
Demon's Silence


Jonghyun ran with all his might to the basement as fast as his short legs could carry him. Loud noises from outside overshadowed his own footsteps, the echoes fading softly when he almost flew down the stairs. His lungs stung, his breath was short and high when he finally reached the last step. Quickly he turned around and closed the heavy wooden door.  Anything would do. His head spun from the dizziness until his eyes fell upon the chairs and tables. He shoved it before the door with the remaining strength he had. He was surprised and thanked his body for making it so far. The door was now blocked and if he calculated it right, he bought enough time for his plan.

Not giving himself any rest to regain his breath he stumbled to the planks and grabbed the chalk. Blinking a few times he started drawing on the floor, ignoring the dots in his vision while trying to block out the screams and yells from outside. He moved his right hand so it left a circle, the white lines following the moves without knowing what they would do in just a few moments. How ironic that even now he thinks about how these lines are going to give pure light because it’s such a dark request he wants. It strangely doesn’t fit.

But not all white is pure and good, also, not all dark is corrupt and bad.

This is something… in between, he believed.

When it didn’t go fast enough he frustrated broke the chalk in two, drawing the remaining lines inside the circle with two hands. When he heard heavy thumping in the distance he nearly tripped himself out of panic, but a little excitement grew in him as he completed his summoning circle.

Jonghyun clapped his hands a few times to wipe off the remaining white chalk dust, giving himself a few seconds rest before his lips started shakenly to form the words no one else dared to speak in his village. Slowly he whispered it, barely audible as the sounds from outside grew louder and louder. It felt like his heart was going to beat out of his ribs when he finally spoke the last sentence, the energy leaving him. He let himself fall on his hands and knees, not caring about the bruises and the sudden sharp pain in his knee.

Black smoke appeared and trailed over the traced lines, slowly but surely filling the whole room as something was forming. The air felt thicker with the second and Jonghyun had trouble with breathing, coughing a few times because the smoke kept coming out of nothing.

Well, nothing, if what he learned is true it comes from the underworld.

Something told him to be scared. Probably an instinct every magician had, though Jonghyun chose to ignore it. He knew where it came from.

The smoke cleared up, absorbing into the slowly revealed figure that was standing where he drew the circle just now. Jonghyun blinked a few times, letting his gaze wander over the demon before him. He could literally feel the creeps wandering down his spine when his gaze fell upon the demon’s face, hidden in the shadows of his black hoody. Only his pink lips were slightly visible. Lips that didn’t move as the demon spoke to him for the first time.   

“Your wish,”

The demanding voice his mind, crawling into his head as if it wanted to overtake his own. It felt weird, but Jonghyun knew everything about this demon except what comes after. But he didn’t care about it this moment. He needs to do something. And if that meant letting a demon taking care of it then so be it.

“My wish,” He murmured, slowly standing up only to almost fall again. Jonghyun holds himself steady with one hand against the wall behind him, not leaving the demon out of his sight. The demon only stared straight back, he could feel how the other followed all his movements. His mind was a mess, especially when he saw the shadows moving on the ground, creeping closer to his feet. And he just stood there, frozen, his concentration on the demon all gone until it stopped before his feet.

“Amazing…shadow magic,” The demon made a hiss, Jonghyun shot his head right up when the shadows started crawling over his ankles up to his knees, restraining him from stepping away. He groaned when he felt how his knees burned from the wounds, clearly more skin was open than he thought, and was confirmed when he felt warm liquid dripping down to his feet.

What do you want?”

The arrogant voice snarled in his mind, clearly not in the mood for any time wasting. Jonghyun didn’t know it anymore what he just did, the figure before him amazed him what he shouldn’t do, the fear from the chase and his escaping far in his mind. However, the demon seemed to have lost his patience when Jonghyun’s eyes started to wander off to the shadows again around his ankles following to the figure that was surrounded by it.

