. E n d .

Oh, it fell apart.

Taekwoon didn't know how everything fell apart that quickly.

It all started by Wonshik never coming home anymore, spending days, sometimes weeks out not even leaving a message or else about where he is.

Whenever Taekwoon wanted to text him or call him his phone was always out of service, he never answered him and when he returns he always made sure the older wasn't there so he doesn't ask him about anything or bother him. 


Taekwoon didn’t really understand why he'd do something like that, at first he thought he was just being too worried and Wonshik only had to work because when the younger starts on something what to expect is him skipping meals and never coming out of his studio. He hates when even the slightest thing goes wrong and he turns extremely sensitive and anything would tick him off.

But everything seemed off this time, he hadn't used the studio in a while and hadn't even been around the place lately. Taekwoon also noticed how the younger's things would disappear, an item by an item from their room and that made his heart shatter because he knew what the younger was up to.


He didn't even know why he cared so much, he was never this caring in his whole life. Meeting the younger changed him but it was never enough. 

He always tried to explain it's not that he didn't love Wonshik...it's not that he didn't always want to be with him.

It’s that he couldn't express those emotions right.

Taekwoon wasn't that kind of words person, he showed his affection by some unnoticeable things. He was shy and quite bad with words, people would often think he's mad whenever he's just quiet and listens to everything they say, not a single word escaping his mouth.

They've always fought about it. Wonshik would constantly yell at Taekwoon for being 'cold and insensitive' even though that wasn't the case...

Wonshik was the insensitive one.

Taekwoon truly loved Wonshik but it only felt like the younger was using him. Yeah, who wouldn't use him? He was a piece of trash after all.

Wonshik just never spent any time in learning who Taekwoon actually was. He just wanted to mess him up, ruin him and destroy his whole world. Luckily for the younger, he succeeded.


Did he even mean anything to Wonshik ? Yeah maybe, maybe he was his toy? 

Taekwoon was pretty sure Wonshik was cheating on him but did he really care? No, he didn't. Taekwoon just kind of... got used to it. He'd wrap his arms around Wonshik whenever he comes home drunk and reeking of the smell that'd make Taekwoon feel so sick.  The older was so upset and angry at first that he'd always wait for the younger to fall asleep so he could lock himself in the bathroom all night just to cry. However, he just ended up learning how to play along like he never knew about anything after a while.


Just like that he forced himself into believing he was happy and content by having the younger by his side.

And just like that he lied to himself and killed himself on the inside.


Taekwoon was looking at himself in the mirror and he wasn't surprised at what he saw. He'd become so thin, eyes became dull, skin pale and dark circles under his eyes. He almost didn't recognize himself. "Am i really alive?" He let out a sour laugh at the way he sounded. Even his voice had gone hoarse from all the crying he's been doing for the past few days.

He exited the bathroom and sat on the couch in the living room.


Wonshik had officially left their shared apartment. 

He didn't even say a word, he just took all of his remaining stuff and left one day while the older was at work. Honestly, Taekwoon knew it was bound to happen anytime soon so he just shut up about it.

Taekwoon let out a long sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "It feels so empty.”


He couldn't really believe that this was the same place... That once was filled with loud laughter and happy giggles.


Taekwoon huffed as he picked his phone from the table and opened the gallery, trying to find a certain picture. He still kept some pictures of the younger in his phone- more like their pictures. There was this one pictures of them on their first date, it was like any normal date.  Taekwoon remembers it as clear as day, the way Wonshik treated him and how gentle he was. "Things really do change, huh?”


Taekwoon was pulled back to reality when he heard a knock on the door. "Yes, who is it?"  

He shouted before unlocking the door and he froze at the sight in front of him.  "Why are you here…?” Taekwoon looked at the younger, his eyes wide open.

Wonshik rolled his eyes and spared no time, spitting three words that made Taekwoon almost fall on his knees.

"Let's break up." the younger started. "Look, nothing between us is right. I don't even like you anymore; i only kept you around because you were really 'caring' somehow. Plus you were always so easy to play with." Wonshik said, now laughing.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just break up.  I’m sick of you too." Taekwoon breathed out in annoyance. 

It was only him trying to sound like he was okay, he obviously wasn't be he had to act like it.

"Oh, also you look like absolute . Nobody would like to a ghost." the younger continued on.

"Okay, i get it. Now off and never talk to me again." Taekwoon spoke and Wonshik raised an eyebrow. "You finally grew a tongue?" He teased and Taekwoon glared at him. "The sight of you makes me want to vomit. Just leave." Taekwoon slammed the door shut at the younger's face. the younger clicked his tongue before turning on his heels and leaving the place.

The shock lasted with Taekwoon for a few days, he had stopped eating. He felt sick to bones and he hated it.

Deep down, Taekwoon knew he needed Wonshik to live, he had nobody but him. No friends, no family, nothing at all. That's why he tried to hold onto him no matter what but now everything between them is over. Not that he only lost Wonshik, he lost himself too.


Taekwoon lied flat on his bed, he had gone numb and it got to the point that he doesn't even shed tears anymore.

He had decided to let that memory burn in the back of his mind.

He knew there was no such way to forget Wonshik, he loved him a little too much to even think about that.


He exhaled, his lips curving into a small smile.

But there... is no problem in moving on as soon as possible, is there?

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Chapter 1: He didn’t deserve you anyways, taek >.>
Chapter 1: I'm hurt for Taek!! I'm here for you!
brvs316 #3
Chapter 1: Are there going to be more chapters where he does move on? Maybe gets to rub it in Wonshik's face later? ;)
Chapter 1: Taekwoon, let me hug you and feed you and everything, I'll take care of you! I'll do it, I promise. I'll take care of you, you poor baby!