It's a Lil' Iffy

It's a Lil' Iffy

The customer set his basket on the counter. Baekhyun rang up the items -- six packs of sanitary pads and a small container of pain relievers. Baekhyun recognized the customer by now. How could he forget the man with the sharp jawline, curly lips, and high bone cheeks? Baekhyun called him Pad Man since whenever the man came in he always bought pads.

"Oh can I get a pack of cigarettes too?"

"I'll need to see some ID."

Pad Man never bought cigarettes before, but whatever. A shame because Baekhyun didn't date smokers, not that he was interested in Pad Man because Pad Man probably had a girlfriend. Oh, who was Baekhyun kidding?

At least Baekhyun got to see Pad Man's real name -- Kim Jongdae. What were the odds they were around the same age? "Which ones?" Baekhyun asked.

"Whichever's the cheapest."

Baekhyun hesitantly reached for a 20-pack that costed 4,500 won. "Will this do?"

Jongdae nodded without sparing much of a glance. The items were bagged and paid for and Jongdae scurried out the shop. It was rather empty, not surprising since it was late and near closing time. Baekhyun couldn't wait to go home and sleep. Fifteen minutes later Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Kyungsoo prepared to close.

Something on the ground caught Baekhyun's eye -- Pad Man's ID card. Without thinking twice, Baekhyun retrieved it and shoved it into his back pocket.


Pad Man was inside the shop when Baekhyun stepped out to the front counter the next evening. At his appearance, Pad Man -- Baekhyun needed to start calling him by his real name soon -- anxiously approached Baekhyun. "Umm, hello. I think I dropped my ID here last night? I asked around and one of the other guys said you might have seen it."

Baekhyun nodded and handed it over. "It was on the floor. I meant to return it to you, but I was busy, sorry."

"Oh thank you so much," Jongdae sighed in relief. "Well, since I'm here I might as well get some things."

Baekhyun watched as Jongdae grabbed a basket and moved up and down the aisles. He listened to the sounds of plastic bags crinkling and being dropped into the basket. A few bags of chips from what Baekhyun could tell. A customer set her basket on the counter just as the sound of glass breaking echoed throughout the store. Heads turned to the source of the noise. Chanyeol rushed to the scene while ensuring everyone it was okay. The customer who accidently dropped the bottles of liquor would have to pay for them but the situation was okay. No one got hurt.

Baekhyun rang up the elderly woman's items. "Sorry about that. Did you find everything okay?"

"Yes I did."

The box of cookies wouldn't scan and it frustrated Baekhyun, especially when another customer lined up behind the elderly woman. Baekhyun smoothed out the barcode the best he could, but it was futile. He couldn't recall the price at the top of his head, but 2,000 won sounded about right. He placed the cookies in the tote bag provided by the woman. She, too, was a regular customer. Baekhyun referred to her as Tote Granny as she was always seen carrying a tote bag everywhere with her.

"Do you need any assistance?" Baekhyun asked as he handed the woman her receipt.

"No thank you, son. I've got it. Have a nice evening."

"You too, ma'am," Baekhyun waved. To the next customer, he flashed a smile, "Hello sir, did you find everything okay?"

On and on Baekhyun continued the procedure even when it became Jongdae's turn. Baekhyun scanned each one -- two packs of gum, one fruity and one minty, a bag of ranch-flavored chips, and a can of cold coffee. No pads.

Baekhyun was almost tempted to ask, "No pads this time?" Jongdae probably had enough to last two years. Baekhyun wasn't sure how many girls used up each month but he didn't think they'd go through a pack or two in one cycle.

"Do you ever get tired just standing there?" Jongdae asked. It startled Baekhyun and threw him off. Baekhyun almost didn't reply.

"Sometimes, yes. Will this be all for tonight?"

Jongdae nodded, handing Baekhyun the due amount. His lips curved into a smile, "Have a good night, Baekhyun."