Before he could register what happened a hand surrounded his throat. Out of reflex, he tried to grab the 
arms, but failed when shadows pinned his arms above him by his wrist. It burned his skin as if someone held a flame on it. Only then the panic rushed to his head, Jonghyun was almost thinking about escaping the demon too, especially when the grip around his throat tightened.  He was lost where to look and where to think, until he noticed that the demon actually stood before him, just a few inches away. He swallowed, hard.

“Last time. Your wish?”

The shadows burned on his skin where the flames, they looked like flames to Jonghyun now, touched him. Outside he could hear the footsteps becoming louder. He tensed when a man yelled his name, telling his allies he’d found his basement, followed by loud bangs on his door.

He took a deep breath, darting his eyes a few times between the door and the demon. The creature in his mind shadowed his own as he spoke out what he wanted. Jonghyun could practically feel the demon encouraging him, smirking as he whispered the following words, just loud enough for him and the demon only.

“Get me out of here. Burn the village and leave no one alive.”


As if on command the door slammed open. The tables and chairs were thrown aside ruthlessly. A few man started screaming towards them, already in position to fire any spells to his head, other man held swords or anything else that could capture him. But Jonghyun had only eyes for the creature before him that smirked.

Shadows exploded literally behind him, wiping the men away and destroying the whole room. Books, chairs and the table all burned down. The demon clenched his grip a little more on his throat as a warning, then turned around and stormed the stairs up in a blur, leaving a trail of black flames behind him.

Jonghyun trembled, his knees felt weak. He fell on the ground and tried to regain his breath, calming himself down before taking the next step. The summoning made him exhausted. Even though he knew spells that would help him, it was a risk to perform them since the demon 
mend his energy with Jonghyun’s. And he didn’t want to mess this up. His knee stung a little from the wounds but he wiped it away with his sleeve.

As long as he can walk it’s okay.

So he tried to move on, preparing himself mentally as he took the stairs. He didn’t come across anyone, only the black flames the walls and floor. It somehow excited him when he finally got outside. He hid behind a pillar, watching the villagers run away from the hell that was destroying their homes.

Wives with children who tried to run away were all captured in flames, consumed by them when they out their lives. He could feel that the Demon was enjoying this. The faint sarcastic presence told him the demon was having fun with this request. He glanced to the west side of the village, seeing there a huge mass of black terrorizing the streets.

Everything that touched it was destroyed. Jonghyun thought it was beautiful.


It was fascinating.

The flames, people burning and fading away.

It is beautiful
He crawled away, trying to concentrate on any noises. When he thought it was safe he took a deep breath and began to run without looking back. As long as he felt the connection with the demon is is alright, he told himself again. Nobody was now supposed to be around, so he took his chance with his intention to hide into the forest. The environment was sad, yet again it fascinated him. The houses that once stood here are completely burned to ash.

He really did a good job with choosing this demon. Yet the ticklish knowledge that he doesn’t know the whole contract gave him the chills. Though maybe that’s also the exciting part of this.

Jonghyun was halfway near the end when his legs gave in, refusing to move any further. He growled when he collapsed on the ground, cringing when the pain shocked through his legs.

“Come on,” he murmured frustrated. The bleeding wouldn’t stop so he ripped a part of his sleeve, wrapping it around his knee. That should do it for now.

He started jogging
 this time, only one street left after this one and he was safe since no one dared to come into the forest. Almost, he turned the last block and set his eyes upon the end, ignoring every protest of his body until a surprised scream filled the air – his scream.

As if gravity fell upon him. His ears made a peeping tone, the world around him suddenly became a blur when he was bound to the harsh ground.  

Really, now at this time? He was so close to the edge of the village.

When he finally looked up he did expect anything but not this.

“Kim Jonghyun. Playtime is over, kid.” A shadow stated that took the form of an Elder. Gravity held him on the ground as two other elders showed up. He 
stared in astonishment at the three before him. They are alive. The three people he wanted to be dead the most stood before him, holding him on his spot and thus restraining him from his freedom.

