
Made of Steel

Two days. 

It had been two days since the incident.

The only thing that was keeping Jung Eunha alive for the second day was a pack of snacks which she stole from Sooyoung's bad earlier. Don't think her as a bad person, she was about to apologize to Sooyoung but at the current situation, it seemed impossible. She slept through the entire first day. She felt thirsty right now and was dry, as if the whole 20% of water inside her body had evaporated. How could she still stay alive after everything, she questioned herself. Was it because of her luckiness or wisdom? Whatever, she was just glad that she could still see the sky again. Eunha was still lying on the ground of the messed up bedroom which the robot left two days ago, she hadn't moved even just an inch. She was woken up by the birds, chirping outside the window. Nice voice, what a fresh way to be woken up in the morning, she wished she woke up like this everyday instead of listening to her next door teammate or Wen Junhui kicking the door and yelling like the end of the world.

Now not only feeling thirsty, she felt like going to the bathroom. Eunha finally managed to get up from the cold floor and stretched her shoulders. "Ugh..." She then combed her messy hair with her fingers. Right, she hadn't taken a shower yet and the clothes she was wearing had a stinky smell, make it to the bathroom would solve everything, she bet. And she also wondered if the owner of the mansion left everything back or not because she could find some canned food, hope they weren't out of date, some clothes to wear, if rats teared some parts apart with their teeh then that would be no problem as well. She just needed some supplies right now. "And more important, new weapons..." Yeah, she definitely needed a weapon especially when she couldn't contact Wonwoo, Jeonghan or any of her teammates anymore. She then remembered Junhui's face and everyone back at the camp. Eunha missed them a bit but she wouldn't cry, she wouldn't let herself go overboard with the poor thoughts and homesick. Instead, she kept her hope high, believing that she would make it home and had to be fast so they wouldn't worry about her. They must be freaked out after the whole team came back without her, huh? Especially Wen Junhui, of course. That idiot.

And... she did wonder if Sooyoung was ok. How about Captain Wonwoo? Was... Was he disappointed in her? She told him to trust her and that she would kill all the robots, that she would catch up with them later but look at her right now. Her shoes were dirty and she only had a gun with two bullets left, how would she survive? The only meal she had was a super light breakfast with a pack of snacks, she wouldn't have enough strength to run from this city to the camp in 5 hours and she didn't even remember the way to go back home. All she remembered was the trees, Wonwoo's backpack because she was likely to burry her face into his backpack when the members said they thought they spotted some cameras. Wait! The cameras! How could she forgot?! If she wandered around the forest like an idiot, didn't know which way to come home and stuck for hours then those hours could be enough for the enemy to arrive in time and capture her. 

Awesome, Eunha's life was totally ruined now. The only thing she could do right now was to shut down the server somewhere in this huge city. But first... damn it, canned food had to be her priority. 

Eunha stepped down the stairs, dusty, dirty and old. Like those creepy stories the old members told her when she was younger. However at their generation, ghosts weren't the problems anymore. Everyone moved around, checking every directions to see if there were any robots out there. Eunha made her way to the kitchen on the first floor but everything wasn't like what she expected. The cupboards were burst opened, there was really canned food but it looked like someone found this place before her and had eaten all of them... "EFF!" She yelled, hands into fist and turned back furiously. Hot-headed wasn't the right trait for her, however. 

But then Eunha noticed a white door under the stairs and she got curious. It probably leaded to a basement. She had checked all the rooms before, there were clothes and everything she needed but she hadn't touched them yet. Well, what about this secret room? She stepped lightly towards the door and somehow, she kind of felt... anxious. It could be a robot hiding inside but that would be cool, she would punch it in the face and then stole its weapon. It could be a maniac but she, well, shad had a gun so she would be able to take them down first anyway. With that thought, Eunha immediately took her gun out and enterd the basment.

It was darkness that surrounded her and the dust as well, they flew everywhere and Eunha coughed. She wanted to curse so bad and she had to cover with her hand. "I wish we had electricity here, it's so dark! And smells like Junhui's socks." The girl complained but no matter how much she hated this place, she had no other choice to use the flashlight inside her backpack and shine it at the things around the room. Well, old shelves, old papers, old tools... but really, she could use some of those heavy tools to throw at the robots and leave them a pretty painful damage. She walked through the huge shelves and almost hurt her neck when she looked up at the high shelves. Damn, she didn't know how they did it but they did it and this room looked like a huge library room you usually see in those Victorian era movies, or a royal princess' favorite library to come to, huge and colorful and beautiful but this place was just a wreck, old, dusty... But then Eunha saw a huge and luxurious chandelier hanging on the ceilings when she shined her flashlight at it. She wondered how beautiful it could get if there was still electricity here. 

