Letters To You

Letters To You

                         “Letters To You”

I always knew that my neighbor, Kim Kibum; is a kind hearted person. He often came to my house to make sure that I’m okay. He will always came to me when he has a problem with his mates in SHINee. Oh yeah. Did I tell you that he’s in a boyband named SHINee? Well, he is! Yes, my neighbor is the almighty KEY. He’s not really a DIVA in his real life. Just plain old Kibum. Who happens to be my best “friend” for the past fifteen years. I am rich. SURE. But I was lonely, and sad. That’s why I’m lucky for having Kibum around. He is my first, and the last friend. I am not too good with “friends” you see. Let’s just say that I’m your worst nightmare. Like I said, Key is my only friend. That’s why he’s inviting me for his bday party.

        “Rosie-ah!” He called me.

I open my bedroom’s window and found him waving to me from his room. Yes, our room is facing each other.

         “Oppa?” I replied.

He grins at me, and then he showed me a written paper.

 It says : “ will you come to my birthday party?”

I raised my eyebrow. Key’s inviting me to his birthday ? Why would he do that? I mean, he’s famous now. So why bother?

        “S-sure. I guess?” I wrote back.

He looks disappointed.

Quickly, he wrote another message.

        “You guess? Aigoo, you hate me ;A;” he wrote.

I shook my head with a giggle. Hate him? Not possible. I love him. I love him so much! WTF, he is my bias in SHINee.

       “AM NOT! Okay, okay I’m going ^^” I wrote back.

He’s dancing around and shaped a “heart” sign.  I giggles. Just when I was about to turn around, my phone vibrated and it was Key who is calling me.

I smiled.

        “R~O~S~I~E~~~!!!” He sang.

I chuckled.

        “Kibum oppa~ why aren’t u in your dorm?”

         “WAE~? You want me away?” he whines.

         “OMO. Oppa! It’s not that! Don’t you know that I miss you so much?” I said to him. It sounded like I’m going to cry anytime soon. Yes, I am going to cry. Because of what? Of course because of him. I’m crushing Key for some time now, and the fact that he always away just makes me sad.

        “ I know. I’m sorry, Rosie-ah. For leaving you.” He replied.

I sighed, and nodded.

         “Look, uhm… oppa. I’m going to sleep now. See you tomorrow.” And then I hung up.

The nest day is Key’s birthday. I was hoping to surprise him with a moning call, but his handphone is silent. I try to go to his house, but he was not there. Instead, it was his mom.

       “Rosie-ah.” His mom greeted me.

I bowed.

       “It’s been awhile Mrs.Kim…”

        “Aigoo, you’ve grown so much! What brings you here , dear?” she smiles.

       “Uhm.. sorry to bother you, have you seen Kibum oppa?” I asked.

Her face darkened, and she suddenly cried.

      “I’m sorry to tell you this, Rosie-ah. Kibum is dead. Just last night.”

Her words made my heart sunk. Key’s dead? But yesterday he is perfectly fine! He’s talking to me!!! He.., he can’t do this! I love him so much. Why did he leave me? I even didn’t get to say goodbye…. My tears started to fall violently. My body is trembling. I cant even feel my feet anymore. My eyes were blurred with tears. Eventually, Key’s mom held me tight and she pulls me to the house and to Key’s room.

    “Before he got the accident, he wrote this letter for you.” She said , handing me the letter.

I take it while tears still on my face.

      “Thank you Rosie-ah, for being on Key’s side when he’s still alive. He loves you so much.” His mom told me with a smile. I look at her with tears falling.

       “I’m sorry…” I said weakly.

She shook her head, and then he pats my hair.

       “It’s okay, Rosie-ah. You can cry..” she told me.

And I did.

       “I never get the chance to say ‘I love you’ to him… I love him. I love him so much…” I cried.

Mrs.Kim pats my head and give me a hug.

When I got home, I went straight to my room and opens Key’s letter for me.

It says:

Dear Rosie,

I’m writing this to you because I wanted to let you know that I feel lucky for being your friend, and the person that you leaned on for the past fifteen years. You know that I treasure you the most , right? I’m sorry for always leaving you like this. But believe me Rosie-ah, I never meant to hurt you. The reason that I like music in the first place is because of you. And the reason that I debuted, is also because of you. You are my sunshine , my lead. Without you, I’m so lost. I know that I’m not really a good friend to you. I’m not there when ever you are sad, and you always there whenever I need you. I’m sorry. I really am. But I just wanted to know that I always love you. Always remember me whenever you sad, or depressed. I will always be there for you. I’m always in your heart.

I love you so much, Rosie.


With love,

Kim Kibum. “

Tears are falling on my palms. I cried. And I cried. If he love me, why did he leave me forever?

I just…

I love him so much.

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sorry for making Key dead T^T
RiCa1826 #2
Aw..... :'[<br />
<br />
Is so sad -sniffles-
hehe thank u ^^~ yes, he died~ sorry key TT^TT
jongkeyismylife #4
wow...key...dead? <br />
i nearly cried..seriously..the letter is very touching..TT