His freedom which was just less than a mile away from him.

“Let me go!” he screamed weakly, trying everything to break the spell to no avail. The elder moved his lips and made a few movements with his hand, a faint voice growled in the back of his mind and the next thing Jonghyun knew he wasn’t laying on the ground anymore but on a cold, flat floor. It took him a few moments to process what actually happened until the realization struck him.

Teleporting . Why didn’t I learn myself that yet? He knew
why, his pride is way too high for learning the ‘right’ way. And here he paid the price. The Elder from before bound him to a chair while the other two Elders held him in his place. The walls were paper white. No paintings, cracks on the floor or doors, nothing.

A square room with one chair. Sadly, he knew this room and its purpose.

Internal cursing he quickly shut his eyes, trying to reach out to the demon’s presence that seemed to fade away. Something blocked it and-

“Kim Jonghyun.” A voice echoed in the room. He cringed, hoping that the demon would get here soon. “You are guilty of murdering and damaging the village on purpose. Above that, you summoned a forbidden Demon class, which is now taken care of.”

He opened his eyes in disbelieve, staring in astonishment at the three in white clothed men standing before him.  

“It can’t be.” He whispered, thinking of how to get out of here. The thing is, his energy is still low and the bond between the demon and him is also him dry. Yet something was in his way when he tried to reach out to him.

“Don’t try it,” The middle man stated, he recognized that is was the same who captured him. “The demon should be dismissed by now. Kim Jonghyun, we warned you countless times.
This time you’ll pay with your death,” the man spoke the words clear without stuttering or missing a beat. Jonghyun could only gape and watch in horror, the decision too sudden and spoken with such determination he feared the Elders for the first time in his life.

The middle standing elder was already raising his hands until the left man interrupted him.

“Wait a moment,” The man next to him cleared his throat when all three pair eyes looked at him. Jonghyun held his breath and tried to search for the demon’s presence now he had the chance.

“…block his powers first. I would say an execution after that is more… reliable. We never know what tricks he learned from those… books.” He spat the lasts words with disgust, glancing at Jonghyun who acted as if he listened, his eyes focused on the Elder’s hands while they actually 
stared somewhere much further.

“Alright then. I agree.” The familiar Elder spoke, and without wasting more precious time he began to whisper the spell, so soft Jonghyun couldn’t hear the words. Words that are forbidden. Combinations that formed sentences that shouldn’t be spoken out loud.

Grinding his teeth and closing his eyes, he gave his last try to call the demon, focusing all his spiritual energy at the dark presence. He groaned when the strong blockade pushed him back. Still he poured all his energy into the last fight, finally feeling that the connection is strong enough to scream for help.

Jonghyun heard soft groans from the two other Elders, both massaging their heads while the other one still mumbled the curse.

The demon screamed in his mind so hard he tensed a little, quickly shooting the elders a glance if they noticed it. They did not.


So the demon had a name. A creepy smile appeared on Jonghyun’s face, the demon now knew where he was located. Clearly the other elders didn’t take care good enough of him. Idiots.

“,” He cursed when he felt his consciousness fade away slowly, draining his last energy at the same time. Still he believed that the demon would be here soon. The Elder shuffled with concentration to Jonghyun, extending his hand. His fingertips glowed in white light, radiating a few soft that became stronger as he summed up the spell.

He wanted to scream, but his lungs burned too much because of the lack of air. Jonghyun didn't know that he was hyperventilating, in fact, he doesn’t feel his body anymore, only having an eye for what is happening before him.

It was over. His vision 
blurred even more, the glowing fingertips almost touched his forehead. Jonghyun could almost feel the warmth his skin. It was then that he screamed for real, the purple lines and lights blending together, swirling and flying around in his vision way too fast.