After a few minutes wandering around the room, she reached the end but then she saw a light switch. It would be useless to switch it because she was sure as heck there was no electricity in the city, don't even mention the mansion. What if miracle happened again, like yesterday? "Really Eunha? You know that this is going to be useless, don't you?" She doubted herself but then shrugged and switched the switch and then suddenly, the whole place brighten up with the chandelier's light, of course and Eunha jolted. "My god.." She blinked several times, is this for real? She thought there was no electricity in the city?! How came..? Eunha then saw a figure on a couch not far from her place. Oh my god, it was a human!

"HEY!" She called out, kinda worried but excited at the same time as she rushed over their place. It was a guy, broad shoulders lying peacefully on the couch with his eyes closed, a tall nose, nice eyebrows and his legs were pretty long... He seemed to be around twenties. "Hey.." She kneeled down beside the couch and tapped lightly on his shoulder. Woa, the boy was even more handsome upclose. However, her heart did not beat fast because of the handsome face. The guy didn't move and Eunha bit her bottom lip nervously. She shook his body again but still, no response. Was he sleeping or... dead? "Hey, hey, hey!" Eunha shook him repeatedly but he didn't move. She looked around to find the charger next to the couch. There was a wire charger. Eunha followed the wire charger to the guy on the couch and... it was plugged into his arm. "Wha-" She immediately stood up. "A charger?! He is not a human!" 

. She wanted to scream. 

He could be an android and was in charging, or he could be the newest version of robots. There were many things Eunha didn't know and she wasn't ready to find out as well. For example, this. She could have just waken up a killing machine, who knew, really? Eunha swallowed her saliva and was about to turn away but then... the thing opened his eyes. 

Brown pupils were revealed slowly as he opened his eyelids. Those tired eyes blinked a few times and then moved over to find her dark brown eyes. Eunha froze, she couldn't move. She wasn't afraid, she was just... couldn't move. They locked eyes for a few moments and she couldn't hear anything else besides the powerful scream of the silence. His eyes widened and blinked one more time. 

"Master Bona–" "AHHHHHHHHHH– Hah?!" Eunha screamed and covered her ears with her hands the moment he opened his mouth, she was kinda scared by then but she soon realized that he was saying something rather than being the newest version of killing machines that could shoot laser out of his mouth and kill her right away like in her imagination. It was saying something! Eunha slowly put her trembling hands down as she looked into the guy's hazel brown eyes. "Wha–"

"You are not Bona." The guy spoke and there was nothing she felt in his voice. Not sarcastic like Junhui, scary like Wonwoo or warm like Jeonghan, just... emotionless, like a robot. "You are not Bona... Are you Master Bona's friend?" The guy asked. 

Eunha stood there, dumbfounded. She was scared for a few seconds but then there was no time for being a little bunny. Plus, she had always been a bold girl so she showed a cold expression on her face. She opened after a few seconds. "Who is Bona? Is she your master?" She assumed.

"She is." He nodded. "Is she outside? Are you with her? You two are back from the war?" His eyes widened even more as he kept throwing at her questions about the Bona person and Eunha stepped back a step. "No, no, no– I don't know who is that nor what you are talking about." She felt bad for him but she was telling him the truth and she didn't even know what the heck was happening with her, playing nice with an enemy. 

"You don't know Master Bona?" Those hazel brown eyes looked at her with disappointment and he stood up from the couch. Tall, he was really tall and he looked down at her. Eunha stepped back one more step and was prepared to punch him if he hurt her. "Who are you? What are you doing here? Where's everyone else?" He asked her, looked like he was afraid as well.

"Who are YOU?" Eunha snapped back at him. "WHAT are YOU? An android?" Must be an android because robots couldn't make themselves look like humans, yet. She was pretty sure of that thought. 

