
Songs to Learn and Sing

Jaehwan’s bed had been feeling cold and empty for a week now. One week was one week too many in his opinion. The apartment was too clean, too cold and almost foreign to him when he was left there alone for too long.

He would end up fleeing from it, seeking the company of their friends instead of staying home. He never liked being alone for too long anyway.

With his worry filled up to the brim he sat with his two empty cups of coffee and waited, eyes never leaving the arrivals board. One of the cups was not intended for him, but the delay that was announced one hour before had left him drinking both cups.

Then; body shaky from caffeine and the unsettling feeling on things not going as they should have left him shaking his legs restlessly in his seat on the waiting hall bench. The stress was around him like an aura, making people walk in an unconscious circle around him and avoiding the available seat beside him.

01:20AM. One hour and ten minutes delayed. And Jaehwan on the verge of fear.

There was nothing he could do but wait, really, and stare intently at the board and the number belonging to Wonshik’s flight. He wished he'd taken Hakyeon’s offer to come with him to the airport. The trip was supposed to be short and swift; he had even arrived a little late.

Delay after delay announced later he had been eaten up by his own stress for about two hours.

Then the board flickered and Wonshik’s flight was finally registered as arrived. Most of his worry was instantly replaced with immense relief and he felt his lungs let go and let him breathe normally again. He could no longer sit in his seat; ended up pacing back and forth, throwing away his garbage, rearranging his bag, putting on his jacket – he was so ready to leave.

He had brought an extra scarf for Wonshik, and he took it out of his bag to hold ready. The weather had suddenly turned much colder while he was away. Scarf in hand; he thought about his reaction when he would wrap it around his neck. He could imagine the touched look in his eyes, how his lips would purse shyly and maybe even mumble a quiet thanks that only he could hear. If he was extra lucky he would blush.

The thought made him smile, and he felt excited, nearly bouncing in his steps as he paced along the railing blocking him from the arrivals hall. The arrivals would stream in at any time now, and he wanted to see Wonshik’s face when he noticed him.

He stopped his pacing when he finally saw his stark white hair stand out from the crowd and come walking towards him with long legs and determined steps. His height and hair made him stand out like a beacon, easily spotted, his tired-looking eyes scanning the crowd Jaehwan was standing in. Jaehwan waved, but so did everyone else.

A light flashed in Wonshik’s eyes when he finally spotted him and made eye-contact. His mouth turned into a tired smile right away and Jaehwan’s heart soared in cheers. He suddenly wanted to jump up and down, but instead he held his arms out for the other to lean into him when he finally came within reach.

Wordlessly Wonshik crashed into him, a little harder than necessary, and Jaehwan’s happy laugh came out of him in a start in the impact. They hugged tightly, rocking from side to side and groaning as they smiled into each other’s shoulders. He inhaled his scent from the crook of his neck, and felt him doing the same. The scent chased away the remaining worry and his world once again felt like a welcoming place.

His home had returned to him.

Where he had thought he would be the one to cling desperately onto Wonshik and needing comforting words, he found the other hold him just as tightly and Jaehwan’s the one to quietly murmur comforting words in his ear, all the while his back and feeling him relax into him.

“I got you. I got you.” He chanted as Wonshik made whining sounds of relief into his shoulder.

“I missed you.” Jaehwan said when they parted, and he felt himself sniffle. He was about to cry; so exhausted and relieved and straight out overwhelmed. Wonshik was not far from the same, for his eyes were swimming with feelings of love and longing.

Jaehwan could see he wanted to kiss him, so without hesitation he leaned in and gave him a short and sweet one. The younger hummed in appreciation and hands took a hold of his coat and pulled him closer.

“Me too.” He murmured with his gruff and tired voice. He looked so exhausted, Jaehwan wanted to recharge him somehow.

He remembered the scarf that he still held in his hand, and pulled away so he could wrap it around his head carefully. Just as he had imagined; Wonshik snuggled his head into the scarf cutely to hide his reddening face and eyes were shining with emotion. He was never good at hiding how touched he felt. Not able to hold himself back; Jaehwan’s hands both came up to cup Wonshik’s hot cheeks as he laughed happily.

Embarrassed; Wonshik escaped his hold and turned away from him to walk towards the exit, luggage in tow.

“Let’s go home.” He called without turning, and Jaehwan followed with steps far lighter than when he arrived at the airport 3 hours ago. He linked their arms when he caught up to him and slowly he felt the warmth he had missed so much coming from him. Like a hot cup of tea the warmth reached into him and spread all over his body in a comforting way.

What earlier had felt cold and unwelcoming, now felt warm and familiar.

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Chapter 11: awww.. author nim, these are so beautiful..
-continues reading-
AngeliqueXDevilyque #2
Chapter 16: This is so cuteeee
patsdfghjkl #3
Omo I thought it has ended at Chapter 15 omg why did I not check this earlier; -;

By the way, I'm gonna read your fic again because it's soooo wonderful~
bellochoco #4
Chapter 16: I'm smiling like an idiot reading your fanfic authornim,seriously so sweet and beautiful,I can feel the love of kenvi..I wish there's a long scene of kenvi soon because you wrote every chapter beautifully,hehe.. Btw authornim,thanks for updating❤
KTsuki-chan #5
Chapter 16: Ooooooh you're back and you're back with another cute part of Raken's story like... so cute I'm going to melt~~
I swear I can sense the warmth of Jaehwan's smile and the love oozing from Wonshik... aaaaazhkcbdlvkffdaaaaaah!!! >_<
slc0418 #6
Chapter 15: i really love this series so much :') i always come back to re-read these again and again. your stories are so well written and they make me feel so emotional and i just love everything about this series!!! thank u so much for sharing ur stories :') i'm looking forward to more chapters ^__^
Chapter 15: oh wow thank you for the blast from the past hehe its well written as expected ;* Update please
Chapter 14: my god I feel so hurt , it's beyound perfect I could litterally sence eery bit of emotions , wow
KTsuki-chan #9
Chapter 15: Yeaaah they almost broke up :'( (more like Wondhik did, and Jaehwan threw eggs to his window XD if I'm not mistaking fics XD)

Anyways, thay are the best :3
Chapter 14: Omg you are back. I've always been craving for kenvi fics. Your update is my drug. Thank you.