A hammering pain cut through his head, expanding to his chest and limbs. Jonghyun faintly registered how the darkness surrounded him by then, but before he passed out he could swear he’d saw contours of a certain figure hovering above him.


Jonghyun was that kid back then in his childhood who didn’t want to do anything else then making fun. Summoning a frog, get a swamp frog that destroyed his neighbor’s house, things like that happened from time to time. It just didn’t suit him to learn simple things like how the energy flows or letting your fingers sparkle. He figured out that teaching spells himself made things a lot more interesting, especially when he stumbled upon forbidden subjects.

Even though he hated learning from others, like hell he never wanted to be an apprentice, he loved to make his own path to knowledge. Every spell he taught himself he’d want to know everything about it so it could never go wrong.

Yet he knew he didn’t finish his last study books as he chose Key to be summoned.  

In the end, he didn’t care anymore. When he drew the last lines of that circle he crossed his own limits. The only thing that was on his mind was escaping.



He didn’t know where he was. It was all black. Or dark. Is it dark or black? Jonghyun didn’t know. The chance to figure out what was going on didn’t he get either, as the dark faded away at the same time with him.

The other time he noticed some contours. Curious he tried to move himself, only to figure out he couldn’t. Desperately he swung his arms around, maybe he could touch something? Jonghyun was sure he let out a cry if he could hear his voice.

It was crawling, he convinced himself that. Something was crawling on its way to him. Even worse, it took him in its embrace as he felt it creeping around his ankles. But why couldn’t he run away or shove it off him? But when he tried to slap it away, he hit nothing but emptiness.

Jonghyun wasn’t surprised when he didn’t hear his gasp. His hands were supposed to touch each other. They did not.

There was really nothing.

Only his presence, Jonghyun figured out after he lost the count of times he was stuck into this… world.





Now it’s something different. It was not completely black anymore, to be more precise this time gray and brown spots mingled together and floated around. The crawling thing isn’t here, though. It made his head dizzy, so he tried to blink a few times.

Between the few 
frames more colors and contours were drawn into his vision, it was too bright. His ears made a peeping noise as he whined, gravity suddenly weighing upon his limbs. Darkness enveloped him once more, his mind slipping away.

The figure in the corner is waiting patiently anyway.




Warm air Jonghyun’s skin, dull orange and black played with each other behind his eyelids. The sound of a fire close to him could be heard; the wood splintered as the wind carried the whispers of the flames.

He heard it.

He let the time pass, giving himself time to notice as much as possible around him while fighting to stay stand-by awake.

He tapped with his finger on something hard, he was lying on the ground? His body felt as if it contained stones, not bones. Constantly he concentrated on the sound of the fire, using it to believe he was still alive.

It took some more time until he dared to open up his eyes again. His sight was a lot clearer, and from the 
stone structured ceiling he was staring at it looked as if he was in a cave. He was probably somewhere outside, he concluded.

He had escaped.

He softly smiled, and fell asleep, this time without visiting the dark world.



Jonghyun lost track of time when he woke up the next time. He figured a thin material covered him till his chin, probably to keep him warm. Not daring to move yet with his body he wet his dry lips a little with his tongue. Trying to form some words he was shocked how raspy his voice sounded as well his throat burned with it.

“Key,” he whispered. Something shifted in the corner of his eye. The demon was still here.
Of course he is, he thought. A demon would never go without completing the request.

Key,” Jonghyun let the name out again, this
time stronger. A shadow hovered above him. The demon had something in his hands, the object softly came in contact with his lips. Jonghyun didn’t care that it could be poison or anything other life-threatening liquid at that moment.  All that he thought about was that if he didn’t get something in his mouth his throat burned him to death.

It is water. I need you to sit up.

Key’s cold voice echoed in his head. It stung him in his heart when he noticed he couldn’t feel him anymore,
in fact nothing around him. Defeated tears slid down his cheeks.