"I-I" The guy hesitated. "I am. But I'm not like any of them." He bit his bottom lips and a sad look clouded over his face. Eunha widened her eyes and took the backpack behind her back down, slowly zipping it and searched for her gun as she watched the android's look. "You are not any of them but you are an android? Do you think you can trick me?" 

"What do you mean? Don't you see it, they are killing us androids everywhere!" The guy widened his eyes at her words and she rolled her eyes. "Don't know how long have you been lying on that couch but you androids are now a part of them. Hate humans, kill humans and I am warning you, if you touch me, you will end up not really good." 

"How long... How long? H-How long have I been lying on that couch...?" He mumbled and then suddenly, the android rushed outside like a wind. 

"Eh??" Eunha quickly put her backpack on and followed after the android as she called out for him. "Hey hey hey! Wait for me!" She had no idea why she was following the android, she should just let it run away and die and just find her way back to home but... She was chasing after him like an idiot, afraid that something would happen to him. Was she being ridiculous? It was just an android, it wouldn't be able to feel anything anway... And it was strong enough to kill its own specy or an animal, even a human, right? So why was she worrying? 

Perhaps because he looked really... innocent? He didn't know what happened, probably. 

"Hey!" Eunha finally caught up with him and he was standing in front of the huge gate, he didn't move. He just stared at the outside where the old, broken buildings and houses were everywhere. Eunha figured out he was in shock and if he had no idea about what happened outside like this then... 

How long had he been inside? Did he actually just sleep through all of those years? More importantly, why was there electricity? 

She slowly approached the android and she did feel bad for him so she didn't say anything. 

Still, the android didn't move.

Eunha swallowed, he must have heard her footsteps approaching, though. So she only stood there, join the silence with him until the android spoke. "How... How long have I been lying on that couch? How long, how long has it been?" 

"Uh.... How the hell am I supposed to know?" Eunha raised her eyebrows and shrugged. "Were you sleeping after all of this time? Like, do you remember what happened before you slept?" She kind of felt worried for him, too. Poor android, must had been really messed up inside waking up in such a confused situation. 

"The current year is... 2800." He slowly turned back to face her and Eunha saw the troubling look on his face. "Was 2800? It's... it's, no that's like over 100 years and it's 2931 now! Jesus, have you been sleeping for that long?!" 

"To stay safe... To hide from the robots and wait until Master Bona comes..." The android spoke and his face looked terrified. Eunha had never been in any situation or seen something like this before. His face... his face actually had emotions and that was kind of scary but his story was interesting to her. Eunha narrowed her eyes as she asked him, "Why are you hiding from them? You said that they killed the androids but I don't understand? I mean, I can't understand!"

"They were everywhere before we knew it. The first few months, the first times the robots fought back, Bona's father was hurt by the robots. Soon, we presumed something bad would happen and the next days, there were troubles with the robots everywhere. That was it until one day, my master's family received a call, saying that we must hide because the robots were rising and killing every single humans on the streets. The androids who protected their masters were killed as well and before we knew it, the robots were already attacking the neighborhood. Bona's parents quickly to pack their stuff along with the maids to prepare to run away but when I was helping Bona packing her stuff, the robots burst in and shot many of the maids down. I figured out bedroom wouldn't be a good place to hide so I took her downstairs to the basement." Brilliant, bedroom was never a good place to hide, Eunha could actually see that. She felt stupid for choosing to hide in the bedroom but wouldn't tell him anyway... She then continued to listen to him. "I killed a few of the robots on the way down to the basement, they were everywhere and they were mainly looking for Bona's parents. I could hear them discussing and when we got down there, I was almost out of battery. Us androids need that sort of energy to work, too, like how humans need food." Eunha nodded at that. 

"And I stayed with her down the basement for a few days. Bona was crying, she kept calling my name and her parents' names, she couldn't stop crying. She said she had to go out and stop the robots. I stopped her but she was too stubborn, she just wouldn't listen to me." Suddenly, he stopped. 

"You had to stay and needed to be charged." Eunha continued his story even though she wasn't sure about it but that must be what happened, right? "And then she must had done something with your system and settings, set a long sleep for you until somebody come and wake you up."

"She promised when I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was her smile and the first thing I heard was the birds chirping outside, singing the song of peace..." Said the android with his dead hazel brown eyes staring up at the grey sky.

