes she don't understand what's running inside Joohyun's mind. Joohyun grabbed her arm and then she wrapped it around her body.


"Lean closer to me, Wendy." Irene commanded softly. Wendy obeyed without hesitation. Irene rested her head on Wendy's chest. Their bodies are totally close from each other, so close that they might hear how fast their heart was beating for each other. Irene look up to her girlfriend. "Goodnight, Wendy." She beamed a satisfied smile before she fell asleep in Wendy's arms. 


Wendy hated how she didn't get enough sleep that night because she spend all her time on admiring her features upclose and thinking how lucky she was to be able to call Irene hers.






Wendy hates how Irene is scary when she get jealous.






Wendy was done taking a long-relaxing bath. She wore nothing but her bathrobe. It really feels refreshing since it's rare for red velvet to have a day-off as a popular girl group. Whenever they have schedule, she wasn't allowed to take too long inside the bathroom because their time was just limited. Wendy make way out of the room while rubbing her head using towel to dry her hair more easily.


"I'll do it for you, unnie." Joy offered with a suspicious grin as she was tailing Wendy out of the room. The taller girl rub her hair gently after Wendy passed the towel to her. Wendy took shower together with Joy.


Yeah you read it right. Olaf showered together with the evil maknae. If Wendy didn't made a promise to shower with her, she wouldn't even dare to step inside the bathroom with her. Wendy is a woman of her words so she can't broke her promise to Joy.









Wendy was watching a romance movie in the living room, sitting comfortably on the couch. She was so excited because it was the scene she was looking forward to. The of the movie. The moment of truth. Wendy's eyes glued on the screen.


After 2 years of playing the bestfriend card game, finally the protagonist got the balls and was about to confess his love to his long-time girl bestfriend. A resident evil maknae block the screen using her body, preventing Wendy from seeing the following scenes.


"Wendy-unnie please shower with me~" Joy pleads with her cringe-worthy aegyo. She will punch her face if she wasn't in the right mind.


"Get out of the way Joy! The movie is in !" Wendy threw a pillow beside her and it hit the face of the tall maknae.


"Ouch! I won't unless you agree to shower with me later unnie!" She said firmly, not moving an inch. 




"Because I'm feeling lonely by myself. Please unnie~" Joy said almost begging.


"But there's Seulgi and Yeri, Why don't you ask them?" Seungwan look at the two girls she just mention but they look away.


"I only want to shower with you, unnie." She reason out. Since when Joy like Wendy this much? Joy wasn't this clingy to her before.


"I'm sorry, Joy. You already know I'm dating your Irene unnie right?" Wendy tried her best not to laugh. She tends to joke around people randomly and her favorite target was SooYoung.


"Pabo unnie. I don't swing that way! I just miss you, that's all." The evil maknae acted hurt, wiping her invisible tears to make it believable. Wendy rolled her eyes. She realized that agreeing was the only way for her to continue her movie, so she gave in into evil maknae's wants.


"Fine stop it. You win! Get out of the way and let me finish this movie first." Wendy sighed, defeated by the evil Sooyoung. Joy's face expression brighten up immediately.


"Promise unnie?" 


"Promise but don't do anything weird okay? Now get out of the way. You're blocking the television with that chubby body of yours!" 


"Yes!" Joy fist pump in the air. "Wait, what did you just say unnie? How mean." Wendy laugh her off as as she succeeded on teasing the tall maknae.


Joy grinned widely as she make eye contact with the two other people sitting on the sofa. Yeri and SeulGi frown, then they both hand out money bills to SooYoung. Wendy sensed there's something fishy with these three musketeers.


"Is there something I should know here? Why you two giving Joy money?" Wendy raised her eyebrow.


"N-nothing unnie. We just owe some money to Joy-unnie right Seulgi unnie?" The youngest smiled nervously. She looked at the bear.


"Yeah Wendy. There's nothing going on here. Don't worry." Seulgi assured her, she let out an obvious forced laugh afterwards. Knowing the bear for a long time, she knew Seulgi was lying. She can read Seulgi like an open book. Wendy eyed the three of them suspiciously.