He groaned when Key forced him to sit up, with one hand under his lower back and the other supporting his neck the demon turned him a little so he was leaning against the wall behind him.  Jonghyun nodded as a signal so the other could set the bottle onto his lips. Carefully he sipped some of it and he was kind of surprised when it was normal water, unless there were so many spells put on this he didn’t notice. Not that he could anymore, but okay.

Jonghyun tried to search for eye contact with the demon, but as if he noticed his plans the demon lowered his head, always hidden in his dark hoody. He let out a deep sigh, feeling how every part of his body protested with that movement.

“You know, I didn’t mean to get us into trouble. I only wanted to get out of the war.” It felt good to talk again, the water greatly improved that. Key retreated and sat down next to the fire. Assuming he’d listen, he continued his rambling.

“I had never been liked by the other villagers. Maybe it’s because I had my own vision of how to live my life and walk down my own path. I dislike the way how magicians let their life rule by their master until they are considered strong enough to take care of students. Since my parents did not really care about me being a magician a teacher was never assigned to me when I was younger.”

He bit his lips, Key hadn’t shown a sign that he had been listening. But he didn’t care, it somehow needed to be told before… before the end of the contract. He thought bitterly. It made him shiver and he did not want to think about it now.

“Libraries are amazing, they stored many books there so I kind of spent a lot of my time as a child there. I stumbled upon spells and… things… so I tried it, of course.” Still he didn’t regret it, it made him unique as a person after all, not the standard shining shooting glitters people.

“I… actually summoned a demon before. It destroyed the cathedral and they wanted to kick me out of the village. Just before they could do the judgment our village was attacked. They told me- they used me against them. These foreign travelers knew about the dark magic all along and they nearly killed the elders.” Which would have been really nice, but unfortunately fate directed his destiny to another way, he added silently.

“The village forgave my mistake because I helped them.” He let out a sarcastic laugh. “The funny thing about this? The elders decided already that they would get rid of me, I am really glad my spells were strong enough to escape them, go into my basement and summon you. ” Jonghyun finished as he closed his eyes. He is still tired, he didn’t even know when he went to sleep again. It was as if his eyelids demanded to be closed again, his headache too strong for more thinking. The only thing he remembered was the warmth from the fire hugging him as a warm cloud when he drifted away.




A few days passed and Jonghyun could slowly feel his strength return. He figured out he needed a week to come by and move without his body complaining too much. It just frustrated him that his powers were blocked. He hated how he didn’t feel the connection within himself anymore, he even considered asking Key if he could do something. He cursed the elders, wanting to kill them a thousand times over and over again for doing this for him. He didn’t stand a chance to survive outside the cave, even robbers and thieves are a threat to him now.

Jonghyun’s thoughts were intermittent when he heard something shuffle to him. Footsteps. It was the first time Key moved since he told his story, so he turned around in his blanket and tried to face him.

“Is my task done?”

Jonghyun hung his head low, biting his lips. “Guess so.” He whispered. Key moved closer to him, his hoodie shadowing his face as usual. “It’s sad, huh?” rubbing the fabric between his thumbs, he tried to ignore the fact Key sat down before him, clearly waiting for something.

“Losing the most important part of my life.” He murmured.

So it is done,”

The demon confirmed for him. Jonghyun came to the same conclusion, nothing was here anymore for him. He slowly nodded, not daring to look up to Key. Knowing that he doesn’t know what comes after the contract made him feel nervous, though scared fitted him more at the moment. Fighting against the demon was a no-go, escaping would be useless. Everything is useless.

My whole life was useless.

Key’s shadows extended to him, slowly dancing around his ankles. Jonghyun noticed how Key his lips, but he could also have imagined it. The demon closed the distance a little, he felt helpless now he couldn’t feel the demon’s presence anymore in his mind.

Key’s tilted his arm, it looked as if the whole situation played in slow motion for Jonghyun. But he was right, wasn’t he? There really is nothing for him here anymore. He didn’t have a house anymore, let alone talk about a family or friends. If it was the worst case he even welcomed his death now.

