008 ; green and yellow

Annyeong, I Adore You!

Soonyoung x Jisoo
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(note: hogwarts!au)

The lad smiled cheekily as he cradled his newly-bought honeydukes sweets in his arms. He has been looking forward to this Hogsmeade trip for weeks now. Well, the pastries they have at Hogwarts were good but only Honeydukes' treats can satisfy his sweet tooth.

He was humming to himself as skipped his way to Dervish and  Banges to meet Seokmin (the lad broke another one of his Zonko's toys again and he doubts that it can still be repaired) but halted when he tripped over and fell on his face, dropping all his beloved treats on the pavement.

Guess he has to go back and buy more.

Grunting, he stood up and found out he didn't trip on his own feet but rather, he was tripped by a cat. He hissed. He was never fond of animals.

"Oh my!" A lady, in which he assumed was his age or older, rushed to it and took it in her arms before turning to him. He was stunned. She was breathtakingly beautiful. "I'm so sorry about Linda, she tends to wander off when I'm not looking."

And she's also from Slytherin. Thankfully he isn't from Gryffindor or they'll both have problems; Hufflepuffs are known to be friends with anyone no matter what house they're from.

He blinked. "That thing has a name?"

The girl blinked as well and it only occurred to him now how offensive his statement was. "Oh no, I didn't mean it that way I-"

The girl chuckled and waved her hand dismissively. "Don't worry, it's alright. Yes, she has a name. Linda is spanish for pretty."


"I'm really sorry," She repeated, a look of worry etched on her face. "I hope you didn't break anything..."

"Well my lollipops and all those crystallized sugar but they're pretty much bad for me so I guess you kind of saved me?" He said, stretching his hand out for a handshake. "My name's Soonyoung, by the way. Third year."

"Jisoo, fifth year." She took his hand and shook it lightly before releasing it and going back to her pet. "Are you that... Kwon Soonyoung? Hufflepuff quidditch team seeker?"

He knew her. He tried to keep his happiness intact, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of his new friend. "A-Ah, yeah... I guess you watch the games a lot?"

"Not really, but my best friend's on the team. You probably know him he's-" A male voice calling her from somewhere disrupted her talk and she looked at him apologetically for the umpteenth time. "I have to go. I'm really sorry again."

She waved at him and walked off the opposite direction, and he wished they had more time to talk to each other.

"There you are!"

His friends approached him and gave him noogies for ditching them, again. "Let's count on Kwon Soonyoung to always bail out on us, hmm?"

"Cut it out Seokmin, I didn't bail." He retorted, breaking free from his friend's grasp. "There was just a situation-"

"Uhuh, we saw. Seo Jisoo? From the Slytherin house? Man, I knew you were a daredevil but I didn't know you were that bold," Seungkwan said. "Most guys are afraid to talk to her you know."

"And why is that?"

"You honestly don't know?" He looked at Seokmin, confused and a little bit lost. "Well mate, she happens to be Lee Jihoon's best and only friend."

Seungkwan snorted at the term Seokmin used. "'Only friend' is right, that guy doesn't talk to anyone else."

Bloody hell. Did he just develop a crush on someone who is out of bounds? 

"What's got Soonyoung so sulky?"

He snapped out of his daze and looked up to his friends who were all giving him anxious faces. He suddenly realized he hasn't eaten anything for the past thirty minutes and has only been poking his food with his fork. 

"Unrequited love~"

Seokmin dodged a crumpled table napkin as it flew to his direction. "Shut up Seokmin."

"Love? Hyung's in love?" Chan asked, leaning forward from his seat. "With who!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!" Seungkwan said. "It's with Jisoo!"

Chan gasped and looked at his hyung, appalled. "Hyung, I didn't know you swung that way-"

"No! And it's not with him!" Soonyoung muttered curses under his breath. His friends are idiots.

"Wait, could it be," He looked at Jiyeon and she was smiling widely, her eyes forming into crescents. "Seo Jisoo? From Slytherin?"

It is so like Jiyeon to figure out who it is just by the person's first name. But wait. "..you know her?"