Eunha felt bad for him. He was there, before the war started and he wished he could help but he was too late. His master died, leaving him alone with a hopeless promise that Eunha was pretty sure even that Bona girl knew she couldn't keep the promise. And seriously, who would leave their android sleeping for years? What if he never woke up, wouldn't it be a terrible ending to the android's life? What if he had a long dream, a bad one would be good but if he met a bad one and it never ended? If Eunha owned one, she would bring it along with her until the end of her life or something, and what the hell was she just thinking about right now? Was she actually worrying about that android, the android that had no feelings and only knew how to be loyal due to its program? And could androids even dream? 

She scoffed at him and the android blinked at her. "Your master was such a sweet little girl." Eunha knew she was acting like a really mean girl but she couldn't help it. It was the enemy who she was talking to. Well, at least she saw him as a friendly enemy for now... Still, an enemy was an enemy and he could kill her anytime as well. 

"I'm sorry that I broke her promise. You know, being the one to wake you up instead of her." 

And then there was a cool wind blew through their hair, Eunha could feel the cold slightly slapped her face. The sky was always grey, at least during these days. It was going to rain soon, everyone assumed. Sometimes Eunha thought it wasn't because the rain was coming, perhaps it was because the gloomy air around them that made the sky looked more sad than usual. Or air pollution, a serious problem that humans were trying to solve even before the war started. Not long ago, the robots announced that they would help to bring clear air and beautiful natural back to Earth if humans agreed to cooperate but only idiots would do that. No things such as peace here, robots agreed to let humans live with them already sounded like a bad daydream. And no matter how many times she thought about the current situation she was in, Eunha never thought humanity was out of hope. The Butterfly was the only hope. They did not fight back on the surface and declared war like the gorvernment and military, no, not gonna use guns and bombs against those robots because the robots and their tactics would probably be better then theirs. They did not make friends with the enemy even if that was a good idea but let's face it, that solution also sounded like a deadly daydream and at the end, The Butterfly told themselves that they would end the war in the most clever way ever. One, the servers, they had to find the servers but not going to be easy. Two, use robots against robots, androids against androids. Three, destroy the gorvernment, make friends with The Ladybug to trick the robots but at the end, kill all of the robots. And four... still empty. 

At least they were following their first solution for now and it actually just started a few days ago, beginning with Jeon Wonwoo's very original and new group. Talking about the servers... That was it! Eunha then hit her head with her own fist. "Of course there is electricity in this city! That's why the server is there and the robots are active...! The people here must turned down all the lights so the robots wouldn't know that they needed server to active themselves and their intelligence and in order for the server to stay active, there must be electricity! But the question is.. Where is the server?" 

"...The server...?"

Eunha then looked at the android in front of her. 




"Androids and robots need servers to active themselves and their intelligence?" The android in front of her blinked. "And you are... going to turn it off?" 

"NO!" Eunha yelled. That was it, why was she so stupid?! She just spit out the only way to kill those killing machines to A POSSIBLY KILLING MACHINE. If he told the robots, her life would be over. Not only her life but the lives of everyone else. She would be the killer of her own humanity! "No no no no no, listen, ancient android– You are trying to be smart but you are not, that wasn't what I meant at all." Pfft, he was being very intelligent, actually. 

"....Do you hate me?" 

Suddenly, Eunha felt captured by those hazel brown eyes. Beautiful pair of eyes, piercing through her soul in a painless way. "We are meant to hate each other. If I ever meet an android, I have to kill it." Immediately, she avoided those eyes which had a hint of sadness. Strange enough, everytime she looked at an android's eyes, she never felt anything. Even if they asked her for mercy with a sincere look, she just couldn't see any of a human inside them. 

Unlike this android. Strange, so strange, she felt something when she looked at those eyes, as if she understood and heard a human. But he was just a piece of junk, wasn't he? Would always be. "You have to move on from the past already, you can never do anything to melt a human's heart anymore, metal." She shoved her hands inside her pants' pockets. 

"My name is Kim Mingyu, not metal." Said the android and to be quite honest, Eunha was taken back. "I'm Jung Eunha. I mean– Wow, you know how to be sassy?" She smirked, not a sarcastic one, a one that actually showed she was interested and really liked what she was seeing right now. 