“It’s something better, I promise.”

Key smirked when Jonghyun tensed as he spoke indirectly to him. “I don’t care anymore,” he whispered, noticing how the shadows crawled up his legs as he tried to loosen himself a little. When Key touched his cheek – which was surprisingly cold- he only had one last wish as he glanced at the demon’s dark shadowed head.

“At least, let me see your whole face before you do the final step.” He spoke his last words, ignoring how the shadows burned his legs while he moved his hands to the hoodie. Waiting a moment he gave Key the chance to back off, but when he didn’t do or say anything he swallowed hard and clenched his fists into the material. Jonghyun’s heart beat faster than ever when his fragile fingers slowly pushed the hoodie off the demon’s head.

His breath hitched when he stared into two brown orbs, eyes that looked directly into his but also not. As if he was looking right through him. Embarrassed by his own act he retreated his hands and gulped when Key followed his movements.
Key was simply stunning. Jonghyun could swear that if he were a human he would be around the same age as him.


Yes, he was beautiful. From the soft raven black hair till the cute cheeks and nose. Smiling a little he relaxed and closed his eyes. Luckily he was at a handsome demon’s mercy. When a hand tilted his head forward he shocks out of his thinking, he slightly panicked when the other hand brushed his cheek. Jonghyun expected anything. His death. No sight anymore. His lifespan shortened – which already happened with the other summoning -  but not a warm breath ghosting over his lips.

He wanted to scream in his mind when still nothing happened, hell he was nervous and he’d just want it to be over, especially now he could feel the shadow flames creeping higher and higher up his body. A chuckle reached his ears, and the next thing made him hold his breath when a pair cold lips pressed onto his. His first and last kiss. Out of 
shock he bit his tongue, cringing a little. Jonghyun could feel the demon’s lips forming a smirk when he only pressed their lips harder against each other.

Embarrassed by the act somehow it's actually quite nice, so he tried to move his lips. The grip in his hair lessened a little and he couldn’t help but sigh into the kiss when fingers started massaging his scalp. However, he was oblivious of what happened at that moment to himself. Key answered Jonghyun as he also moved his lips with him in the same rhythm.  His mind became blank when the demon flicked his tongue over his lips, making him  groan and concentrating only on the sweet sensation that seemed to spread out in his chest.

Jonghyun felt amazing. The shadows his body, the darkness overshadowing his own mind as it became darker behind his eyelids. Only when he tried to regain his breath he felt a slight panic. In that little 
moment a part of him shouted a warning, but his strength nor his powers weren’t simply there. Kibum tightened his grip on Jonghyun’s head even more, slipping his tongue into the other’s mouth when he gasped.  

Just then Jonghyun felt the presence in his 
mind, before Key drained his last part of him. That little presence, he thought he’d lost that for good. And then he understood what was going on. Giving in, he shyly melted deeper into the kiss, letting the demon have the full control over him. The smile never left his face when the darkness embracing him for good, Key’s lips the last sweet memory he would have. Their lips disconnected and Jonghyun slid out of the demon’s grip, his lifeless body welcomed into Key’s embrace.



The price Jonghyun paid was his soul. Key held Jonghyun’s body in his arms, his skin becoming colder each passing second. It goes way faster than a normal human body, but since the connection between his energy pool and mind was simply blocked it didn’t mean he wasn’t a magician anymore. Wind his black bangs as if they tried to cover his face again, since this guy was the first human to see him completely.

He had done hundreds of requests. Not many dare to summon him, yet this guy…

Key sighed and laid Jonghyun’s body down, folding the hands on his chest and the legs against each other. the lips with this thumb, he chewed inside his cheek, staring a little longer at the pretty face. It wasn’t for him, staying with a stranger after their deal is completed. Yet his hands moved on its own when he spread the blanket over Jonghyun’s body to cover it.

