Chapter 3: Tough Half Day

Complicated (love)Life of Moon Byul Yi

Sun shines brightly onto her eyes. Waking her up early in the morning despite what all happened last night. She looked at the alarm clock that says 5:59 a.m. An early bird, waking 1 minute earlier before the alarm rings.

*Ring Ring*

Moonbyul turned off her alarm clock and fixed her bed before going to the bathroom to fix herself for today.

Remembering that there's another person in her apartment she quickly brushes her teeth and go to the kitchen to make a decent breakfast for the two of them. She's trying to adjust herself being with Krystal in two long days. Last night, it just a simple goodnight between the two of them after she helped Krystal in her things. But there's a statement that makes Moonbyul, or the two of them to feel comfortable again after those times they were far apart from each other.

"Byulie Unnie, I miss you." Words innocently coming out with so much sadness and longing to the other girl. It made Moonbyul realize, that she also miss this younger girl.

"I miss you too, Soojung."

After 15 minutes, Moonbyul finished cooking their breakfast. Looking at the clock that says 15 minutes before 7:00, she knows its still early because the classes starts at 7:30 but she also knows that they will be late if they she don't get up right now.

Moonbyul turned her slippers towards the door besides her room. She have an extra room in her apartment in case of emergency like now. But sometimes, Solar uses it when they have sleepover or project to do. She knocked three times and waited for a full minute, when she know that Krystal is still asleep she enter the room and look at the sleeping beauty on the bed.

"Soojung. Its time to wake up now." Moonbyul pats the sleeping girl infront of her and patiently waiting for her to wake up. But failed.

"Hmmm. Its still dark." Yeah, its still dark inside the room. Realizing what just Krystal said, Moonbyul walk towards the curtains and dramatically slides it.

But being with the other girl for a long time, she know that her friend won't wake up anytime now. So, brings her secret weapon.

"Soojung, soojung! There's an apple beside you!" Call her childish, because she really is. But it makes Krystal sit up and give the older girl her infamous icy glare that makes Moonbyul shiver in her place. It is completely opposite to Solar's glare. Really. Maybe a wrong idea?

"Byul unnie, seriously? I'm not Jessica Unnie who's scared of vegetable." Once she finished her sentence, she was about to lay down but Moonbyul's hand get a hold of Krystal's shoulder preventing her friend to sleep again.

"Yah, you're already awake . And breakfast's ready so, get up and fix yourself. We will be late." Moonbyul command the drowsy girl and successfully get her friend up.

The breakfast went normal, they eat, obviously, also catching up with each other, chatting about the things happening in their lives, just normal. After having a breakfast, Moonbyul insist Krystal just to walk to the school. It takes her three long minutes for her lazy friend to gave up.

"Finally! Don't worry, it's good for your health." She smiled with her nose muscles wrinkle. I miss really that smile, it doesn't change after these years.

As they walk together side by side, Moonbyul notices a familiar figure waiting outside the building, like waiting for someone, like waiting for her. The person she wants to talk to last night, the person have bad terms with her eventhough she doesn't know why. But a dumb person like her, she grab Krystal's hand and run towards the standing figure who is looking now at them - and their joined hands. Confuse.

"Yongsun! Good Morning!"

Moonbyul look at Yongsun who is about to walk away. But Moonbyul take this chance to talk to Solar right now. She detaches her hands to Krystal and  grab Solar's hand but shrugged it hard before She completely hold it. Next thing she knew, Solar is walking away from them - from her. Is she still mad? She sighed in frustration as she turn to the other girl.

"I'm sorry about that Soojung, she's not usually like that." And with that thought it makes her worried about the other girl. She felt tightly hold by someone she look at Krystal and she just smiled her.

"It's okay Unnie, let's go." Moonbyul smiled also and follows the other girl who walks first. I must talk to her later.

They reached the school and fortunately for them, they met Wheein and Hwasa whose the same class with Krystal.

"Hello, I'm Ahn Hyejin but I'm preferred to be called Hwasa. The short red headed with sassy look girl introduced herself.

"I'm Jung Wheein! Nice to meet you!" A girl with cute dimple said with so much energy. How come she get that energy early in the morning? Krystal thought.

"Hello, I'm Jung Soojung but can call me Krystal. Nice to meet you too."

"Oh! We have the same surname! Daebak." The energetic girl exclaim the fact which make Krystal chuckle. With that simple gestures of the energetic Jung made Krystal remember someone.

"Are we kind of related?" Wheein innocently asked Krystal that make to look at her in confusion. But it was cut off by her bestfriend

"Seriously Wheein? Just by the look you can say that you have no relation with Krystal! She's a beuty and you're a beast."