"No, I-I'm not sassy! Please don't take it wrong.." The android held his own hands tightly. Woa, was he... was he afraid that she would get the wrong idea? What wrong idea, did he not want her to hate him? Eunha slightly chuckled at that and he stared at her with a confused look. "Jesus! I don't know what generation you were in but that line is like, a funny answer! I like it." She then punched his broad chest lightly but Eunha never did anything lightly so she punched a little more strong and she forgot that he was actually made of metal. "Ouch!" Eunha let out a painful scream and protected her skinny hand while biting her lips hard, trying her best not to let out any cursing sounds. 

"Miss?!" The android quickly grabbed her hurting hand in his hands and started to rub those red fingers as he asked her worriedly. "Are you alright?! I'm so sorry..." He said, making a guilty face as he blew her fingers. 

A red rose bloomed, somewhere, inside a person's heart. 

"HEY!" Eunha yelled as she took her hand back. "Are you crazy?! Don't touch me!" She glared at him, please tell god that she would be very thankful if he let her die right now because her face was hot and she was 100% sure that she was blushing, didn't know how red her face was, though. That action the android just did was what her father used to do to her. Only him and... it was kind of surprising to be treated like that again. She felt like a little girl and certainly didn't want to be treated like one. Eunha rolled her eyes so that she could avoid his eyes as she hissed. "Didn't know how did that Master Bona raised you but she was horrible."

"She didn't raise me." He rubbed his hands. "I raised her." The android smiled gently as he re-called those old memories. "But I-I am so sorry for hurting your hand–"

"Don't apologise." Eunha turned away and crossed her arms together. "It was my fault. People who always apologising are a pain in the . Annoying and cowardly. Well, I'm pretty sure that was how most of you androids were like before the new program turned you all into cold-blooded trash, guess I do prefer androids like you...." She then hesitated a little before continued, Eunha wasn't sure whether she should speak what she thought or not because they might be cheesy and she didn't want to have anything with the android but oh well, screw it, right? He was gonna die in her arms anyway, he knew to much so Eunha turned back to face him and shrugged. "Never met the original version of android like you. Kinda feel surprised and moved.

But I have to kill you." 

"...." The android widened his eyes but her eyes were still sharp. She did feel bad.... But, she had no choice. He knew too much and he could betray her. Nobody trust an enemy after all. "Listen, I can not let you go as well because you are going to tell the robots about the servers and seriously, that plan is our last hope. I won't let my race down just because of a nice piece of metal." 

"I'm not metal, I am but I am Kim Mingyu. I am not like one of them... I trust you, I trust the humanity." He stated, firmly. She narrowed her eyes. As if he understood that she didn't get his words at all, he continued. "They took the most important person in my life away, how can I trust them? How can I be nice to them? Even if she is in heaven right now, I will not give up my loyalty on her. Bona trusted me, I trusted her, I trusted everyone around her. The humans, they were nice, they treated us well, Bona treated me well, how can I do such a stupid thing to bring her down? Even if they destroy me, I will never do such a thing to destroy humans' happiness. I want to see their smile as well! I.... I-I want Bona to smile, even if I-I can't see it." The android suttered. 

Jung Eunha widened her eyes, this android was full of surprises. She seriously was having mixed emotions and thoughts. Still, that couldn't make her comepletely trust him... Almost there, though. "How do I know that you won't betray me?" She didn't believe what she just said, either. However, the android was smiling at her, he looked relieved somehow. "Of course you know! I accept that fact that I was created to help humans and thus, you just helped me waking up from my probably never ending dream, also since Bona isn't here anymore... I, I only have you." He then looked down like he wanted to avoid her eyes. 

Eunha blinked but then chuckled. "Oh, so you are saying that I have to be responsible because I am The Prince to your Sleeping Beauty?" As she expected, the android looked up at her with confused eyes, he didn't want her to hate him! "That was a joke. Well, I guess we can stick together for a little while? I don't know how to survive alone out there and you are an android, you can act like one of them and deceive them and we can make it home together. Wait... That's right, home... Uh... home." Eunha was talking in a confident tone but then she slowly lost it. "That's right, home. You don't have a home to go to. I mean, this is your home." 

"...." The android stayed silent for a few moments but then shrugged. "I'm fine, I can pretend to be one of you as well! I can go with you, I don't want to live alone in this mansion... I need someone to talk to." 

