[BONUS] 7 Days to say I love you aka 7/11 au (the chain store, not the Beyoncé song)

Viva La KrisYeol 2016!

Author: erzas_fury / erza155
Word count: 1297
Rating: G
Warning: none
Summary: It's a 7/11 au.
Note: Somewhere in the story is an eater egg for when i started and completed this story. Kudos to you if you figure it out. I'd like to thank my local 7/11 for providing me with Slurpee(s), sodas, and other great drink stuffs for the past 5 years.

Word prompts (5): Parade Abundant Protocol Disarm Paranoia





Day 1

He parades into the store like he owns it, immediately grabbing Chanyeol’s attention. He’s tall, maybe taller than Chanyeol, although that rarely ever happens. He goes to the back and jerks heavily at the slushy machine until he gets what he wants. Then he marches over to the counter and slams down his Slurpee.

“Is that all for today, sir?” Chanyeol asks.

The stranger nods. Chanyeol rings him up. “That’ll be $2.50.”

He takes out a $5 bill and says “Keep the change.”

And there at his part-time job at 1:46 AM, Chanyeol falls a little bit in love with a complete stranger. He’s done stupider things.


Day 2

It’s almost a week before the stranger comes again. And this time he’s not so angry. In fact, he looks exhausted. Somewhat paranoid, if Chanyeol is being honest. Once again the stranger heads to the back, this time for the coffee machines. He fills two of the largest cups to the brim with coffee, and walks to the counter carefully, so as to not spill the coffee.

“You know, you can put lids on those, right?” Chanyeol semi informs the stranger.

“Huh?” The stranger asks with a cute crinkle on his forehead.

Chanyeol’s spirit has officially moved on to the next plane of life. “Coffee. Lids. Available. Abundant. Counter.”

Chanyeol would also like to apologize to his mother and all his language teachers. He could swear that he’s usually not this bad, but he’d be lying.

“Oh.” The stranger says, “That’s okay. I’m just going to chug these and try not to die of caffeine overdose. Finals are kicking my .” He adds the last bit with a disarming smile.

Chanyeol’s soul slams violently back into his body. “Um… That’ll be $5.11!” He exclaims like the complete loser he is.

The stranger searches his pockets but only comes out with a $5 bill. Protocol dictates that Chanyeol should make him pay for the full amount, but what actually comes out of his mouth is, “Tell you what, if you tell me your name, I’ll cover the 11 cents for you.”

The stranger smiles. “My name is Kris, and you need better pickup lines, Chanyeol-ssi.” He says before swanning out of the store.

Chanyeol seriously considers quitting his job that day.


Day 3

The stranger Kris comes back sooner this time. He comes back 2 days later at 7:00 AM. Chanyeol is a bit flustered to be honest. He had come to believe that Kris was like a phantom. Only appearing under the cloak of darkness.

This time he doesn’t head to the back. He just goes straight to the counter, grabs a Snickers and sets it down in front of Chanyeol. Chanyeol dutifully rings him up.  

“That’ll be $1.19,” Chanyeol informs him. And because he has no brain to mouth filter, he also adds “Aare you ok?”

“What?” Kris asks.

“It’s just,” Chanyeol tries to explain, “you always come in in the middle of the night, when virtually no one’s around. I was just wondering if something came up, that’s all.”

“Oh. Thanks, I guess. I just needed change for a 10. By the way can you give me all the change in quarters?”

“Um… I don’t think I can give you that many quarters. Would dollar bills and dimes be ok?”

“Yes! It’ll be fine.”

“If you don’t mind me asking—” Chanyeol begins, but the stranger interrupts him.

“What do I need that much change for, and why in so little amounts? Well, the story is too long to tell you but the short version is I owe my friend some petty cash, and this is my way of getting revenge because I’m creative like that. He hates change.”

“Sounds reasonable. Well, here’s your change. Good luck.”

“Thanks.  Have a nice day.” With that Kris struts out of the store his pockets jiggling with loose change. Chanyeol knows he’s definitely screwed.


Day 4

The fourth time Kris come in, Baekhyun is there. This is relevant because Baekhyun is Chanyeol’s best friend so he knows everything about Chanyeol. And Chanyeol has spent many a nights extolling the virtues of “the mysterious Kris who has descended from heaven to bless us puny mortals with his beauty.” Baekhyun’s words, not his.

