
True Colors

Just wait, Sehun-ah. Are you going to my house tonight?” an audibly cheerful Jongin interrupted his friend’s monologue about calling just when he’s doing house chores and how important is to keep your mom happy–the call just summed up to an hour now–and Sehun asked himself why his friend’s voice was filled with such glee; his dance competition and LoL tournament weren’t until a month from now. 

It’s our game night, Kai, but don’t make it too easy this time or you’ll be beaten before the second round.” The scandalous and boisterous sound of Jongin’s laugh made Sehun smile like he was facing his first crush in his adolescent days, even with him being at the end of this turbulent phase. 

Sehun-ah, you’re making me cry! You’re so funny!” The answer made a grin appear on his face, a big one this time. 

Ok, wait and see, Jongin. I know you were studying, so go back to your books, lazy .” Sehun tried to answer while cleaning the kitchen table and holding the cellphone between his shoulder and ear, trying not to let it fall.

You used to be softer, Sehunnie…” Jongin didn’t want to hang up and get back to boring chemistry books–he still hadn’t learned how to blow things up yet.

This whole ‘acting cute’ thing just doesn’t fit you and won’t work with me, c’mon man. I’m hanging up now; there’s someone at the door. Goodbye Nini.” 

Don’t you dare do it you…bastard!” He could hear the phrase said as fast as his friend’s lungs could manage–it almost sounded like a rap from Nicki Minaj–as he clicked the end-button. Sighing, Jongin faced his books and notebooks shattered on the bed, cringing at the view.




          The doorbell was insistently being ringed by someone who Sehun already had in mind, the confirmation came when he quickly opened the front door and a smiling face and warm voice greeted him. The giant figure made his way through the tiny door opening and Sehun watched Park Chanyeol go straight to the kitchen.

Hey,” he heard and turned around facing a narrow person at the door. Sehun’s hyung was smiling softly at him and the younger gave space for him to pass through the door as well. 

          They headed to the kitchen, where the head of a hungry Chanyeol almost fused with the open refrigerator. “Ay, Sehunnie, don’t you have food?” he hollered and Sehun had the urge to push the giant into the refrigerator and let him freeze to death. When his snide retort was on the tip of his tongue, the narrow one by his side spoke promptly.

Chanyeol, I’ll make a popsicle out of you if you don’t stop being like this.” Instantly the giant closed the refrigerator door and went to Kyungsoo’s side, groaning almost like a child as a response. 

May I know the reason for the sudden invasion?” The question was directed at both of the boys, but Sehun’s eyes landed on Chanyeol’s pouty face while Kyungsoo sighed and seemed to be mentally giving up on Chanyeol, which he’s been doing a lot lately. 

Well, I was on my way over here and then he found me.” Kyungsoo side-eyed Chanyeol, who just shrugged under his look “He said he was on his way here too.”

Chanyeol nodded and cut the latter speech. “And wasn’t just because of food.”

Kyungsoo’s following eye-roll summed up Sehun’s feelings towards the hungry intruder. “Just… stop.” Kyungsoo didn’t say anything else. He didn’t need to; his words were enough for Chanyeol to shut it, and that was perfect in Sehun’s eyes.

I came to play!”, the giant one grinned. Kyungsoo approached Sehun and landed a friendly hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. “And I came to help you and find out if everything is alright, you know…” The friendly look his hyung gave him was hint enough to what he meant. Telling Chanyeol, who had been giving the two weird looks, to go set up the Play Station, Sehun poured some juice into a couple of glasses. With the game’s soundtrack playing clearly in the background, the youngest reached for a chair and sat in front of Kyungsoo. 

So… he talked to you today? “ Kyungsoo asked, gentle voice telling Sehun that he was giving all he had to help his troubled young friend. "Did he say something?” 

It’s our game night. You know, we’ll play LoL as usual,” Sehun’s fingers played around the rim of his glass. “OK, this isn’t some great occurrence, but I was thinking if I could finally say what I’ve been struggling to.” 

You’ll know when it’s time and if the moment’s right, you know what to do. In fact you don’t really need my advice, right?” The older’s smile was reassuring and he didn’t hesitate displaying another. 

Kyungsoo-ya let’s play!” Chanyeol screamed too loud for his own good, making the smaller one stand up, now with a wicked grin plastered on his face. And as he made his way over to the other, Sehun could only think:

I hope he doesn’t kill him this time.

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