"Are you sure about this? I may be the least person you want to talk to, sometimes." She pointed at herself, gotta admit it... That was the truth. However, the android shook his head and then nodded, like a little innocent kid. "I'm sure! I can help you take down the robots as well!" 

Jung Eunha pursed her lips but then those dry lips gave him a small smile. "Normally I'm not like this but Iron Boy, I'll let you come with me for a while." 

"....Yes!" The android grinned. "Oh, by the way, it's Kim Mingyu!" 

"Whatever, let's take your charger with us and take some useful stuff." Kim Mingyu, hm? Pretty nice to meet you, Iron Boy.



Even so, Eunha kept her distance with the android. Mingyu didn't really notice it, though, he was walking around with sad eyes as he gazed up at the dark colored scenes. Eunha saw his troubling look but she couldn't find a word to talk about it, maybe she could help to make him feel better? Androids 100 years ago were really nice, weren't they? It was still new for her to see such a kind android like him. She linked her fingers together as she took a deep breath. "Scared?" She asked the android.

"...Yeah." He mumbled, he still couldn't take his eyes off the old buildings. "I missed a lot of things. So much happened..."

"No one will blame you for that. Say, androids don't have feelings, do they? I heard everyone say so but when I saw how sad you looked when you talked about your master... I was surprised. Androids nowadays are re-programmed, they are all cruel and evil." She spoke without thinking, totally exposing her true feelings right now. "I even thought that you would cry! But then, ah, I'm so stupid, how do you cry?" 

"Cry...? I know what crying is. Master Bona cried a lot." 

"I know. But you don't know how to cry." 

"A boy is not allowed to cry, is he?" 

"Robots and androids can not cry, can they?" Eunha snapped right back at him and Mingyu was lost for words. She grinned, a victorious grin. "Told you, I may be the least person you want to talk to." 

"If you know that already then why are you keeping on telling me that you are the least person I want to talk to?" He asked bluntly and this time, it was Eunha was that lost for words. She scratched her head and narrowed her eyes, trying to find an answer and Mingyu continued. "Is it because you are worrying I might feel sad so you have to say that to make me feel like I shouldn't care about your words?" 

"....?!" Eunha gave him a terrific look. "Oh my god, what did they put into your mind? This is a nightmare." She then grumbled and walked even faster. Mingyu couldn't know what was that reaction about, though. He though she was mad but in reality, the girl was just blushing so hard that she didn't want him to see. The way he said, it was like he was trying to say that she cared about him. Eunha let out an "Ugh" as she walked faster, despite the fact that Kim Mingyu was calling out for her. "By the way, if we find out the server and turn it off, wouldn't that mean you will stop staying active?"

"I don't think that would apply to androids." Said Mingyu. "Earlier, you said that androids had been programmed again by the robots, right?" Wow, did she? She did, she must did. "Plus, androids can't have the ability like robots and they only know how to listen to their masters, they don't know how to betray them. The same goes to these androids right now, they can't betray the robots—their masters, androids were naturally nice but the robots had to change them into cruel machines to match their ideal army, which is why I don't think androids will be affected by the whole server thing." 

"Hm... Impressive." Eunha nodded, she agreed with the android. "Well, let's just find some food first, I'm so hungry." 

"Huh? Hungry?"

"Hello, I'm a human." She waved at him and spoke with a sarcastic tone. 

And what's going to happen next? Find out in the enxt chapter! ^^ Sorry it's such a cliffhanger and this chapter is kinda short, I have to re-write everything actually TT And I'm too lazy to type down the whole chapter again so the second part will be cut to the next chapter. Please subscribe and comment to support me!

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aishuish #1
Chapter 2: please upateee
Jung_YongRa #2
Chapter 2: Woah this story is really interesting *o* update soon pleasee<3
Chapter 2: I like your story. Nice plot so far. No pressure but hope you'll update soon. :)
Quandcry #4

Your writing style is neat and the storyline sounds like the one from light novels or sort of to be honest. I'm looking forward to the first chapter!

And, some Jun/Tzuyu moment (ok im sorry i ship these two so much) coughs, if there's any, I'm gonna looking forward to it.

Sci-fi and mecha aren't that common to be used as Kpop ff genre so I'll definitely look forward to this.

Keep writing!