Momentarily forgetting how it was possible that Jongdae knew his name, Baekhyun replied, "Yes, you too." Was the triumphant flutter in his chest from hearing one of the most cutest people in the world say his name? Would Jongdae feel awkward if Baekhyun were to address him by his name as well? Would that be moving too quickly in their relationship?

Baekhyun blushed at the ridiculous thoughts swimming through his head. Maybe it was about time for Baekhyun to look into dating. As if he had time. Baekhyun nearly laughed out loud, would have if Kyungsoo hadn't tapped him on the shoulder.

"I just got a call from the hospital. Will you be all right?"

Baekhyun nodded. "It's not like I'm completely alone or inadequate. There's Sehun in the back."


Baekhyun had missed work three evenings in a row due to the flu, but on the fourth evening, he returned to the store. He was reshelving the drinks in the fridge at the back of the store when a dark shadow appeared in the corner of his eye. He moved over to give the customer space when he accidentally knocked over the plastic crate that still contained a few bottles of energy drinks.

Luckily, the customer -- Pad Man of all people -- caught the crate. "Whoa, didn't mean to scare you."

Baekhyun's ears burned in embarrassment, "You didn't scare me. I was just-- anyway, thank you."

"I noticed you weren't here for a few days. I thought you quit or got fired."

Baekhyun couldn't believe his ears. Were they that hot to the point he was hearing things? Did Pad Man actually noticed Baekhyun's absence? "I got sick, that's all."

"Ah, are you feeling better now?"

Baekhyun nodded. Sure, he was definitely better now. "Don't worry, I haven't done anything to get fired and I need this job. I'm not ready to leave yet."

"Oh that's good. Umm, I have a quick question, if you don't mind me asking." Jongdae reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded coupon. "I wanted to double-check if this coupon applies to these drinks."

Baekhyun hated coupons the most, but after checking the scrap of paper, the knot in his chest loosened. The coupon was valid until the end of the week. That is, if Jongdae was indicating to the eligible items, which he was. The coupon should work. "Are you ready to be checked out?" Baekhyun questioned when he noticed the empty check-out counter. Jongdae didn't reply right away; he kept staring at the the cans in the fridge. Baekhyun wasn't sure Jongdae heard him and almost repeated himself when Jongdae turned to smile at him.

"Did you want the free one?"


"The drink," Jongdae said. He placed three cans into his little basket. "Buy two, get one free. Did you want the free one?" Baekhyun couldn't understand what would prompt Jongdae to ask him such a thing. He would feel weird taking it so he politely declined the offer.

Seeing that the register was still empty, Baekhyun paused his current task to help Jongdae. After paying for his drinks and a pack of maxi pads, Jongdae held out one of the drinks. "Here, my gift to you. Just take it."

Baekhyun's cheeks turned warm, but what was he supposed to do? With reluctance, he took the drink. His fingers brushed against Jongdae's and it took everything within him not to drop the can and retract his arm and jump in place and scream.

"Th-Thank you." A small, shy smile from Baekhyun and wide grin from Jongdae. Baekhyun quickly tried regaining his composition, "Have a good-- nice rest of the evening, or night I mean. Have a nice night." Knowing he was making a fool of himself, his fingers tightened around the can of juice.

Jongdae laughed, "You too. Get some rest okay?"

"Okay," Baekhyun whispered, but after Jongdae had exited the store. He quickly set down the can and breathed into his cupped hands to warm them. Kyungsoo appeared out of nowhere and picked up the can, arching a brow because he knew very well that Baekhyun wasn't big on aloe vera flavored juices.

"He asked me where you were last night," Kyungsoo set the drink down, "and the previous night, and the night before."


"Pad Man."

Baekhyun's stomach flipped in excitement, something that's been happening ever since Jongdae said his name. "He did?"

"You seem awfully thrilled to hear that."

The faintest hint of pink blossomed on Baekhyun's cheeks. "It's nice to have someone worry about me, that's all."

"Who said he was worried?"

Baekhyun brushed away Kyungsoo's words, because whether or not it was worry, in the end Jongdae still thought of him and it was always the thought that counts. The fact that Baekhyun managed to float into Jongdae's mind was enough to celebrate.

