o7. codes & code 101


foreword — plotlines — cheatsheet 
application — reviews  — updates 

friendly remember: comment on the main thread if you're using the layout. comment here only if you have questions/problems with the layout. thank you!

   the colours

.     : #7d77a1
.     : #aeaac4 (name background in the app)
.     : #e1dfe9 (light background + border)
.     : #a9d1d9

for the front page, i'd suggest you to use a picture with a plain background for the header and for the background colour (bottom) to use a darker or lighter colour to create a contrast

   add 3 plotlines

one. select from < div style="clear:both;" > < /div> to the next < div style="clear:both;"> < /div> you see.
two. copy and paste
three. erase one < div style="clear:both;"> < / div> (2 next to each other makes a big space)

   remove a plotline

one. search for the last < div style="clear:both;" > < /div>
two. above there should be 4 tags < /div > like this
< /div>
< /div>
< /div>
< /div>
three. select from the last one, scroll up and stop selecting right before the next 4 < /div> you see (don't include them in your selection!)
four. erase
(it should be possible to remove a plotline by just selecting it -not in the source code i mean- and deleting it, but always erase from the last one to not mess up the layout!)

   erase the extra section

one. search for extra section title
two. above there should be 4 tags < /div > like this
< /div>
< /div>
< /div>
< /div>
three. select from after these 4 tags (so start selecting from < div style="height:200px etc.)
four. scroll down until you see 4 tags div and include them in your selection
five. erase

   add a review

one. select from < div style="clear:both;" > < /div> to the next < div style="clear:both;"> < /div> you see.
two. copy and paste
three. erase one < div style="clear:both;"> < / div> (2 next to each other makes a big space)

   add an update

one. everything between 2 < div style="clear:both;"> < /div> is 1 update box. the one you need to copy and paste depends on your last update.
two. if your update box has a purple background, there's a  background:#e1df9e in the code (between the 2 div style clear:both).
three. if your update box has a white background, there's a border:1px solid #e1df9e
four. and so if your last update had a purple background, you need to copy the code with the white background and if your last update has a white background, you copy the code with the purple background.
five. your code for the update box should always be in between 2 < div style="clear:both;"> < /div> or else your update won't have spaces

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Chapter 2: i want to ask how can i do the thing where when you click on the SOURCE CODE it get you to another page , please help me , i'm new to this cx