Hours passed, and the demon decided he cannot pay more attention to a mere human when he was still sitting in the same cave. He should have left directly after his job. With the intention to 
devour Jonghyun’s body he commanded his shadows forward, but they didn’t go any farther then crawling around it. Why couldn’t he just destroy that body? It pissed him off to the point his shadows were out of control, destroying the walls around him.

Perfect. The whole cave trembled, stones fell down around him. He hissed as he commanded his shadows to ruin the whole place. Why not? His gaze then fell on Jonghyun, but before he changed his mind again the shadows formed into flames, burning everything on his way.



The sun rose behind the mountains when Key reached the end of the forest. He was beyond frustrated, somehow he can’t go back to the underworld. Stopping his tracks he took in the sight before him. Only half of the village was destroyed. Concluding that he might be free if he destroyed everything, the creepy smile appeared once again on his face when he stretched his arms and let himself be carried by the shadows, turning everything with his touch into ash.

Get me out of here. Destroy the whole village and leave no one alive.

Overthinking the sentence so many times he didn’t understand it to the point he screamed out his anger. Flames reacted as if it was strengthened by the wind, spreading out in all directions to the forest. If one should watch this place from above, they only saw a silent gray environment completely covered in ash and black fire.


Key wandered a little longer around the place once stood the village. His village. He shook his head. No, no, no. That was from the past, it is not relevant anymore. If he only knew how to get out of this situation, but since the contract clearly wasn’t over he still wandered on the bright side of the earth.


At least is what he thought.Key was sitting in the middle of the gray era - that’s what he called it from now on  - when a summon request his mind somewhere deep down. His fingers dug into the ground, picking up the ashes and let it be blown away by the wind. He must be going crazy. That request cannot be possible.

Since he died, the connection between them also vanished. The satisfied smile on the boy’s face still burned in his mind, just like the taste of his lips. Unconsciously his fingertips brushed over his own. When the presence kept growing larger it frustrated him till the point he firmly said “Stop it,” to be sure he still had the power over himself. But no, it was still growing and Key looked bewildered around him.

“ off!” He shouted, his voice echoed in the silent valley of ash. It didn’t help at all. Growling out the anger he gave up and submitted to it, but to 
surprise he was indeed summoned by a certain someone.


Jonghyun smirked when the dark figure appeared once again before him. And by the looks of it the demon before him didn’t know how to react. He looked pissed off, frustrated and confused. Not weird in his opinion since he was supposed to be dead. Yet he stood here in the underworld together with Key.

It was exact the same location as where he left the other side of the world, the same cave. Though this one it still intact. He really liked his black clothes, it suited him very well. The elders already gave him the nickname black wizard. Now it was completely true, only he wasn’t a wizard anymore but a demon.

“You were consumed by me.” Key stated, not moving from his spot. His gaze bored into Jonghyun’s, demanding an explanation.  “How? Why?”

Key’s voice was sweet and manly, it sounded as music into Jonghyun’s ears when he heard it for the first time speaking out loud.

“Figure it out yourself.” Jonghyun challenged. He stepped closer to Key, closing the distance with a few steps. Key didn’t make any gestures to move, and when he tried his eyes widen in astonishment when he couldn’t move.

“Did you just-“ Key was cut off when Jonghyun pressed his lips against his. He growled when Key instantly gave in, the other obviously surprised but enjoyed it as he didn’t let go of Jonghyun that easily. When they pulled apart Key’s burning look from earlier died out a little.

“You drained a part of my energy, huh?” Key whispered, letting his fingers wander over Jonghyun’s chest. He could only assume what happened.

“I figured... I guess because I couldn’t control my energy anymore it fought on itself. I actually read about it. If you didn’t take me, death would have come sooner or later.” He concluded. The other nodded, humming when the puzzle was finally completed.