So, due to Chanyeol’s constant talk of Kris, Baekhyun immediately recognizes him as soon as he walks into the store. Which is just terrible for Chanyeol because while Kris is browsing around the store, Baekhyun spends his time wriggling his eyebrows at Chanyeol and making lewd gestures. Chanyeol tries to beat him with the power of his mind and flying kicks, but there’s limited space behind the counter and Chanyeol is like a really big dude. It only ends with smacking his knee into the counter and pain.

As he jumps around trying to lessen the pain, Kris comes up to the counter with a couple of giant bags of chips.

“Hey,” Chanyeol sort of grunts out while Baekhyun is laughing his off on the floor. The whole situation makes for a very weird tableau.

“Hey,” Kris says and immediately tacks on “Are you ok?”

“Yeah,” Chanyeol waves his hand around “I’m fine. It’s just my coworkers a . Nothing to worry about. Is that all for you?”

“Oh. No. It’s for a friend. He’s throwing a party, and he’s too lazy to actually come out and buy supplies by himself.”

“Is it the same friend as last time? With the change?”

“Yeah,” Kris shrugs “Luhan. Maybe you know him?”

Chanyeol hear Baekhyun choke. He does not know who Luhan is, and proceeds to inform Kris of that, but if his name can get Baekhyun to react like that Chanyeol is really looking forward to meeting him. He rings Kris up and wishes him a nice day.

“Holy man. That guy must have some giant cojones to be friends with Luhan.” Baekhyun proceeds to inform him when Kris walks out.


“He’s kind of like a more insane version of Kyungsoo.”

Chanyeol retracts that previous statement about wanting to meet this Luhan guy. And sort of reconsiders his crush on Kris, but then he remembers Kris’ fine looking derriere walking out of the store and his decides he could handle another Kyungsoo in his life for the privilege of being with Kris.


Day 5

On the fifth day Kris comes in, he spends a considerable amount of time looking around.

“Do you need help with anything?” Chanyeol asks, thinking he’s being very polite and nice. But for some unfathomable reason Kris turns as red as pepper flakes.

“No! Not really. Just there was something I was looking for. But I guess they don’t have it here. Bye!”

Chanyeol is sad to see him go.


Day 6

On the sixth day Kris comes in, Chanyeol is at home sick. But Baekhyun informs him that “The dude looked like somebody had kicked his puppy because you weren’t here. Even asked for you by name and everything.”

Chanyeol goes to sleep with a ridiculous grin on his face.


Day 7

On the seventh day Kris comes in, Chanyeol is at the counter. Kris picks up a Snickers bar and brings it to the counter.

“That’ll be $1.19” Chanyeol informs him. “I heard you asked for me when I wasn’t here.”

“Yeah. I was just worried, since you’re kind of always here. I was curious.”

“Tell you what for a date, I’ll spot you for the candy bar and you’ll know where I am, if I’m not here.” Chanyeol offers smoothly.

“Yeah. Ok. I’d love to.” Kris responds a little less smoothly.

And the rest, as they say, is history.




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charlot #1
Chapter 8: gosh this is so precious.. love every bit of it! the fluff and comedic punches here and there! the angsty feeling of kris is worth it after they settled everything!!! this is just amazing!
charlot #2
Chapter 9: this is just mad fluff
charlot #3
Chapter 7: its the second time im reading this but damn this is really nice.. the flow of the story was good and was so happy they gottog ether again
charlot #4
Chapter 6: so dark yet so good..
charlot #5
Chapter 4: owwww the fluff!!!!!
charlot #6
Chapter 3: wow this is just simply..disturbingly HOT!!!!
Chapter 9: Finallyyyy I took my time and finished reading. All of the fics here are really awesome. I just wished there were more. Thank you for all the authors who spend their precious time to create these sweet fics. All of you should continue writing Krisyeol. We all enjoyed each one of these fics. Thank you for FanforYeol team for organising this wonderful event every year. This is really the next best thing after christmas. I pray that this will be continued for many years ahead too. Thank you everyone of you. KEEP CALM AND LOVE KRISYEOL FOREVER!! <3
soshine #8
Chapter 5: I love chapter 5 my I have a sequel or prequel
Chapter 7: Sun please come baaaaack!!! I freaking loved this all in one perfect!!!! Thank you for this million times. <3333
Chapter 7: Omg this one!!! I love it sososososo much. It was so perfect. The storyline is everything. And composer!chanyeol jdjskskskdndn
I love yifan for being so cheesy