"But then again, he did give you this."


Baekhyun hadn't been close to Tote Granny, they merely had a customer-cashier relationship, but Baekhyun had known Tote Granny through the random stories she'd tell Baekhyun while she was getting checked out. She had two children and five grandchildren and a great-grandson on the way. Maybe her great-grandson was already born, since it had been awhile since she mentioned about him to Baekhyun.

Here Baekhyun stood, in front of the bulletin board where a flyer with Tote Granny's smiling face and real name -- Kim Hyora -- was indicating the time and place for her public funeral memorial. It was no wonder Baekhyun hadn't seen Tote Granny for awhile. She had passed away.

Baekhyun actually considered attending the memorial service, but he felt out of place. Who was he to go? He didn't even know her name until after she died, despite seeing her every week for about a year.

In the end, Baekhyun went. He had convinced Chanyeol, who in turn convinced Kyungsoo, to go to the memorial service together. Baekhyun hadn't expected to see Kim Jongdae, but there Jongdae was, seated on the floor between a young woman and young man. Baekhyun hastily ducked behind Chanyeol and dragged his two friends out of Jongdae's field of vision.

After paying their respects, the three left. It was an unspoken agreement; Baekhyun wanted to avoid Jongdae, and besides, he was only there to say goodbye to Kim Hyora. But Baekhyun couldn't help wondering what Jongdae's relation to Kim Hyora was. Were they family or just neighborhood acquaintances? It was more curiosity than anything.


An object hit Baekhyun on the shoulder and fell to the ground. Baekhyun glanced up, his gaze meeting a wide-eyed Jongdae holding onto a pair of sunglasses, one lens popped out. "I think you dropped something," Baekhyun picked up the lens lying beside him.

"I'm so sorry," Jongdae said, "I was just trying them on. I'll pay for it."

Baekhyun chuckled, "Between you and me, these sunglasses are terrible. They'll last you about a week of normal wear. Here, let me see that." Jongdae handed over the sunglasses and Baekhyun popped the lens back in. "There, good as new."

Jongdae put the glasses on and looked through the mirror. "What do you think?" Jongdae asked. 

"Looks nice," Baekhyun said and he meant it. The frames were electric blue and such a wild color that screamed  for attention, but it looked nice on Jongdae.

"You think so? I might just get it."

"You are?" Baekhyun couldn't stop himself from speaking out. 

Jongdae knew what Baekhyun was getting at and said, "Yeah. If they break, I can ask you since you're so good at it." They laughed for a few seconds before Jongdae's eyes landed on the pair of sunglasses in Baekhyun's hand. "You mind if I see that one?"

"No, not at all."

Baekhyun enjoyed the other's company while he restocked the sunglasses display. By the time he was done, his back and shoulders were aching terribly. He gave Jongdae one last look. Jongdae was wearing a pair of aviators and adjusting loose strands of his bangs that refused to leave his forehead alone. It was cute how Jongdae kept parting his bangs, only to have the hair fall back in place. Baekhyun was unaware of how obvious he was until Jongdae met his gaze through the mirror.

Jongdae frowned, "Does it look weird?"

"No, not at all! You look great! It looks great on you. It's a good look. Sorry."

"You know--" Jongdae began, but then realized Baekhyun was no longer paying him any attention.

Baekhyun quickly returned his focus to Jongdae, waiting to hear more. "You were saying?"

"We haven't been formally introduced," Jongdae said. He stuck out his hand, "My name's Kim Jongdae." Baekhyun remained kneeling on the floor, staring at Jongdae's hand. Jongdae's hadn't held out his hand in the way someone would when they merely wanted to shake hands; Jongdae's hand was tilted, prepared to grasp onto Baekhyun's own hand and pull him up. Baekhyun wasn't quite sure if he was ready for physical contact, especially remembering how he'd felt when their fingers brushed over a can of juice. But he didn't want to appear rude by leaving Jongdae hanging.

