Chapter 10

Twice and no more (Sequel to Miracle)

Chapter 10

[Guigui POV]

I waited for almost 30 minutes for Aaron, but he didn’t pick me up for school. The clock showed 7.03am. I had 12 minutes to walk to school.

“Stupid Lunlun!” I cursed under my breath as I quickened my pace.

As I entered the room, I noticed Aaron sitting at his place. He didn’t seem to see me. I walked towards him and dragged him out of the room.

“Why didn’t you come to my house?” I asked when we reached the back of the school garden.

“I forgot.” He replied.

“Is that all you could say? Do you know I have been waiting for you like a fool? And we have been going to school together for months. How can you have forgotten?” Tears started to swell in my eyes.

‘Why am I so vulnerable?’ I thought.

“What do you want me to do then?” Aaron raised his voice.

He… he have never raised his voice at me for no reason.

“What happened to you Aaron? You never talk to me like that before.”

Great! Now, Aaron must be thinking that I’m such a crybaby.

“Care explaining this to me?”

He held out his phone and showed me a video. It was me and Wangzi, kissing in the gambling den. But… how did this video get to Aaron?

“Lunlun, listen to me. It’s not what you think.”


[Aaron POV]

“Don’t tell me you were forced to kiss him. I had enough of this. This isn’t the first time Guigui.” I spoke harshly.

I knew my attitude was causing her pain, but what can I do? My girlfriend cheated on me! And it was the second time!


“To think I was guilty for kissing Hebe. But you… I’m utterly disappointed!”

“You are pushing the blame to me when you did something wrong to this relationship too. Every time, I fear that you will be snatched away from me. I never have any sense of security with you around ever since the start of the project. I was afraid of Hebe when I saw both of you whispering into each other’s ear. I can’t take this anymore Aaron. You never give me a chance to explain anything. I’m sick of this! I think it’s time to end this relation.”

I stared at Guigui. What she said was true. But anger was over me. Maybe jealousy too. I couldn’t control what I said. And I can never take back my words.

“You want to break up? Fine! I don’t know why I like you at first. I thought you will be the nicest girlfriend I’ll have, caring and cheering me up. But ever since this project, you have been ignoring me for that idiotic partner of yours. Don’t you think I should be suspicious over both of you? Why can’t I get close to Hebe when you can with Wangzi? We shouldn’t have been together at first. It was a mistake all along. I think it’s a good thing anyway. You can have your freedom in making any kind of guy friends, and I can do anything I want with my girl friends. We do not have to intercept each other’s love life. Isn’t that great?” I turned around, hiding my red, angry face.


[Guigui POV]

“I never dream that you will say such words Aaron. You tried to be the bad guy in front of your parents, making me think that you really love me. But now, you are telling me that it’s a mistake to love me. Is this one of the methods you used to dump those girlfriends of yours back in Hong Kong? When you are tired of a girl, you come up with a plan to ditch her. Well, you got that. Who knows, you ganged up with Wangzi and the boss in the gambling den. And placing the video tape on the table and asking Wangzi to kiss me. Thanks a lot Aaron, for dumping me. After all that we have been through, this is how we are ending our relation? Thank you so much! My love and desire for you had turned into hatred. Now you can go back to your parents and break the good news to them!” slapped him and ran away, wiping my tears off.
“Stop being a crybaby Guigui. How old are you now?!” I scolded myself.

Hiding my face from my friends, I took my bag and left the class. I heard Rainie calling after me, but I ignored her. I couldn’t face anyone. Not just yet.

I quickly entered the house and locked myself in my room. No matter how many times Mum knocked the door, I pretended not to listen and forced myself to sleep by crying.

Breaking up is such a torture.


[Nobody POV]

It’s been 2 days since they broke up. And Guigui had been absent for consecutive 3 days. Nobody knows what happened to her, moreover their breakup.

“What happened to Guigui?” Rainie asked Aaron.

“I don’t know.”

“How can you not know? You are her boyfriend.”

“She didn’t tell you?”

Rainie became confused.

“We broke up a few days ago.”

“Damn! No wonder she didn’t want to answer my call or see me. Wait, why did you break up?”

“Er…” Aaron looked around. ‘I couldn’t let her know that I shouted at her or she will kill me.’

“What?” She asked impatiently.

“We found out that we don’t suit each other. Breaking up is the best way for us.” And Aaron scolded himself mentally for saying such a stupid excuse.

“But you two have been together for a long time.”

“Stop bothering me! She was the one who initiated the break up, not me!” Aaron got irritated by Rainie’s questions.



[Rainie POV]

I rushed over to Guigui’s house as soon as I received her call. Over the phone, she sounded alright, but her voice cracked.

“Guigui! Open the door! It’s me, Rainie.” I banged onto her door as soon as I entered her house.

The door creaked open slowly, revealing a pale, messy Guigui.

“Oh my god! What happened to you?” I went over to hugged her.


[A/N] Sorry for not updating for weeks. As if there's anyone reading anyway. :)

4 January 2009

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