
Empathy〈 2Jae 〉

The ability to
the feelings of one another

'I'm so sorry Youngjae.'Jaebum says to himself for more than a billion times.

The boy didn't know many times he had to use new excuses to hide himself somewhere and cry his heart. Or how much he forgets to eat or acts like himself.

This wasn't the normal Jaebum. Not the original one where he threw his anger at the members playfully or in a leadership way. He was just lost. Completely wrecked. This was definitely how Youngjae felt. He kept reminding himself how he deserved the negativity.

It had been weeks since their break-up, but to both of them, it felt like that shattering day was just yesterday. It was like when they wake up tomorrow, they feel as if their break-up was hours ago.

Breath unsteady and visions blurry, the hopeless leader held onto himself, pulling all his broken pieces in place, trying to obtain his delighted and ordinary self. But hours had passed and every member was worrying why their leader hadn't left the room.

Jaebum managed to pull himself together and make himself look presentable. He would disarranged his attire and act out as if he had woken up minutes ago. Leaving his empty bedroom, he slowly strolled to the kitchen. He hope he could get some food in his stomach.

But when he hears the sound of melodious laughter and angelic voice speaks with happiness, his heart stops for a moment and he registers that the boy he loves is happy. And he should be. He also should be happy for Youngjae because Youngjae was able to stand up for his unsympathetic self.

Walking in and ignoring the looks, Jackson was the first to spark the conversation between every members.

"Leader-shi, where ya been? Did you hibernate nicely?"Jackson inquired jokingly, making the leader force a smile on his comportment.

"Yeah, I did actually. But since summer is coming, I came back."Jaebum responded to the joke, making the two youngest Maknae grin.

"Time to annoy the bear!"BamBam shouted, making half of them chuckle and the Maknaes, excluding Youngjae, rush over to their leader with wide grins. He gives them his fake smile and pats their head.

"Aish, you brats. Leave me alone before I have a honeycomb on your head and bees will chase you."Jaebum threatens playfully and flicks Yugyeom and BamBam forehead. He walks away with the coffee and returns to his room with the two youngest whining to Jinyoung about his bad behavior.

"See, next time don't provoke a bear."Jackson says.

"I can hear you idiot!"Jaebum shouts, hearing their loud laughter echoes throughout the thin walls of the dorms.

The forced smile is dropped when he enters his room. He shuts the door softly and feels so completely weak in the legs that he needs the hold onto the door handle with both hands. Not realizing he had dropped the hot coffee on his foot.

"!"Jaebum curses and tried to move out the way but his foot gets caught in the hot coffee and broken shards of the cup. Loud footsteps are storming down the halls and the door burst open, reviewing every member. Except Youngjae.

While he was being tended, he listens to the lectures and concerns. But what made his heart skip a beat and sink deeper was when Youngjae appeared.

"You okay?"Youngjae asks impassively.

"I'm. . . Alright."Jaebum lies, but the truth present in his glossy brown orbs as it makes contact with the unreadable ones.


With that, the main vocalist leaves at the same time when all five members are done pestering him. He stays in his exact spot and recalls Youngjae hurting his arm terribly. But this time, their roles were switched. He knows.



Jaebum walks behind everybody, keeping count of s and making sure everything was organized. Arriving at the JYP Building, all the GOT7 members go to the practice room to rehearse their dance.

He knows he's not suppose to dance or anything but he manages to slip through their complaints about his injury with his counterfeit brightest smile and enthusiastic self by bringing threats.

Here the leader is, staring at his own reflection. He tilts his head, examining his figure and closely leans in to his eyes. He can see the weariness and absolute agony. But oddly a smile forges its way on his lips.

'Youngjae must have seen these emotions in his own eyes that he has to smile for some reason.'Jaebum thought and sighs softly as he turns away from himself. He can hardly stand himself.

"Alright guys, time for practice. I hope you're all energized."The leader says, making them all smile faintly. But he misses the expression on the sunshine's countenance because he doesn't want to look at Youngjae.

Practice is hours long and finally, it ends. Everyone is exhausted to the point they were just lying limp on the ground, no words spoken. Jaebum is quiet as he drinks his water and avoids eye-contact. He pretends to fall asleep in the corner when he hears Jackson, Jinyoung, Mark, and Youngjae.

