If You

Bom wakes up early. Its her first day of work, she hums excitedly while making breakfast. Chaerin walks to her sneakily,

“Boo!”shout Chaerin shocking Bom from behind,

”What the hell? Why aren’t you sleep?”said Bom shocked,

”Hehe, I just came home half an hour ago”said Chaerin,

”You are tipsy”said Bom noticing the half sober Chaerin,

”I drink with my bae,GD. He is so handsome! Kyah, he said that I’m good at singing”said Chaerin,

”I will make you haejangguk, so please now sit”,

“Thank you Mommy Bommie”said Chaerin and sit on the sofa.

Bom makes some haejangguk soup for Chaerin to sober up and she decided to take some and make some more cooking to take to the office for lunch. “Chaerinnie,its ready, you can eat—oh you are asleep”said Bom, she sighed. Bom took Chaerin’s blanket from her room and fix Chaerin position then wrap her in blanket. Before going to work, she wrote a note for Chaerin that the soup is in the stove. Then she step out of the house.


She greets Dara and went to the office, she went inside to found its still empty. She put her things down on the coffee table and starts to brew coffee. Just then, Mr.Choi came in, he looks at Bom,

“Good morning,sir”Bom bow to him,

”Morning”he said flat and went to sit at his table.

Bom pour coffee to a cup and serve it to Mr.Choi, “Thank you”he said and sip it then she bow slightly,

”Say, do you have aspirin?”he asked,

”Oh, I don’t, do you have a headache sir?”said Bom,

”Slight headache, I went to a party last night, didn’t control how much I drank”said Mr.Choi,

”Oh, then do you want some haejangguk?”,

“I’m planning to buy it on my way here,but forgot”,

“I have some”,

“You have some? Did you drink last night?”,

Bom take her packed lunch and give it to Mr.Choi,

“No, my roommate came home a bit drunk this morning and I make her some haejangguk, there is plenty left, so I brought it for lunch, but you need it more than I do”Bom explained while opening her lunch and preparing it for Mr.Choi,

”Thanks” he said and start to eat it.

He finished it clean, “It’s delicious, now I feel better, sorry to eat your lunch”said Mr.Choi,

“Its okay, glad that you feel much better,sir”said Bom and cleaning the table.

“I will tell Daesung to prepare your table”said Mr.Choi,

“Oh,yes,sir”said Bom, then he called Daesung.

Then right after, some staff has bring the stuff needed for Bom to the office. There is no space to put the table outside the office because it doesn’t fit on the corridor, that is why Bom’s table is at the corner of Mr.Choi’s office, its super wide.


As Mr.Choi said, Bom’s work is only to make him coffee. She just sit there at her table playing with her phone, sometimes she play games on her computer. This cycle continues for two weeks and she is seriously getting tired with all this, she need to do something. So she decided to talk with Mr.Choi today. Bom’s has been going back and forth contemplating should she say this or not when suddenly Mr.Choi comes in,

“Good morning sir”said Bom bowing,

”Morning”said Mr.Choi and sit on his table, Bom serve him his coffee and goes back to her table.

‘Should I say this or not? What if he is mad when I ask for that? What if I’m fired because I say that?’she thought,’No!! Its for the best, I have to do it’she thought and stand up, approaching Mr.Choi’s table. When she is about to open ,

“What? Anything you want to say?”said Mr.Choi still looking down on his laptop,

”Um,no? yes…”said Bom,

“Is it a no? or is it a yes?”said Mr.Choi now looking at Bom,

”I wanted to help”said Bom,


“I wanted to help you with all the works”,

“Why? Isn’t it good now? You only sit there,makes me coffee, but I pay you higher than any staff here”,

“I… that’s why it’s more guilty for me, I do less work than them but get paid higher, I need to do something, I wish you could trust me on doing some of the works”said Bom serious,

Mr.Choi stare at her then chuckles, “You think you could handle it?” he said, “My works is not that simple as reading and signing,miss, I hope you know that”,

“Ofcourse,sir, I know it very well”,

“That’s why, don’t even bother” Mr.Choi is back to look at his laptop and Bom continues to stand there looking at him. She keeps standing there for like half an hour, her will is strong.

“Go back to your table” he said not looking at her,

“But,sir, I wanted to help, my intention is good”,

“I know your intention is good, but I don’t believe that you could handle it”,

“Give me a chance,please, sir”,

“Let me think about it, now back to your table”,

“Thank you, sir” Bom is relieved now and bow slightly to him then go back to her table.


Its lunch time, Bom usually brought her lunch or eat food from the cafeteria. The food from the cafeteria is terribly good, the ahjummas is really skilled at making it, but what is there are hundreds employees at the building, and you have to wait in order to get food. Bom is now sitting with Dara and Minji eating her lunch, Daesung is in Japan now for business trip.

“I miss him”said Minji playing with her food,

“so do we”said Bom,

“it’s been too long, why can’t I too get a business trip to Japan with him? Why choose Mr.Ahn the marketing manager? Why can’t it be me?”sulked Minji.

Its been 5 days since Daesung’s business trip to Japan and Minji still sulking at the idea. “Well, don’t play with the food”said Dara,

“When is he going back?”ask Bom,

“The day after tomorrow”said Minji eating her food bit by bit,

“Are you going to welcome him at the airport?”said Dara,

“Why would i?”said Minji,

“Don’t you want to be the first to see him? You’ve been missing him like crazy”said Dara,

“Yeah, but that is what couples do, we are not”said Minji sadly,

“Aigoo”said Dara shaking her head,

“Let it be your move, to be one step closer to his love”said Bom,

“What? No! I’m a girl, why would I make a move first?”said Minji,

“But its 21st century. You are the one who have this tingling feeling towards him”said Bom,

“But he doesn’t know that, what if he thinks that I’m just a stalker, a creeper?”said Minji,

“No way, you’ve been contacting him right, just say that you came as a friend. He knows you, why would he think like that?”said Dara,

“Yeah,and what if he actually has a feeling towards you, I can see some affection from him when he looks at you, he talks to you. Its different”said Bom,

“Should i?”said Minji,

“Ofcourse!!”said both Dara and Bom, Minji’s face light up and eat her food heartily.

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arianebenina #1
Chapter 19: Please updateeee, Author-nim! I need more of your stories! </3
Oh my goodness..... where are you authornim? Are you fine? I miss you and this story. So please, please update it again *hiks
afourse #3
Chapter 19: authornim....yuhuuuuu where are you?? hoho
evi_bombom #4
Chapter 19: Woiwwww author nim update please its satnight now!!!!
Auni18 #5
Chapter 19: Update please
Auni18 #6
Chapter 19: Amazing story
Chapter 19: Wowwiee authornim, now this is one of the last topbommie story that i subscribe to be honest :( so, please update atleast one chappie per day :(( waiting for it when i just hv a relax time at work :P I do enjoy ur story authornimmmmmm!! U make it greattttt, love love it *supahug*
Chapter 19: why did you left me with this hanging story authornim..... im really craving for topbom moments huhuhuhuh anyway thanks for the update
Chapter 18: Oh . I just wish chaerin being noty and make a bit change on bommies suit
maryetta01 #10
Chapter 18: Hehehehe ohhhhh tabi is slowly letting her into his work mind. Lmai at dongwook...poor handsome babynlol.
Tabi mommy is the best...and Hana and dae are very awes owesome friends for seunghyun...aswell as minki and dara for bommie.
Love Cl and her craycray ways...always making bommie feel flustered. Love all moments cant wait for more.