"Yeah I do!" She responded enthusiastically, almost too enthusiastically. "She has a pet cat, you know? And she bought it from me! It was one of our kittens."

Soonyoung squinted at her, his eyes forming into slits. So it was you.

Just then, noise erupted from the Slytherins' table and the five of them craned their necks to its direction. Seokmin mumbled as he took a bite of his toast, "Speaking of the devil."

Lee Jihoon, Slytherin team's seeker, entered the Great Hall, followed by Jisoo. The two were talking about something, and whatever it was made Jisoo laugh making Soonyoung's heart skip a beat. 

"Go talk to her."

Soonyoung looked at Jiyeon in disbelief. "What- Here? Now?"

"Yeah. Now."

"No way in Merlin's name am I marching up to a table full of Slytherins," The lad replied, shooting daggers as Lee Jihoon reached up pat Jisoo's head. "Besides, that Jihoon is there-"

"And? Can't forget the way he whooped your on last week's game?"

Soonyoung hit Seungkwan on the head, earning a yelp from the boy. "He did not whoop my ..."

His friends snorted and he had to stop himself from hexing them all. "Just give me time, okay? I'll talk to her. One day."

He had Divination class along with Jiyeon after lunch, and he swears he hates this subject. Not that it was boring, but because he thinks he doesn't have the 'inner eye' Professor Trelawney kept on talking about.

He rested his chin on his palm, gazing at his crystal ball before sighing. “Ah merlin, all I see is smoke.”

Jiyeon hummed as she scanned through her book. “Maybe you're looking but not actually seeing, Soonyoung.”

The lad whined. “What are you even saying-“

“What do we have here?”

The two looked up as Trelawney approached their table, Soon young straightening up to pretend he's actually seeing something in the ball.

Trelawney peered at the crystal ball. “I sense a strong force right here, my boy.”


“Something between… longing and… a very strong attraction, perhaps?”

Jiyeon snickered and Soonyoung kicked her foot lightly under the table.

“What do you see, dear child?”

Soonyoung squinted and inched closer towards the ball, only to get the same result. Nothing. “Um… the future?”

Trelawney seemed unsatisfied by his answer. “Look deeper, my dear. Use your inner eye to…”

Soonyoung drowned her out as she began talking about the nonexistent inner eye that apparently he doesn’t have. He looked intently at the crystal ball, his eyes burning holes on its surface.

The smoke that the lad had been seeing for the past hour moved, swirling around forming a figure. Soonyoung can't determine what it was, but he was sure it was something.

The boy’s jaw dropped open as he finally recognized what is was.

Or rather, who it was.

Jiyeon looked up at him from her book and noticing his expression, asked, “What’s the matter? Do you see anything?”

The image as gone as quickly as it formed and he shook his head at her. “N-No…”

He was positive he saw Seo Jisoo just now.

 It was the day of the match. Soonyoung tried everything to calm his nerves but nothing worked. He doesn’t usually get nervous before a game so it was certainly odd that he was feeling this way right now and he has no idea why.

Maybe it's because it was their last match with Slytherin, determining whether they'll go to the finals or not. Maybe it's because his team lacked training this time. Maybe it’s because he hasn't done his potions homework due tomorrow.

Or maybe it's because Seo Jisoo was there, inside the players' tent, within close proximity.

He glanced at her, watching how she helped Jihoon wear his gloves.

“Lucky bastard,” He muttered under his breath as he fixed his own gloves.

“Are you sure you should be playing, Jihoon?” He heard her say. “You still haven't fully recovered from your injury. Madam Pomfrey says you can't move around much yet-“

“Jisoo, I’m fine. Quit worrying.”

Jisoo looked at Jihoon dejectedly and sighed. “I can't help it…”

“Look at that,” Soonyoung said, turning to his teammate, Seokmin. “Why is she even friends with him.”

“Why are you poking your nose into her business. She’s the enemy,” Soonyoung shot him a look and he put his hands up in defense. “For today, at least.”

“That’s so un-Hufflepuff of you, Seokmin.”