It seems like the four boys were playing the paper game where they passed the paper by their lips. Jaebum shudders as he recalls kissing Jackson. He swore he had nightmares for the whole week.

No matter how much his heart is being stabbed at when he watches lowly how Youngjae is ecstatic about the game, he knows he doesn't have the right to end the fun and demand for the main vocal to stop.

The game gradually gets better when the boys were able to pass seven papers but on their third round, no one expected the sudden attack. Maybe Jaebum should've fallen asleep for real or had left earlier to get drinks, but he stayed.

Mark was demonstrating to Youngjae how to be more careful and quick. Jackson seem way to adrenalized  that he shoved himself into the eldest boy who smacked lips with their brown haired vocalist.

The Maknaes screamed out "Ew" while Jinyoung and Jackson searched for their leader who immediately put a towel on his face to pretend as if he was sleeping through their chaos. After a minute of hearing their teasing and siren voices, he spoke up.

Jaebum was surprised himself that his voice wasn't shaking with anger or sadness, but with detachment.

"Yah, why are you guys screaming? I'm trying to sleep here."Jaebum says and swallows the lump in his throat. He suddenly felt the urge to cry in front of everyone. The older brunette would stand up from his position and elude all stares.

Mark and Youngjae shared nervous glances, muttering an apology to one another. Jackson had to bow more than a hundred times since Mark was upset and their main vocalist wasn't even back to his cheerful self momentarily.

The leader is the first to be out the company building and his breath is uneven. And he wasn't running. His pain was ready to emerge in public. s were catching up. He felt doomed. Without any warning, he dropped his duffel bag and ran off.

Sending a text to the member with a lie, he doesn't wait for responses and continues running wherever his mind tells him to. He stops to take a break and finally, he just let those numerous beautiful tears fall.

Crying in the dark is just like sitting in the rain. No one knows or cares.

Hearing sounds of bushes being played with, the leader silences himself and wipes his face harshly, riding of all the salty droplets. Sniffling, he calls out.


His voice drops when Youngjae comes out with a darken demeanor. The leader finds a new expression to present to the main vocalist as he starts speaking once more to conceal his pain.

"Ah, Youngjae, you almost scared me. What's up?"

"Let's go home hyung."Youngjae whispers and comes closer.

When the younger brunette is standing at east one feet in front of the older male, Jaebum literally wants to embrace the vocalist in his arms and cry his heart out and keep apologizing. The compulsion was burning at him.

But he doesn't want to make Youngjae hate him more than he already does.

"Alright. . . "

He wishes for the younger brunette to hug him or something because that's what the boy looks like he would do, but all the leader got was a nod. Was this how Youngjae felt when Jaebum left him that day without any kisses.



Everyone eventually catches on. It's been a month. Every dying second, minutes, hours, days, and weeks. They can finally look into the eyes of their fearless leader that use to hold ecstasy was now replaced with distress.

GOT7 had their 2 day break. Jaebum decided it was a good time to let himself go.


He wasn't ending himself.

He was simply going to drink away the pain.

By now it was 9PM. Most of everyone had disappeared, or so he thought. He had spent the last hour drinking at least two bottles of vodka. The rooftop provided him the comfort of being alone and free in the night air.

"Hyung. . . "

Jaebum turns and sees s. They were standing there with worried looks palpable. He manages to send them a faint smile and they can still see the charm in them even if he's half-drunk.

"Please be careful. We don't want you to ruin your health."Yugyeom says and gives his leader a back-hug before disappearing down the rooftop stairs with Jinyoung and Bambam.

"JB. You're sad over the break-up, aren't you?"Mark speaks up.

"No. Like you guys say, I'm unsympathetic and I don't even know how it feels to have a heartbreak."Jaebum answers smoothly and turns, giving them a sad smile."Besides, I'm really stressed out and I think drinking might help. I don't want to yell at you guys."

Such lies.

A lie that breaks a certain brunette heart.

"Hyung, we just want you to be okay. We can help—"

"Jackson. It's fine. Really. Just go have some fun before we get schedules."The older brunette interrupts and returns to looking at the night sky.

The duo comprehend well enough that this was a leader's decision and they needed to accept it. They also know that Jaebum will do everything to make himself truly happy. Even if he's hurting himself so much. Like right now.