There's really something fishy here knowing these girls, especially when the two evil maknaes are involved. Wendy bet Seulgi just go with the flow out of boredom.


"Just make sure you guys won't make any scandal for our group understand?" Wendy reminded them. The three girls nodded at the same time. Wendy chose to let them off for now. They haven't do anything bad yet so she should just relax and go back on watching for now. The movie was her top priority at the moment.











Joy clung to Wendy like a panda. 


"Thank you for showering with me unnie~ I enjoy spending time with you. Let's do it again next time." She smiled innocently before walking away from the main vocalist. Joy was acting unusually normal today. Wendy thought she would do something erted or weird to her while they were inside the bathroom, but the evil maknae did none. That's really suspicious. 


Wendy was about to go to her room but she saw Irene holding a paper bag in the hallway, watching her from afar. Irene said she would go to the market earlier to get ingredients needed for their lunch. Seeing Irene made Wendy very happy. She flashed a toothy smile, looking like an idiot lovesick.


"Hi Joohyun. Since when did you arrive?" Wendy was about to come close to her but Irene walked away, ignoring her question. 


"Wait, let me bring that Bae." Wendy attempted to take the paperbag from Joohyun's hands but the leader walks ahead fast. Irene make way to the kitchen to cook and Wendy kept on following her. Wendy watched Irene's every movements. The leader grabbed the knife and the chopping board, she took out the cabbage she bought from the market. Irene chopped the vegetable with all her strength. Wendy shivered as she observed her. Her girlfriend looked like a psychopath.


"L-Let me help you unnie." Wendy was hesistant but she still offered to help. Irene kept on ignoring her Olaf. She continued chopping the poor vegetable.


"Unnie why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? We were okay before you left to market." Wendy positioned herself beside Irene, looking at her eyes who never left the chopping board. The leader smash the knife on the table. It made a loud sound that startled Wendy. Finally she look at Wendy. She shot a glare to the main vocalist, seemingly ready to choke her to death. Her eyes was piercing Wendy's soul. It made the scared girl froze on her feet.


"You're really asking me what's wrong SeungWan?!"


Wendy felt a lump on , unable to compose a sentence. This is the first time she saw Irene mad like this ever since they dated. Even before when they were just members, Irene never showed anyone whenever she was upset or angry. She was the type to keep her emotions to herself.


"I hope you enjoyed showering with Joy!" She yelled sarcastically. Wendy trembled in fear. "You never took shower with me before. You kept on refusing whenever I ask you but it is fine if it is with SooYoung?! Do you like her more than me?!"


Wendy finally figured out that Irene was acting like that because she was jealous. She don't know if she should feel happy or not. Come to think of it, she never showered with Irene before because she's not confident to show her body to her girlfriend. It's her biggest insecurity. Wendy was worried she might turn off Irene. Her figure isn't to die for. She doesn't have long legs. She doesn't have large . Wendy always believe she is not y and on top of that, she gained weight recently. There's no way she could show her body in this condition to her lover.


"It's not like that, u-unnie. I love you so much. Why would you think that?" Wendy was about to hug the raging leader but she pointed the knife on her. Her eyes widen in fear. 


"Don't you dare come close to me SeungWan! Get out of the kitchen before I make you eat this knife!" Irene threatened Wendy. She seems serious. Wendy step back slowly, before running out of the kitchen and rush to living room to find help to calm down the leader.


"Guys help-" Wendy didn't manage to finish her words as she heard the three talking about something that made her very angry.


"Okay hand me the other half of your bets guys. I win. I made Irene unnie jealous. I told you I can do it. Stop doubting my ability guys." She said proudly as she reach out her hand to the two with a smirk on her face. 


"Fine we lost. I thought you couldn't even make Wendy unnie shower with you but you've done it. I admire you unnie." Yeri handing the money to the taller maknae.


"Yeah, I'm super great aren't I? Irene unnie's arrival from the market was in good timing. She saw me being flirty to Olaf. She sure got jealous." Satan Joy added boastfully.


"Please, Let me be your apprentice Joy unnie." Yeri bowed. 


