
Spare Some Change

"She's been taking pictures of all of us, and other people too! Our Wheein's a creepy, giggling stalker. What did I ever do to have to deal with all this?" Solar moaned, lying on the floor and looking up at the ceiling as she talked to her now-therapist.

Hwasa poked her with her toe and simply replied, "And you wonder why I drink."

Solar rolled over to rest on her elbow, looking up at the maknae on their couch. "Why do you drink so much? A little is fine, but you're always drinking when we're not working."

"Because there are a lot of things that are good to forget, and soju--" She wiggled the bottle in her hand for emphasis. "--works a lot better than getting hit by a taxi to try and get amnesia. Plus, it doesn't hurt as much."

"You were just complaining about your terrible hangover."

"Well, I always have a hangover. It's just a part of me. And I can work with a hangover and I can't work with a crushed ribcage."

Solar shook her head. "Only you could compare alcohol to being hit by a car and still want to drink it."

"You could stand to join me, Solar. It's been scientifically proven that drunk people dance better!"

"Is that even true?" Solar asked as Hwasa held the bottle out to her. The other singer shrugged, but she took the bottle away fro a quick sip. "Blegh, that's so strong... How can you stand it?"

"You ask too many questions. Therefore you get too many answers that do not please you and it makes you upset. This is why you have so many problems, Solar." Hwasa snatched the green bottle back and finished it off in one gulp.

Solar flopped back onto the floor. "Yeah, maybe! But I can't just stop taking care of all you guys. Otherwise you'll all probably end up dead or in jail or in the insane asylum."

Hwasa frowned, her eyebrows turning upwards. "I can't believe our leader thinks so little of us! And here I was trying to help you. I can't believe I shared my soju with you! Get out! OUT!!!" She threw the bottle aside and leapt off the couch to attempt to roll Solar out of the room.

Solar swatted her hands away, shouting, "Stop it, Hwasa! How am I supposed to tell when you're drunk or not?!"

Hwasa herself rolled away, burying her face in her hands and beginning to sob. "If you don't like me, then I'll just leave! Screw this! Screw you! Screw Mamamoo! I've gotta go my own way!! No one understands me!!!"

Solar shook her head and sighed, looking over at the clearly intoxicated maknae. She was like a broken radio, randomly switching channels and difficult to fix. "Hwasa, get a grip or Wheein's going to come in and take advantage of you." She dragged the girl back onto the couch, ignoring her feeble punches. "I do like and care about you all; that's why I need you to stop!"

Hwasa ignored her, straining to reach for her empty, discarded bottle."Soju..." she mumbled pathetically.

Solar scowled and picked up the bottle, only to throw it further away. "Don't you understand how much you need me to stabilize your livelihood and our careers? You and Wheein could stand to make it easier."

Hwasa pulled the color of her shirt over her face, not moving for a good minute. When she re-emerged she looked terribly solemn with dark circles under her eyes. Solar shuddered at the sight. "Solar..." Hwasa croaked. "You're the worst."

"Excuse me?"

Hwasa burst out laughing, her soju breath puffing all over Solar's face. "Let's go find the others! Let's write music!! Let's drink lots and lots of sojuuuuuuu~ You'll lighten up and everything will be right with the world!" She closed her eyes and smiled like an innocent sleeping baby.

"Alcohol is the not the answer to our problems, Hwasa. It is the complete opposite."

The other woman's dark eyes opened, wide and unmoving. "Solar. Let me go and I'll be good."

"You know I can't just trust you like that! You were just rolling me out of the room and bawling your eyes out! You're unstable. This is what happens when you throw your life into soju's hands!"

"But I promise~" Hwasa tried using her... not so great aegyo, and Solar couldn't help but groan at the sound. She also couldn't help but just give in at the same time. What kind of leader would she be if she didn't trust her members? And it wasn't like anything had ever happened before.


Hwasa leapt away from her eonni and off the couch, cheering and attempting to do some happy dance without falling over or tripping on the carpet. "Yes! Let's go cause troubl... I mean, let's go get some fresh air! Yeah!"

Solar rolled her eyes. They always made her regret things.

Hwasa looked over at her leader as she threw some shoes on her feet that didn't match. "Solar! I'm going to the convenience store. Spare some change??"

"Depends on what it's for."

Hwasa chuckled and threw her hands up in the air. "Sojuuuuu!"

Solar hit her hand against the ground in frustration. "No way, Hwasa! Do you really think I'm going to do that?!" she snapped.

Hwasa jumped at the loud noise, but then sulked and stumbled out of the room. "Fine, I don't need you either," she pouted.

Solar shook her head, rubbing her eyes wearily. "What is wrong with us? And where the heck is Moonbyul?!"

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Yongkongyeba #1
Chapter 4: Aww i love this fanfic thks for writing this authornim
Whatareyoudoind #2
Chapter 4: Aw cute! They are all flawed but that makes their group dynamic work so well. Great job authornim!
segxhyqz #3
There is so much happening
Whatareyoudoind #4
Chapter 3: Haha Byulyis got a gun! Poor Solar! With all the crazies she has to deal with she'll probably go crazy herself. I'd say out of the 3 Wheein is somehow the most 'normal'. Probably.
Whatareyoudoind #5
Chapter 2: Hahaha this story is awesome! Update soon!