Hours had passed and Jaebum is drunk and is a crying leader. The brunette pours his heart out on the rooftop alone. He's muttering ever mistakes and regrets. He's wishing it was just the nightmare that kept haunting him. He wants to just smile at the love of his life and be with them at this very moment.

Youngjae hides in the corner, covering his mouth. He had stayed there ever since Jaebum stared drinking and till he heard his past lover crying. And it was harming him so much. Yet he remains in that spot, not sure how to approach his leader.

Grabbing his courage, Youngjae steps out the shadow, wiping away his tears. Gaining his voice, the young brunette would speak slowly.

"Jaebum-Hyung. . . ."

The drunk brunette turns and his eyes widen. The main vocalist just stops and reaches out and to touch those red cheeks that are stained with tears. He feels how cold the older male is and notes to make him warmer later.

Taking a seat besides his leader, both stare at each other longingly.

"Oh god. If I'm asleep. . .That means you're just a figure in my dreams. Youngjae. . . "

Youngjae is slightly amused but smiles dejectedly. Going along with the act, the boy would nod and he hears a sigh from the other brunette who's holding himself.

"Youngjae, you're in my dreams but you won't be able to know what I want to say. I want to tell you so much but I don't want you to be angry and hate me even more. But you can't possibly hate me more than myself."Jaebum starts and Youngjae listens.

"You probably think I don't got a heart. Because when you first me, I was bitter. I just a rough exterior. . . But I'm so happy you saw through all that toughness and created so much weak spots in me. Change me. Better yet, make me smile as if this world wasn't malicious. Thank you."

Youngjae nods, happiness lighting up inside.

"I do have a heart. But I wonder if it's even beating. I mean, when I see you or hear your voice. It runs like always and it makes me feel more alive than I ever felt in a lifetime. Even if we broke up, you still make my heart go wild. You are the reason why I enjoy sleeping. You're one of the reason why I want to be cute and hug every cute things."

Youngjae chuckles and watches the sadness on his alluring leader changes eery few second.

"You're why I want to be so extra. You make me want to scream to the world that you're mine. You make me want to buy you everything in the whole world but knowing you, you'd just want to be with the one you love dearly the most."

"Jaebum-Hyung. . . .You need to understand something-"

"Aish, vision Youngjae, stop talking and listen."Jaebum rolls his eyes, making Youngjae shed a tear as he laughs sadly.

"My heart right now is beating fast even if its just you in my dream. You can literally feel it."Jaebum grabs those warm hands that feels too real, but he just assumes his drunk state is screwing his mind either way.

Youngjae palms touches the leader's chest and he gasp softly. Because he can feel the rhythm of it. As the main vocalist looks up, he examines how adorable the other brunette is. A confused pout on his comportment.

"See? That's how insanely in love I am with you and it's so bad but yet so amazing."The young boy hand are brought back to his sides and he inches closer to the other boy.

"Youngjae, if I could ever fall in love with anyone, I'd pick you over anyone and anything. It's not a joke. I don't care if we're sick, healthy, rich, poor, singers or not, animals or human or supernatural creatures. I will always love you. Nothing will ever make me feel different. No one can make me feel like this other than you."

Youngjae is silently crying as the older brunette rest his head on his shoulder.

"Choi Youngjae."

He adds those last three words with ease with true trace of bliss and love.

"I love you."

The main vocalist nows that his lover that had fallen asleep and he could feel those tears wetting his shoulder but he doesn't care. He allows the leader's tears to stain his shirt. The young boy reaches over and grabs the nearly half empty vodka and drinks it all up.


And it's Youngjae who feels this.

❝I don't hate you. . . .❞


The morning Jaebum wakes up, he's in his room and his head hurts. He groans and rolls around. Seeing a glass of water and pills on the table, he immediately downs it. The leader has no energy so he just lays there until he eventually falls asleep.


The youngest Maknae burst in the room and he jumps on the mattress to wake his leader up.

"Yugyeom, I swear, I'll let Jinyoung have your head on a platter if you don't leave me the alone."Jaebum threatens and pulls away.

"But Namjoon-Hyung invited us over to his house today."

Jaebum opens his weary brown orbs slowly and turns. Yugyeom is grinning and continues to speak but he hears nothing because his mind doesn't focus since he tries to recall last night events, praying he didn't do anything vacuous.


