March 17


A short piece based on VIXX's track "I Don't Want To Be An Idol".


I wrote this piece after listening to VIXX's "I don't want to be an idol" and coming across one of my favorite songs from ages ago, Park Hyo Shin's "Standing in that spot". In no way do I know exactly what happened between Ken and his ex-girlfriend that resulted in the inspiration for "I don't want to be an idol". This is just my take on how it could have happened. It was a little difficult writing in third person, but I didn't want to write it as a You/Ken story, because that would take away from the original purpose of telling his story.


It’s a little long for a oneshot, but not long enough for multiple chapters, but hopefully you’ll bare with me. This was the first piece of writing I've ever written and shared, so I hope you all enjoy it :)


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