"No, I'm not! Puppy you say!" The two bestfriends argue some more and the scene makes Krystal laugh.

"Oh I think you three will be good friends huh." The fact that Krystal doesn't open up to anyone else because of her icy attitude but when you make her laugh or just smile, you will have a good relationship with her.

"Of course Unnie what do you think about us, weirdos?" Wheein said sound offended.

"Uumm yes?"

"Yah!" The duo complain on what Moonbyul just said.

"Okay, I got to go! See you later! By the way, take care of her."

Moonbyul walked to their classes which is opposite direction to the direction of the three. While walking, she saw Yongsun who is about to enter their classroom. She can't let this chance pass. She also heard someone that their professor will not be here today. Seminar thingy.

"Kim Yongsun! Stop right there." This time she successfully hold Solar's hand firmly tugging her outside the classroom.

"Come with me."

"Moonbyul, we have class." Solar emotionlessly said while trying to release in Moonbyul's hold. But she hold it tightly.

"You know we don't have. Let's talk."

"Is there something to talk about?" With that moonbyul's eyebrow met in confusion followed by sighed in frustration.

"Yes, there is. Come with me, if you don't want to be stared by many students." Solar looked around and she saw students, gossiping everywhere. And she let her dragged by Moonbyul.

As soon as Solar felt that the hold has been released, she looked at Moonbyul which she regret. Because now, Moonbyul is intensely looking at her, like she want to her mind. Solar is the first one to look away and she heard Moonbyul sighed in frustration, again. Who knows how many time does Moonbyul will sigh this day.

"Kim Yongsun, is there any problem?" Moonbyul starts the conversation, hearing her full name, she knows that Moonbyul is serious.

"Is there?" She answered back with a question because Solar, herself, doesn't know what the real problem is. Is that about Krystal, who she doesn't like at the first place? Is that about Moonbyul who is paying attention to her other friend instead her, her bestfriend? Is it herself because Moonbyul doesn't listen to her, for the first time or Is it herself who gets annoyed because she feels Krystal is getting all attention to Moonbyul and this dumb Moonbyul is continuing herself to look only at Krystal that night?

All these question, makes Solar confused, frustrated and hurt. she didn't even to know why. But her thoughts cut by Moonbyul's voice like she respond to the question in her head.

"I'm sorry, if I don't pay attention to you that time. Don't worry I will come to your house later for our practice. Is that what you mad about right?" Moonbyul said like she really know what the problem is, because they usually fight in simple things. A practice is a simple thing.

She looked at Moonbyul again anticipated with her response, maybe Moonbyul's right. It is just because of the practice, that's why she felt left out that night; that's why she cried that night; that's why she feel hurt that time.

Solar doesn't have strength to speak right now, because if she does, she's afraid her voice will crack and release this unusual and foreign feeling she feel right now. She just nodded her head and heard what Moonbyul's next words.

"Aigoo, this Yeba. You don't have to take it seriously." Moonbyul pat her head, like it is just a simple problem.

Maybe Moonbyul's right again, she doesn't have to take it seriously.  If she didn't take it seriously, maybe she didn't cry that night; maybe she didn't have these feelings in her; maybe this simple thing, didn't make a difficult problem for her. But it does.  

Solar doesn't even know what to feel right now, but she knows she feel disappointed.



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Twinkle30 #1
Chapter 13: Ohhhhh! Authornim! Please do continue this story, it is actually great!
Chapter 13: Please update soon.
yoonjessi #3
Chapter 13: Author plsss update !!!!!
Chapter 13: It is really refreshing to read abt moonstal. I admit im a moonsun fan but for this im rooting for moonstal though it seems that you are gg for moonsun. Nevertheless, write yr story, authornim...
Chapter 13: Moonstal all the way !!!!
kambing010 #6
Chapter 13: I love moonstal but also moonsun oh no im in dilemma:( why u doing thiss authorssii.... great story btw! Cant wait for next chapter~
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 13: Wow what a dilemma for Byul... I like the last paragraph. What will Byul's decision be based on? Hmm. :/
Thanks for the update~ Hope your surprise went well! :)
Chapter 13: Just read all chapter right now~
omg ;~; it's a real mess right now

i thought yong would confess... and now this problem with jung enterprise... god~ byul will acept to help krystal D':

dammit! go get her, yong! aaaaaaaaa
confess already!

thx for writing this <3
cjmoo_ #9
Chapter 12: OMG what a mess!! :O
Whatever happened on this night is just complicating things. :((
Thanks for the update~