

"Are you crazy?!"

"Yeah I am. Crazy for YOU!"

"THIS IS NO TIME FOR JOKES YOU ARE RIDING A UNICYCLE ON A TIGHTROPE," Yongsun yelled to her girlfriend, who was precariously balanced on said tightrope, grinning at her. The unicycle wobbled. "BYULYI!"

"I'M OKAY, I'M GOOD ALRIGHT," Byulyi yelled back in an attempt to soothe Yongsun’s fraying nerves. The crowd around them cheered her on, their roaring voices almost drowning out Yongsun’s voice, but Byulyi’s ears could pick out the older girl’s voice even in a crowd of a million, on another planet.

It was the voice she had been waking up to everyday for the past seven years after all.

The tightrope shook. Yongsun’s screech reached her ears again.

'Okay, maybe this wasn’t the best idea,' Byulyi winced. A stray thought flew into her head that she might not be sleeping next to Yongsun tonight. If not falling from 10 metres, breaking a bone somewhere in her body and landing herself in the hospital, then it would be from Yongsun kicking her out of their bedroom to sleep on the couch.

She was halfway through when she decided to glance down. Her eyes scanned the crowd around her before they locked with a pair of chocolate brown eyes. Yongsun’s face was pale, almost drained of blood and her hands were locked together tight.

She gave a small wave and the crowd roared even louder. Yongsun just gripped her hands tighter. Byulyi melted a little inside. It was just like Yongsun to be such a concerned Yeba. A grin spread across her face when she imagined Yongsun running to her and flinging her arms around her neck.

"I am going to kill you when you come down." Yongsun muttered as she watched Byulyi slowly cycle her way to the end of the tightrope.  She turned to look at the crowd and Yongsun held her breath. "What are you doing?"

Byulyi waved at her.

'You are literally hanging on for your life on a flimsy- rope and a unicycle that looks like it’s about to fall apart if a toddler sat on it and you decIDE TO WAVE AT ME, BYULYI ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF?'

A grin.


a/n: I tried if u cringe pls let me know

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RubiaAO #1
Chapter 1: Obrigada!
Chapter 1: Had a good laugh!??
Chapter 1: It was so fun to read lmao
Chapter 1: Lmao
Chapter 1: cute! I like this one a lot!
Chapter 1: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
This one is good! You play with the reader minds!
merugoo #7
Chapter 1: lolz omg i'd be so scared too, go sleep on the couch byul-ah you deserved it!! cute story :3
Chapter 1: Too bad it ended right there. :3
You're actually good at writing with bits of humor there :)) But i would also like to suggest that you could write longer since it didn't really put the idea of a "finished" story. It was more like of a prologue than a complete one.

P/S: I'm saying this because I want to read more from you since I can see the potential of writing you got in there ^ ^

#moonsun ftw!