The Angel Prince

The 15 Princes

"Daddy!" A small voice called out from the hallway. He heard the pitter patter of little feet running towards him as he paused the video he was watching and turned around.

"What are you doing up? You should be sleeping." He said as he picked her up and sat her on his lap.

"I couldn't sleep. What'cha watching daddy?" She pouted as she looked at the computer screen her dad was previously watching a video on.

She looked just like him at that age, big dark eyes, long dark hair and perfect heart shaped lips with porcelain skin. He was fortunate in the fact that she had inherited none of her mother's features or else he probably wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Nothing. Come on lets get you to bed Sunny, it's past your bed time." He excited out of the Super Junior video and lifted his daughter into his arms as she laid her head on his shoulder.

Her teddy bear swayed from her arm as he carried her into her bedroom. Her room overlooked a large large oak tree in their backyard, with the outline of Los Angeles behind it. The move to LA had been one his friends and family hadn't understood but at the time he had been recklessly in love with her mother, and she had wanted to return to the country of her birth, and how could he have refused?

As he mused on it, he was glad he had, for if he hadn't, he wouldn't have his daughter. He stopped at her bed and tucked her in, teddy bear and all before giving her a kiss on the forehead and turning to leave.

"Daddy." She called out just as he was about to leave. He turned around to come face to face with her irresistible puppy dog face.

*Her cuteness reminds me of Sungmin*

"Will you read me a bedtime story?" He smiled and nodded. She scooted over on her bed and patted the space next to her. He chuckled and laid down next to her on her pink full bed.

"How about I tell you a fairytale instead?" He asked her and she nodded excitedly and moved into a more comfortable position.

"Whats it about Daddy?"

"The Angel Prince." Heechul smiled a soft smile as he realized this is how he can share his memories with his daughter, through fairytales.

"Who's the Angel Prince?"

"The Angel Prince was the oldest and the leader out of the 15 Princes. He was very wise and responsible. Although he was a man, he had more motherly instincts than most women did."


"Yes really. When one of the Princes was upset the Angel Prince was there to take care of him. When one of the Princes did something bad the Angel Prince would make sure he knew he was wrong. He was always one step behind the others, taking care of them, picking up after them and making sure they were safe."

"Did they know that Daddy?"

Heechul shook his head. "Nope, they had no idea and sometimes, the Angel Prince felt unappreciated, like no one was looking out for him like he did for them. What he didn't know however was that one of the Princes' always had there eyes on him at all times, making sure he took care of himself and was alright."

"Wow. He does sound like an Angel! Who are the other Princes?" Her eyes gleamed as she looked at him but he could tell she was about to fall asleep.

He rested his head on the palm of his hand and started running his fingers through her soft black hair, knowing she loved it.

"I'll tell you about another Prince tomorrow." Heechul chuckled as he watched her small eyelids droop.


"Promise." He laid there for a while, combing his fingers through her hair until she fell asleep. When he stopped and noticed she was asleep he carefully got of her bed and walked out of her room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

He walked into his room and laid down on his bed. While he was waiting there he thought about the Angel Prince, and how much he missed him and his crazy laugh.

He opened his bedside table drawer and drew out two pictures.

The one had 15 happy good-looking guys and the other had a beautiful girl with long wavy brown hair.

"I miss all of you." He whispered before he put them back in his drawers, shut the light off, and fell asleep. 


This one should be easy to figure out. Actually most of them probably will be.

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BleachMyStrawberry #1
Chapter 1: I really liked this chapter. Keep up the great work and please update soon ^_^
Chochocho #2
update sooon
its really interesting ^^
cant wait 4 the next prince
update please~