A Few Bumps in the Road

Started With a Hello, Ended With a Goodbye

A few text feeds later, the two of you had met up again, he had gotten a new job and was moving further away from you. Asking for you to meet up with him, you happily agreed.

The sun was bright that day, he came to your front door, another date with the same amazing man. Slipping into the passenger seat of his truck, the two of you drove around the block before he patted the spot next to him. Sliding over the bench seat next to him, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, your head resting on his shoulder as your hand rested on his leg gently. Chatting happily, you remember getting him candies for Halloween since he didn’t get any candy. Munching on sour worms and M&M’s, the two of you drove around the town before he drove you up to the place where he was moving from.

With a little trip, you drifted in and out of sleep from the long week, his fingers played with your hair as you took a short nap until you arrived at the house. With no one there and the farm house in the middle of hundreds of acres, you stepped out of the truck and looked around at the beautiful valley that this quaint farmhouse watched over.

Bringing you inside, he showed you around before the two of you settled down on the couch and cuddled for the first time.

After cuddling for a while, he drove you back home and bid you goodbye before making the long drive back to his house an hour and a half away.

A few weeks passed before he came up again for another date, this time the two of you went up to a hidden lake in the mountains. With plans of fishing and spending time together, the two of you ended up spreading out a blanket and watching the sunset and the starts brighten the night. Spending the night talking and cuddling, nothing could have been more perfect.

Driving back home in the early morning hours, you sat behind the wheel of your truck as you carefully guided the vehicle down the winding road. He sat in the passenger seat, his hand laced with yours, his thumb slowly brushing over your fingers ever so slowly while you felt his eyes looking over at you.

“When is your surgery?” He questioned, both hands encasing one of yours now

“This Friday” You whispered, your tongue wetting your lips as your mind slowly moved to the procedure that was being done orally. Talking about what you were going to have done, you continued to feel his hands slowly moving around yours, his hands almost massaging your hand slowly and soothingly easing all of your worries.

Making it out of the canyon, the two of you kissed each other goodbye as he walked you to your door before leaving for the night.

The surgery date came sooner than expected, your mind wrestling with the thought of being in pain, not being able to eat or sleep. Before you had to leave, he called your phone, the two of you talking and him wishing you good luck with the surgery. Humming along, you listened as he told you that you would be great and that everything would turn out just like how you had planned it 

Arriving at the doctor’s office, you were informed by the doctor that they would have to keep you awake for the procedure, you nodded your head not wanting to reschedule due to their mistake for not ordering medicine to make you drowsy.

Tears, pain, fear overwhelmed you for those two hours. The laughing gas wearing off and the local numbing fading as they began to drill into your maxilla. Trying to keep your mind off of what was happening to you, you closed your eyes replaying all of the memories that you have had thus far with him. Clenching your hand around the fabric of your shirt, you took in a deep breath, letting tears roll down the sides of your face wishing that he was holding your hand just like he had the weekend before.

The hours went agonizingly slow, shedding more tears as the doctor hit a nerve and another one as the numbing had faded due to the lengthened procedure.
Eventually, you made it home, your mother came to take care of you during recovery per doctor’s orders. Trying to do anything was a struggle, sitting in pain, you couldn’t talk as you just watched a few movies waiting for the pain medicine to kick in.

Later that night, your mom had gotten you to bed as a knock came to your front door, hearing a voice downstairs, you thought your recognized it yet you were in too much pain to move. Closing your eyes you drifted off to sleep with the thoughts of your man filling your mind.

The next morning, your mom came in to check on you, she brought up the flowers that had been hand delivered last night. Relaying to you the message that he had left for you, your eyes swelled up with tears, not knowing how one man could be this thoughtful. To drive after a long day, buy you your favorite flowers and deliver them that night, so that you could wake up to something beautiful.

Sending him a text, he replied with a beautiful message that left you speechless. One of the messages that he sent read:

Him: I just keep thinking about how you are in pain :/ I wish I could help sweetie pie. Earlier you said you looked like a zombie? lol Well I bet you’re the cutest zombie that ever was :)

Time passed as you healed and he came up once the doctor gave you the go ahead to talk and act normally since it was healing well. He came up that weekend, the two of you cuddling and talking, yet he talked mostly not wanting your mouth to hurt. Telling you secrets and confiding in you, he held you close, listening intently you soaked everything up and tried to help him the best you could.

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Chapter 5: It was so sweet at the begging that made me smile like crazy at the clinic and people are staring, but I'm holding my tears now, the last chapter was heart breaking.

I loved the way you expressed your feelings, it reached me as if it's my personal story.
You went through many hardships but you are strong sweetheart, you really are, and I'm glad that you are living well now, you deserve all the best <33
There will be a day he will come back I pray for you both never give up girl God always has a plan
momoxia #3
Chapter 5: omg i love this story so much yet it's so angsty in the end. you've gone through so many hardships girl :(( but i can say you're so strong ;) idk i f i were you, will i be that strong like you :((