"Byun Baekhyun," Baekhyun tapped his nametag before taking Jongdae's hand, "but you probably already knew that." Jongdae's laughter made Baekhyun's heart flutter. It was safe for Baekhyun to call Jongdae by his first name now, not that Baekhyun had any reason to. And, not to mention, of all the encounters together, not once did Baekhyun catch a whiff of cigarette smoke on Jongdae. Baekhyun thought it was safe to assume Jongdae bought it for a friend. He was still trying to figure out who the pads were for.

Baekhyun was dreaming, lost in his own fantasy, admiring a beautiful man from across the counter. He enjoyed pretending Jongdae was sent by the heavens, especially once it dawned on Baekhyun that Jongdae would always approach him at the register. Of course, it could be mere coincidence that Jongdae finished his shopping at the right time when Baekhyun was open or his line shorter. 

"Would you feel weird if I called you by your name?" Jongdae asked, taking off the aviators. "You can call me by my name. If you ever need to."

"Yeah, yeah. I mean, we kind of know each other by now. Besides, it's better using our real names than--" Baekhyun clamped his mouth shut. Jongdae stared at him, waiting for him to continue. Baekhyun looked past Jongdae to where Chanyeol stood behind the cash register, eyeing them with a smirk. "I think he's calling me."

Baekhyun quickly walked past Jongdae, making sure to avoid bumping shoulders. He approached Chanyeol, "Help me. Please."

"You seem to be doing fine on your own."


Beads of sweat formed on Baekhyun's forehead as the customer continued shouting at him. Baekhyun was always nervous around aggressive people, particularly when they got physical. It was late and the man was one of three other customers in the store. His face had turned red from all the yelling and he looked ready to leap across the counter at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun was waiting for Kyungsoo to get Chanyeol to help solve the issue at hand. Chanyeol had a way of dealing with people, maybe he could come up with a solution to the nonsense. Chanyeol was bigger too. 

The man had a basketful of items that came up to 43,560 won. The only problem being he only had 40,000 won and three expired coupons, one only usable at a specific location despite being the same item, and the man refused to take out anything, claiming that Baekhyun had done it wrong. To show the man the only the total price would remain the same unless he removed some things, Baekhyun rang up the items a second and third time and scanned the coupons to demonstrate they were invalid. The man later said he would forgive Baekhyun's mistakes if Baekhyun would reduce the total price to 40,000 won.

Of course Baekhyun couldn't, and here Chanyeol finally arrived with Kyungsoo following close behind him. Baekhyun stepped to the side to allow Chanyeol to take over, but the customer pointed a finger at Baekhyun, calling him names and shouting obscenities.

"He should be fired! He can't even do his job!"

By Chanyeol's orders, Baekhyun scanned everything once more. He had never felt more humiliated in his life. He wanted to go home and hide, not stand there with five people watching him, his two co-workers and three customers, including the woman that Kyungsoo had to help on the other register, and Jongdae.

Oh God, Jongdae was there. Jongdae was watching. Jongdae was watching him.

By the time Baekhyun finished scanning everything, his palms and forehead were sweaty. He gestured to the total price -- 43,560 won. "It's the exact same as the first three times," Baekhyun sighed, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

"It's final, sir," Chanyeol said. "Either you remove items from your basket or pay the final price. Our Baekhyun is doing a perfectly good job. If you'd like to speak with out manager, I can call her and ask her to come here."

With a huff, the man tossed out two bags of chips and a box of pain relievers in front of Baekhyun, his eyes never leaving Chanyeol's. Chanyeol deducted the total price -- 30,350 won.

Kyungsoo was in the middle of helping Jongdae when Baekhyun hugged Chanyeol with a half-sob. Chanyeol gently patted Baekhyun's back, "It's past closing time, you can leave now. You did well tonight." Baekhyun shuffled away to the backroom.

Jongdae asked, "That was hella rude. Do you get a lot of customers like that?"

"More or less," Chanyeol answered as Kyungsoo bagged Jongdae's goods. Chanyeol waited until Jongdae left before he embraced Kyungsoo from behind. He rested his chin atop Kyungsoo's head while the other remained still. "You should have gotten me sooner."