"You got it hyung?"

"Sure, now let me shower."Jaebum gets up and nearly falls over as he goes to the bathroom, making the boy laugh. The leader would just play it off and get ready for the evening. He ponders if he could even really survive this day.

Everyone is ready and dressed. But Jaebum perceives something peculiar.

"Where's Youngjae? And Bambam?"

"They went first to help with the mini party."Mark answers.

The leader just nods and leaves the apartment first with Jackson following shortly when they all finish dressing up. The older brunette doesn't know whether to be happy or sad. It's confusion within. He felt as if he had confessed something greatly and is relieved while the other part is worried.


It's dark out as they arrive at the house. Jaebum recognizes it as Namjoon's house and so they all walk in. They all walk in and there's a billion white, blue, blue, and gold balloons floating on the ground. Taehyung burst out from one door and shouts.


Taehyung latches himself on Jaebum and drags the leader into the living room where it's much darker and bright color LED light are hung around. Music is blasting and he can feel the presence os others dancing around.

"JB-HYUNG, HAVE FUN."He hears Taehyung yells besides him but the brunette has no energy because he had drank way too much yesterday but before he could tell the Maknae 'no', the boy was gone in seconds.

But the song changes it's slow. It has the vibe of an upbeat song while it has sadness. It's so emotional he thinks and stands still, listening to the beat. But he's not hyped. He's in his feelings for some odd reasons.

He kept thinking of Youngjae.

Why now?

The leader just stays completely still and he collapses. His knees gives up on him and he's on the ground, tears repainting his beauteous comportment. But no one can hear his pain through the loud music.

No one.

'I should just leave now. I'm so weak, I don't think I can do this anymore.'

Jaebum wipes his tears and stands up, wobbling. Before he could run out the house, someone arms is tightly wrapped around his waist and holds him back from escaping. He can feel tears wetting his back.

"Don't leave. . . Please don't leave me."

It's that familiar voice.

That voice that brings back his tears.

It's the boy he loves with all his heart.


"Youngjae, please—"

"I know you think you're weak and worthless but please don't go."

"I don't want to be in the arms of someone I love that has told me that they hate me. Please let me go."Jaebum begs. The tears stream down his face and there's no point of stopping them.

❝I don't hate you. . . .❞

Jaebum halts from fighting against the younger's boy hold and doesn't turn. He adsorb the information, finding it hard to believe because one: He's not drunk, two: Youngjae was pressed against his back currently, three: He just confessed he didn't despised him.

"Do you hear me Im Jaebum? I don't hate you. I love you. I trutly love you with all my heart and I want you to know that."

"Youngjae, please, I don't deserve you. You—"

"Shut the up! I don't want anything else! I just want you. Just please stop hurting yourself and let me love you with all my heart. I already know you still love me. I can still feel your heartbeat. . . Just stay with me."

Jaebum is crumbling down to the floor along with Youngjae who doesn't loosen the hug. And the leader is alright with that. Because deep down, he appreciates this hug and the warmth and emotions in the hold was making him feel sentient and making him apprehend true happiness.

By being in the arms of Choi Youngjae.

"Youngjae. . .I'm so sorry. . .I love you."Jaebum confesses and he turns to return the hug.

The older brunette feels the younger boy gripping onto his shirt as if they would part any second by the earth. Even if the embrace was hurting them, they love the emotions being shared and how they can finally be in each other's arms after a tortuous month.


They both felt it.

After so much of understanding each other's pain.

They were able to share one final affection.

Their love. 



3412 word count

The end :))))

I hope you guys enjoy this terrible end of Unsympathetic 
I wish I wrote it better but yeah

Excuse any mistakes, I'll fix it ^^

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BbuingBbuingMaknae #1
Chapter 1: So sad but sweet at the same time, im almost cryin u know;;

Thanks for the epilogue, im glad that they didn't end by hurting each other;; till later?*^*
gyustinyeyes #2
Chapter 1: Ah thank you so much for writing this!! ^.^
Hunterxhunter1004 #3
Chapter 1: Oh my god!! This is so good!! TTTTT
Thank you for writing this, I felt so heart broken in the previous on but this made everything better! Thank you
Chapter 1: shipshipship