big hit entertainment presents... The Girl Scouts ✌ APPLY OPEN




story by Laquelle




author's note

Hello, everyone! It's Laquelle, and I hope there's interest in The Girl Scouts (TGS) because I have some brilliant ideas for this story and the girls! I can't wait to see the characters come into play!

- Elle



APRIL 19 Story created! Plotlines, cheatsheet, and application updated.

APRIL 19 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


now playing



y now, everyone knows that GLAM broke up and why. Big Hit wasn't too affected by it monetarily, but their image did take a slight hit. Could they not build up a girl group as great as Bangtan Boys, or even as musically gifted as Homme?


And because they're looking to change that image for the better, as soon as GLAM disbanded, they searched for females to build a second, better organized and constructed girl group to provide them with just as much money if not more than BTS. With very high standards for this girl group, they are putting every ounce of their resources into them, and they will not let them rest until they succeed.


It's do or die, and if someone lags behind the rest, they will get left behind in the dust.


title » Big Hit Presents... The Girl Scouts ✌
author » Laquelle
genre » Applyfic, friendship, romance, drama, some angst.
characters » Your chosen characters, BTS, and featured idols.
disclaimer » This storyline belongs to me. Please do not copy/distribute in any way. These character belong to the people of AFF. Do not steal them.
deadline » TBA.


rules & regulations

one » Please subscribe if you plan on applying!
two » No bashing me or the applicants.
three » Make sure to follow the cheatsheet!
four »I'm accepting six applicants.
five » You can apply up to two times.
six » There's no restriction on comments, but please do comment so I know if you're enjoying the story!


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