"Baekhyun said he could handle it," Kyungsoo replied, feeling sorry.

Outside in his car, Jongdae spotted a familiar brunet walking out from the back door of the convenience store, hands stuffed in his coat pockets. Jongdae watched the brunet head to the nearest bus stop several yards down the street and sit alone on the bench.

Because of the customer earlier, the last bus of the night had already come and gone. Surely Baekhyun knew; why was he still waiting?

What if he offered Baekhyun a ride?

Jongdae remained in his car, waiting to see where Chanyeol and Kyungsoo would go. A few minutes later, the two stepped out the front door of the store. Kyungsoo noticed Jongdae's car while Chanyeol was locking up the store. Kyungsoo squinted his eyes and once Jongdae made eye contact, Jongdae waved.

"Hey, Pad Man is still here."


Jongdae exited his car and approached the two. "Baekhyun has no ride home. I was wondering if you guys could give him a ride."

"Where is he?" Chanyeol asked, but before Jongdae could respond, Kyungsoo said, "We're going to be late. Can you take him home for us?"

"But I'm a stranger," Jongdae said in surprise.

Kyungsoo continued, "But we know you're taking him, so if he turns missing, you'd be the number one suspect. In other words, you better take him home safely."

"Do you even know my name?"

"It's Pad Man." 

Chanyeol and Kyungsoo both gasped at Kyungsoo's little mistake. "You did not," Chanyeol whispered to his boyfriend. "Baekhyun's going to kill you."

Kyungsoo tugged Chanyeol's arm and the two took off, despite Jongdae's protests. Not wanting to intrude nor leave Baekhyun alone in the dark, Jongdae started his car and slowly rolled down the street, stopping just right before the bus stop where Baekhyun sat, his head hung low.

Jongdae rolled the passenger window down. "Baekhyun?"

At his name, Baekhyun glanced up. He was surprised to see Jongdae.

"Do you need a ride?"

Baekhyun shifted in his seat, his eyes avoiding Jongdae's. He gulped and cleared his throat, "N-No thanks. I'm waiting for the bus."

"There's no more bus tonight."

"Really?" Baekhyun forced himself to look back at Jongdae. He bit his bottom lip. He knew the last bus had arrived and gone, but he didn't want to take the taxi nor walk all the way home, nor did he want to catch a lift with someone, even if it was the wonderful Kim Jongdae. What if Jongdae was a murderer or something else? Could he trust Jongdae to know where he lived?

"If you don't want to it, it's fine."

"W-Wait." Baekhyun was on the edge of his seat. He clutched his bag against his chest, almost changing his mind. It would be too weird for a customer to take him home, particularly Jongdae because the man was gorgeous as hell and being in a car together that close... not to mention the humiliation Baekhyun experienced from earlier. How much Baekhyun wanted to fall into his bed and cry away his frustrations. The sooner the better, right? Baekhyun cleared his throat, "Umm, if you don't mind. It is kind of cold tonight."

"Yeah, of course. Get in," Jongdae unlocked the car door and Baekhyun quickly stepped inside. "Which direction should I take?"

"Just go straight. I'll tell you when. And umm, thank you, I'll give you a fare fee."

"Ah, don't worry about paying me. This ride is free of charge."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's the least I can do since you've dutifully helped me every week."

The music played softly in the background and Baekhyun was glad it was on because he wouldn't have been able to handle silence in the car. He kept quiet except when he had to instruct Jongdae which way to turn. Baekhyun hadn't realized how rigid his shoulders were, nor how he was just about ready to twist his fingers off. He steadied his breathing as the car rolled down the street. Baekhyun had wanted his own car, but after a few calculations he decided he was better off taking cheap public transportation. 

"You hot?" Jongdae's voice cut through the silence. He was heating up, but he wasn't sure how his passenger would handle him turning off the heater. 

"Umm, just a little."

"I'll turn it off for now then."

