Late nights

No doubt in my mind (where you belong)


The floor is covered in sticky notes when Hansol walks in their front door. Spreading out in an arch from where Yuta sits in front of the sofa, notes in pink and green and blue and yellow all filled with writing takes up the space where their carpet should be. He can see it rolled together and pushed against the kitchen counter, but what catches his attention is his boyfriend in the midst of it, adorably rumpled with messy hair and his reading glasses perched lopsided on his nose.
Hansol steps carefully around the sticky notes until he can fall onto the sofa and tilt Yuta’s head up for a kiss. He had only meant to give him a small peck in greeting, he didn’t want to distract him from his work, but when Yuta groans in relief and melts into the kiss he is more than happy to indulge him, if only for a short while. Yuta still has two weeks until his assignment is due, but he likes taking his time and when he breaks out the sticky notes Hansol knows he is gathering his research to start writing. It usually means two weeks of less contact and more time spent out of their apartment on Hansol’s part so when Yuta stumbles to his feet and pulls Hansol across the floor to their bed, Hansol only drops his jacket to the floor and follows him enthusiastically.

Hansol likes watching Yuta work. When he gets lost in his research and his literature, this time a poem, Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market he reads from the printed pages lying beside Yuta on the floor. The fact that Yuta works best sitting on the floor is also something Hansol finds incredibly cute.
This time though, as he works on making them a simple dinner, it is the fact that Yuta is wearing his sweater, the really loose one that usually falls deep down Hansol’s chest and is now pushed sideways on Yuta’s body so the neck uncovers Yuta’s right shoulder. And that, in the warmth of their home Yuta has foregone putting his trousers back on and the image of him in only that loose sweater and briefs is one Hansol can not stop admiring.
And Yuta wearing his clothes always leaves him feeling warm and content.

He likes that while there is a noticeable size difference between them it’s not too big to make sharing clothes difficult, because Hansol thinks there is something decidedly intimate about it. It is almost like they are still together if he is wearing one of Yuta’s shirt even if Yuta himself is halfway across campus or in another district of town entirely. And he likes to think Yuta feels the same.
Actually, he knows Yuta feels the same. His boyfriend is the talkative of the two of them after all.

The sharp sting of hot oil splashing on his hand in tiny droplets brings him out of his thoughts and Hansol swirls the food in the pan around a couple more times before turning off the heat. He separates the food into two bowls and brings them both to where Yuta sits in front of the sofa. He places one bowl gently on the floor beside Yuta’s leg and curls up in one corner of the sofa where he can watch Yuta’s eyes flitting over the colourful array of research notes as he takes bites from his stir fried beef. It’s quiet in the room as they eat their dinner. Hansol is done long before Yuta has so much as eaten half of his bowl and so he slides to the floor beside his boyfriend, stretching out where he can find space with one leg behind Yuta’s back and the other curled under his own body, and takes the bowl from the floor and the chopsticks from Yuta’s fingers and proceeds to feed him.

Yuta laughs at the first bite and takes Hansol’s hand in his at the second, but Hansol does not let up and in the end Yuta can only sigh fondly and let the older man feed him the rest of his food. It’s not the first time they’ve been in this position, and while most of the time it acts as a sort of when they’re in a flirty mood, Yuta is, as Hansol well knows, incapable of feeding himself properly when he is focused on something like he is now. So Hansol feeds him every last morsel and when the bowl is empty he leans forward and lays a soft kiss on the corner of Yuta’s mouth. Yuta is already consumed back into his work so he only gives a small smile in return as Hansol gathers their dishes and rises from the floor.

It is already pretty late when Hansol saves his work and closes his laptop. The assignment of the week is fairytale landscape and he is quite happy with how his pictures has turned out.
Yuta is still working, but more meticulously and directed than what he has been all day. Hansol takes a look at the clock on the oven display and sees that it is 23:14 PM and smiles a little, it’s fascinating how Yuta works with double the efficiency and drive in the hours around midnight than he does at any other time of the day. He stretches in his seat at the kitchen counter and shuffles quietly off the bar stool and across the wooden floor to the small en-suite. When he exits the bathroom he hesitates over whether or not he should bother Yuta with a goodnight kiss and in the end he slips quietly past the curtain and crawls across the bed to his side against the wall. He curls up under the duvet and buries his nose into Yuta’s pillow and falls asleep in minutes.

A couple hours later Hansol is brought out of his slumber by Yuta rearranging his arms and legs to fit himself in between them and when the younger boy sees he is awake he smiles and whines quietly that he never got a goodnight kiss. Hansol plays along and whines just as quietly that Yuta should come to bed earlier then, but he is cut off in the middle by Yuta’s hands framing his face and Yuta’s lips meeting his own in a lasting kiss, as soft and comfortable as Yuta’s body in his arms.


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Baekyeoli #1
Chapter 5: Yess I m happy you're back
Soooo well written ^^
HwangJoooo #3
I love it!! Its just so beautiful TT^TT May I have your permission to translate your fic into VNese pls author-nim?
Chapter 4: My heart.... ; - ;
Baekyeoli #5
Chapter 6: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)͡(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
iyuuuthh #6
Chapter 4: Beautiful ;;;;
I wish yusol wil be okay and their paremts accepting their relationship ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: This story is written perfectly. Hands Up authornim
Elfshairamae #8
Chapter 4: Your writing is so powerful it's like happening right into my very own eyes ... I love this
secretfan_07 #9
Chapter 4: This chapter is beautifully written. Omg i love this
Baekyeoli #10
Chapter 4: Damn, this is just to perfect..