— mss_joo

★ — infinity graphics | closed
your request is done!
hey! thank you for requesting and i hope you like your poster! the poster's really simple, so i hope it is to your liking. i read your summary, and i thought that making it look like a movie poster would be best.
if you're not satisfied, redos are always welcome. 
please do come again.
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announcement | please read the latest update! (06/04/16)


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Picked up the poster and background and obviously put the credit /omg idek if I made sense/ posted the link-- /seriously don't think I make sense rn/
Chapter 24: Omg I love the poster~ ^^/ it looks..so..awesome,bootiful and all that ;u; <3 thank you
I'll pick /or yeah/ it up after,I'm at school atm *comp class*
Once again thanks for the wonderful poster >w< /excited to set it up later.
Chapter 23: oh my god, I do not have the words for how perfect this is x.x I am absolutely in love with every part of it, and the fact that you were able to put them in GoT clothes makes it even more special! <3
I'll have the poster/bg up with your credits in the next few minutes <333
Chapter 16: Picked up! Thank you very much again!!!
I've requested ^^;
I'm curious on how it'll look heh
/waits patiently under a rock/