By the time they arrived at the front of Baekhyun's apartment complex, the cold had trapped itself within the car. Jongdae had been too nervous to ask Baekhyun and vice versa. When Baekhyun stepped out, he swore it felt warmer outside. He ducked down and peeked into the car, "Thank you again. I really appreciate it."

"It was my pleasure. Good night Baekhyun. We'll see each other again next week or so?"

"Yeah," Baekhyun smiled, "good night." He didn't dare voice his thoughts about how it sounded so much like Jongdae had driven him home from a date and their follow-up date was next week. Baekhyun merely waved and shut the door.

Jongdae quickly rolled down the window and said, "Hey Baekhyun, it might not mean much coming from me, but I think you you're doing a great job. Don't let people like that bring you down, okay?" Baekhyun smiled and nodded before heading up the stairwell.

Baekhyun usually disregarded compliments, mostly in part because he felt they were said out of pity and held no merit, but because it was Jongdae -- though Baekhyun didn't know why Jongdae's opinions mattered that much to him -- Baekhyun's spirits lifted.

If only the car ride wasn't so awkward.


"When do you guys stock on Valentine's gifts?" Jongdae questioned after setting his basket of goods down. "A lot of the other shops already have."

"We wait until February," Baekhyun replied, hoping Jongdae's question didn't imply that Jongdae was waiting to buy his girlfriend a present. It would super nice if Jongdae was single and interested in him because Baekhyun was totally single and more than interested in Jongdae.

"Tomorrow then?"


"You have any plans for Valentine's?"

"No, but I usually go out in April for the cheap food," Baekhyun said, feeling pathetic as soon as he said that. He wanted to drop a hint that he was single by adding a little humor, but after the words left his mouth he realized maybe he shouldn't have, but then the corners of Jongdae's eyes crinkled and his lips curled into a smile. Baekhyun felt better.

Jongdae laughed, "Me too! I used to go with my friends every year, but our number keeps dwindling."

Something danced within Baekhyun's chest. That meant Jongdae was single, right? Now all Baekhyun needed to know was if Jongdae was interested in guys.

"Where do you usually go?" Jongdae asked.

"Uhh, there's a corner restaurant down the street. Everything's half-priced that day."

Jongdae had no idea what place Baekhyun was referring to, but he nodded anyway. "Maybe we should go together when April rolls by." Once Jongdae laughed, Baekhyun joined in.

How contagious Pad Man's laughter was. Baekhyun wished he could record everything that came out of Jongdae's mouth so he could listen to Jongdae's voice over and over again. A picture would be nice as well. The thought of sneaking pictures of Pad Man in the past had crossed Baekhyun's mind multiple times, but he deemed it as disrespectful and rather creepy. He could only imagine how he'd feel if he and Jongdae were to switch places.

Baekhyun's laughter was cut short when Jongdae said, "So it's a date then?"

"What?" Baekhyun panicked.

Jongdae saw the expression on Baekhyun's face and realized he'd taken his joke a little too far. He cleared his throat, "I meant April 14, the date. I umm... if we're still single by then, then... we can both go together. You know. We don't even have to be single! We can just... go. Aha, thanks for tonight, I'll be going now, good night."

"Good night," Baekhyun said to Jongdae's back.

Kyungsoo appeared around the corner. He had been observing Baekhyun and Jongdae from where he was reorganizing the soda because apparently it was funny for some "customers" to walk in and grab something, only to put it away somewhere else and then leave empty-handed. "You say something to chase him off?"

"How pathetic do I look in your eyes?"

"Less than Chanyeol."

Baekhyun smiled and pulled Kyungsoo into a hug, "Aww, I love you too." Kyungsoo didn't push Baekhyun away; he stood there and let his friend embrace him because a hug was what he needed. "You must be tired," Baekhyun whispered when he felt Kyungsoo's arm around his waist.

"I am."

"Are you two still fighting?"

"I think we've reached that point where things will fall back together in a couple days, but it's a lil' iffy."