"Sure." Joy patted Yeri's head.


"Fine I'm done with this. Just don't let the unnies know about our bet or else we will never see the sunlight again." SeulGi said while handing the money to SooYoung. 


"Of course not. We are all dead. Have you seen how Irene-unnie got mad at Wendy-unnie? That was really unexpected. I've never seen leader like that before." Joy hug herself, trembling in fear.


"Yeah, It's better to keep this to ourselves. Let Wendy unnie fix this all." Yeri commented. The other two nodded in agreement.


"Big thanks for the money guys. More chicken for me." Joy said happily like they won a trophy in a music show. 


These three idiots. Wendy swear she was going to kill them with her own hands. How can they mess up her relationship with Irene.


"So you guys planned this all!" She appeared while knuckling her fingers. The three pabos turn their back in unison, smelling the danger awaited for them. They smiled nervously.


"H-hello Wendy-unnie." Joy greeted with shakey voice. 


After knowing Joy was the mastermind of the ruckus, Wendy made Joy suffer for a week. Joy will only eat nothing but vegetables. Chicken was forbidden. As a chicken lover, it's the worst punishment ever. Joy swear to lessen her evilness afterwards.


Yeri was also not allowed to eat her favorite foods. Ramen and pizza. Her punishment was lighter because its fine to eat anything beside those two. Yeri swear she would tell Joy whenever they go below the belt with their pranks and plans to avoid these kind of disciplinary penalty bestow upon them again.


Seulgi was banned from watching dramas for a week. She sulked all day since she cannot watch the recent episode of her favorite series. She was dying to see it. Seulgi swear she will never ever involve herself again from the evil plans of the two maknaes.


Wendy hated how Irene did not talk to her though it only lasted a day. Irene can't ignore Olaf longer since she love her too much but Wendy felt slowly being killed inside whenever she tried to approach the girl who will only respond with a cold glare.


Wendy mentally note to herself: Never ever make Irene jealous.






But what Wendy hated the most about her is that,






Irene is the only person she love more than herself.

Even though Irene is playful and childish.

Even though Irene is needy.

Even though Irene is scary when she gets jealous.

She truly think Irene is the most wonderful person on earth.

She can do everything in order to give what makes Irene happy. In Wendy's eyes,  She is the most beautiful girl. Fame, popularity, talent, and wealth. She is willing to give up all of it just to be with Irene. 


These feelings for the leader actually scare her at first, she never fell in love with a girl before. She kept it for a long time. She knew falling in love with Irene wasn't a right thing. It wasn't right in the eyes of the public. Their fans would despise her. They would judge her. There's also a possibility that Irene would avoid her because of it. But as soon as she had confirmed their feelings are mutual, Wendy knew she can conquer everything as long as she is with Irene.


Fortunately, the other members and her family is being supportive to their relationship though it is still a secret to Irene's family. Wendy knew it wouldn't be easy but she is sure she could make them accept their relationship someday. She will prove them that her love for Irene is real and sincere.

Wendy is quite lucky.

Irene is as brave as her.

She is willing to fight together with Wendy.



She loves Wendy as much as she loves her.






A/N: Thank you for reading. I know I failed. T.T

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Chapter 1: Re reading this and still found how cute they are 😍😍
Favebolous 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: Why I just found this
GrogersK #3
Chapter 1: Poor that vegetables ekekeke lol
Mysn123 #4
Chapter 1: OMG!! This is a good story,please author,keep update this story! It's very sweet and fluffy,please keep continue this story
wensondy #5
Chapter 1: It's not a failure, trust me! This is very sweet and fluffy, despite all those flaws they still love each other. I bet you wrote this based on experience. :P kidding!
1729 streak #6
Chapter 1: Awww. I love this very much. This is sooo cuteee. And the two satans ft. poor bear- Hahahahahaha. This is really great! You should write more! Fighting!
youngandstars27 #7
Chapter 1: So cute! :D and no one shall mess with a jealous Bae Joohyun keke. Thanks for this one shot! :D
Chapter 1: jealous irene is really scary
Poor The trio musketer xD
Nice shot thank you :)