He dodged a shoe that was thrown at him, picking it up on the floor and throwing it back at his friend. “Stop stereotyping then you . If you're so worried about her then go talk to her.”

Soonyoung sighed, looking at Jisoo again. Should he? His friends have been bugging him to do so for a while now.

He just… can’t, though. He gets tongue tied whenever he's near her. Besides,

“Jihoon honestly you've got the stubbornness of a goblin.”

“You’re slandering me, why? I'm only as stubborn as you.”

There's the problem of the impenetrable wall aka. the best friend that would probably lacerate him if he gets one mile near her.

He quickly looked away as Jisoo looked in his direction. Oh no, did she see him?

He went back to fixing his gear (or at least pretending to) when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He spun around slowly only to have his soul leave his body. 

“Hi,” Jisoo breathed. He noticed how a few strands of hair got loose from her low ponytail. He badly wanted to reach out and fix it. “Remember me?”

How can I forget you, really. “O-Of course. Jisoo noona from Hogsmeade.”

Jisoo’s face relaxed visibly and she let out a soft laugh. “Oh thank goodness. It would’ve been awkward if you didn't and I approached you so suddenly.”

“Here to cheer your best friend on?”

“Mhm,” She replied. “Good luck with the game too, Soonyoung. Don’t get yourself hurt.”

He realized it was in her nature to be so caring. “Thank you, I’ll do my best.”

They talked for a bit after that and Soonyoung found out the girl excelled in Potions.

He thanked the heavens silently for this opportunity.

“I have this Potions homework due tomorrow. I still haven’t started on it but I know I’ll do horribly…”

“Oh don’t say that, do you want me to help you?”

 The players lined up and got ready to mount their broomsticks behind the huge wooden gate. Soonyoung can hear the crowd cheering beyond the sound of his heart thumping loudly against his chest.

“So,” He turned to his right and saw Jihoon, Slytherin’s seeker looking at him intently. “You have the hots for my best friend, don’t you?”

“How did you find out?”

The smaller of the two scoffed. “Please. It would take a total imbecile to not notice that.”

Soonyoung coughed awkwardly. “Well I-“

“I don’t mind really,” Jihoon continued, shrugging. “I think you're alright.”

Soonyoung stared at him, eyes wide. Did he just hear him correctly? Is this some sort of approval from the best friend of the girl he likes? Is this a blessing? A sign from up above?

“I… Thanks man.”

“But that doesn’t mean I won’t whoop your sorry on today’s game.”

Soonyoung chuckled. A Slytherin is still a Slytherin no matter what, apparently.

“Of course. I'd be surprised if you didn’t try.”


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rhetorixe #1
Chapter 12: Chapter 10: Part 2 juseyong!!!!!!~ probably when you're not busy anymore : ) HWAITING!!!! ^^
Chapter 10: oh my god. can you do a part 2 of this. :'(
heart8 #3
Chapter 9: Omo omo omo!!!!!!! totally cute :)
Inspirit_GirlXOXO #4
Chapter 7: The story are just too cute... ^^
Inspirit_GirlXOXO #5
Chapter 7: The story are just too cute... ^^
Chapter 7: Hoho~ all the chaps are so cute for me! I am actually kinda shipping the two grps haha. They are really cute tgt idky.... xD

Would you wanna like read my fanfic then? (Shamelessly advertising to you o.O) Some seventeen members are paired up with lovelyz in that fic as there are more idols in the fics... just saying... xDDDDDDD
Chapter 5: Hahaha revenge on Seo Jisoo would be amazing /smirk evilly/
heart8 #8
Chapter 3: Up until now, the stories are cute. I hope you continue writing. I'm actually wondering who will be partnered with haha. Keep it
Chapter 3: Hahha I found Jun so adorable, what even he's the positive type of person...And I really like seeing him with Mijoo because I see them compatible to each other although Jun's younger.
Update soon!!♡
ppinkromans #10
Chapter 3: Finally! Ah I can't believe that there's many people that ship loveteens;^; i really like your stories. It's so cute. Hwaiting~