Baekhyun's heart raced a little when he saw Jongdae in the small section they reserved for the "special occasion" goods. Jongdae emerged from the section carrying a bouquet of chocolate roses. Baekhyun was rather confused because it seemed Jongdae had indicated he was as single as Baekhyun, but Jongdae was buying chocolate roses. It was tradition for women to give men chocolates, but the newer generation of people did whatever they felt like. Jongdae was probably going to give a lucky girl the roses while Baekhyun waited two more months for discounted food.

Four cans of coffee, the bouquet of chocolates, and seven packs of beef jerky. No pads. Baekhyun reached for the chocolate and before he could stop himself, blurted out, "Who's the lucky person?"

Jongdae looked confused for awhile before it dawned on him that Baekhyun was referring to the chocolate flowers, Jongdae hastily shook his head, "Ah, no. I'm buying these for my sister's friend, so that that friend could give it to her boyfriend."

At the mention of a sister, Baekhyun almost dropped the chocolates. Of course, if Jongdae didn't have a girlfriend, he was probably buying the pads for his sister! Baekhyun didn't think he would have the guts to go shopping alone for pads for his sister, if he had a sister. All the more reason to like Jongdae, no?

"That sounds a little complicated, why couldn't the friend just get it herself?" Baekhyun said. "I mean, I'm not trying to be rude, but... I don't know. Forget it. I didn't say anything."

"Well, actually," Jongdae said, then stopped. Baekhyun looked up for whatever was supposed to come after. Jongdae flashed a quick smile, but his lips remained closed. Jongdae had changed his mind and now Baekhyun was going to go insane because, call him crazy, but it sounded like what Jongdae wanted to say would be extremely important and the shy smile must have meant something.

Baekhyun bagged all of Jongdae's purchases and held the bags out to Jongdae, who took it with a thank-you, but remained standing in front of the counter. Finally, Jongdae said, "I guess it is a little complicating, but it was an excuse to see you. Good night, Baekhyun."

Baekhyun froze where he stood; speaking proved to be a challenge and all he was capable of was turning his head to follow Jongdae out the door. Once Jongdae exited, Baekhyun's knees betrayed him and he reached out for Kyungsoo for support. Their eyes met. "Please tell me you heard the same thing I did."

"Yeah, he was totally hitting on you. Now, please let go of me."

Baekhyun propped his elbows on the counter and he buried his face in his hands. He didn't know how to react. He couldn't even tell Jongdae "good night" like a proper, polite cashier.


Baekhyun didn't see Jongdae until a week later. Jongdae never usually arrived as early as he did that day and Baekhyun had been anxious waiting for the moment they would meet again. He tried keeping his cool from the moment Chanyeol signaled Jongdae's arrival and, excluding the frantic glances at Jongdae, Baekhyun managed to help the other customers while retaining his composure. That is, until Jongdae approached Baekhyun at the cash register and paid for his items. Actually, it would have been all right, but then Jongdae asked Baekhyun an unexpected question.

"Do you want to go out with me?"

Then Baekhyun replied with, "I'd love to, thanks for asking."

Everyone within earshot paused, including Baekhyun and Jongdae. His face and ears flushed hot, Baekhyun continued bagging Jongdae's items. He had never felt more embarrassed in his entire life. Why had he responded like that? What did he even say? What did Jongdae say?

Kyungsoo failed to suppress his grin as he handed his customer her receipt, "Thank you, have a lovely evening."

Baekhyun awkwardly tapped the screen to process Jongdae's transaction, wary of how many people were present.

Jongdae reached for his bags. "So, is that a yes?"

"Sorry?" Baekhyun's eyes flickered to Jongdae.

Jongdae chewed his bottom lip nervously. He hadn't expected that scenario to happen; it went a lot smoother in his head the night before. "Umm, d-did you want to go out? With me? Like on a... date? I-I didn't really understand your answer."

Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah, I'd love to. When and where did you have in mind?"

"Oh, great," Jongdae grinned. "Umm, what would you like to do?"

"I don't know, what did you want to do?"

"I don't know either."

Silence ensued between them as they pondered over what they could possibly do for a date. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were bewildered; why did Jongdae ask Baekhyun out if Jongdae had no idea what they were going to do for a date?

Baekhyun suggested, "We could always just get food."

"If that's what you want, I'm down for it."

Baekhyun laughed in embarrassment, "I don't know, it's up to you. You're the one who asked me out."

"I did, didn't I? Haha, umm..." Jongdae could feel himself starting to sweat. He wasn't oblivious to the looks Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were shooting them. It made Jongdae nervous, extremely. "Well," he eventually said, "I wasn't thinking of a date right this second. I imagined you saying 'yes' and then we would exchange numbers and make a plan from there."

"Oh, of course!" Baekhyun beamed. "That way we can think it over." Baekhyun withdrew his phone from his back pocket and fiddled with it before handing it over to Jongdae. Baekhyun had the widest smile on his face, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo thought they were staring at the sun itself. "Hey, can I... take your picture? For your contact profile."

"Only if I can take one of you."

"That would only be fair." 

After successfully capturing Jongdae's beautiful face with his phone, Baekhyun attempted his best smile, but he felt embarrassed when he realized people were watching them, and also because he generally shied away from having his picture taken. It didn't help when his friends kept jabbing at him with remarks like, "Aw, our Baekkie is so cute!" or, "Looks like he's getting his kindergarten picture taken!"

When Jongdae finally took off, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo laughed for what felt like minutes. Baekhyun made a face at his friends, "Stop laughing at me."

Kyungsoo recollected himself first at the sight of a pair of teenagers entering the store and he began tidying up the counter, "You're both so awkward and embarrassing, it's surreal."

Chanyeol s an arm over Kyungsoo's shoulders, "They're perfect for each other. It's not just Baek fumbling like an idiot, he's got a buddy now. I'm excited for Baekhyun's first date."

His face flushed, Baekhyun lightly kicked Chanyeol in the leg. "Actually, it's not. Did you forget how we first met?"

"That doesn't really count."

"And you say we're the awkward ones," Baekhyun tsked, a smile still spread across his face as he stared at Jongdae's picture.

Baekhyun didn't care that Chanyeol and Kyungsoo hooked up on his supposed date with Kyungsoo. There was no real attraction between Kyungsoo and Baekhyun, none romantically at least. What had especially thrown Kyungsoo off that evening was that his blind date had tagged a friend along. It was debated between the three whether that evening counted as a date or not.

Baekhyun didn't. As far as he was concerned, his first date would be with Jongdae. 

What their first date would actually be, Baekhyun had no idea and apparently Jongdae didn't either.



Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it ^^

Oh my god, I love Baekhyun so much. He brings so much sunshine into my life, I hope he does for you as well and if not him specifically, then someone, anyone. It's been a good 3 years since I became an EXO-L and despite what I say/joke about, I don't regret the journey because they bring so much joy into my life.  I'm grateful for Baekhyun's existence and that we're co-existing in the same timeline lol it's truly a blessing. His voice too, oh my god, it was one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard back in 2012, still is. I'm so proud of him and his accomplishments and that he's able to become a singer and share his voice and talents with us all. I hope him a well and happy life, full of the smiles and laughter he's giving us now. I want to reciprocate it all back to him because he deserves to know just exactly how it feels 

-160505 (thursday) (aka baekhyun's birthday in kst lol)

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Abbll16 #1
Chapter 1: This was seriously so cute. Great job! :))
Chapter 1: Omg Please write a Sequel or Jongdaes POV!! This is so goood! *-*
Chapter 1: this was adorable, omfg

thank you for writing this, I enjoyed it so much, hahaha!!
camie05 #4
Chapter 1: Too cute!!!!!!!
elainechick #5
Chapter 1: i love all the things lskdjflskjdflksjdf your little message at the end is so cute <3
Rikasan #6
They are so awkwardly cute ^_^ great story!!
berryberrystrawberry #7
Your stories are always amazing!!
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW this is so cute!!!!! <3