“You studied too much black magic.” Key murmured, feeling relieved now he know why he couldn’t go back to his own realm. It is simple. Normally he take 
one's soul and energy from normal magicians. If you don’t know what’s going on you are just being consumed at the end of the contract.

Jonghyun knew about the forbidden spells, although his spirit and energy weren’t connected they reacted aggressively when it mingled with Key’s. Key grinned, he didn’t’ even noticed it when Jonghyun unconsciously drew his energy during the kiss, allowing his soul to live on when he died.
A soul tainted with Key’s touch.  

“Who knew energy draining works on demons,” He whispered before leaning into the beautiful demon standing before him. “Too bad I could only kiss you once up there.”

Before Key could react Jonghyun breathed over Key’s lips, a cute humming as approval to go on, Jonghyun softly pressed his lips against the other.  Key growled impatiently when Jonghyun was too slow, cupping the cheeks of him while demanding to go deeper and more intense.

“So what is your request?” Key managed to ask, breathing heavenly when they broke apart for a moment.

Jonghyun chuckled. “Your real name.”

Big eyes stared at him, 
his jaw dropping on the floor. Jonghyun just stood there, clearly waiting for whatever it was, not signaling a thing that he was joking.

The demon leaned slowly in again, teasing Jonghyun a little when he trailed his lips from his jaw up to his ear. He felt how the newly born demon trembled a little under his touch.

He was so enjoying this.  

Almost inaudible he whispered his name, his human name for the first time since he was in this realm. Jonghyun’s breath hitched, the impact of the knowledge dominating his mind.


“Kibum,” he tried the name, claiming those warm lips, never wanting to let them go again.








“Hmm?” he stopped drawing circles in the air out of boredom.

“For how long did you know who I really was?” Kibum questioned, gesturing a few times what resulted in tiny black flames popping up around the black clouded ring. The silence told him already enough, and
more when Jonghyun let out a deep sigh.

Kim Kibum, the boy who fought against all our enemies. A well-known magician, soldier and strider.” Jonghyun citrated from one of the first forbidden books he had read. “Even as the begin of our small village, and founder of higher magic.”

Key listened close enough to tell Jonghyun was quite nervous. His voice was slightly shaking and he kept his gaze to the stars that shone above them. He knew what was coming next, they both know yet no one said it.

Only when Key made gestures to stand up, Jonghyun finished it, trying to hold his emotions under control.

For the sake of our people, our village, upon agreement with the counsel, Kim Kibum must be destroyed before the destruction can spread out. The young man, unfortunately, was never to be found after this decision. They found out later that year he committed suicide, giving himself fully into the higher magic – which shall be called black magic from now on.

Jonghyun locked his eyes then with him.

After years of
research, we can conclude the old myths are true. Kim Kibum had connections with the shadow realm, transforming into a demon when he passed away.”  

“So, how did you get here again?”

“Get out Kibum.”




so yeah i made kibum kinda the guy who found out about forbidden magic and also the founder of the village. i didn't like the idea that he was 'just another demon' so tada, little bonus scene at the end. and they live happily after etc. 

But! It's done after two months writing. I'm so slow and a perfectionist xD! and I'm sorry for the grammar mistakes, I hope you still enjoyed it somehow~ 

y know I had this thing in my mind if person a kissed person b, person b would die. But who am I kidding I just can't write an unhappy ending so it turned out this way with some supernatural stuff. 
anyhow if someone is willing to beta this i would litaraly make you a thousand posters video's or anything else idk   

Have a nice week everyone c: !


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Chapter 1: Oh GOSH awesome piece of work!
It's really great you made Kibum a special demon.
Now I really wonder if demons are that beautiful. Ah... I wanna see one
Chapter 1: Bruh.....I realllllllllllllllllllllly enjoyed reading this.
LOL, I expected a scene (cuz I'm a )
Chapter 1: the whole time i was like " damn it key just ugh jonghyun and make him all yours " gzahhhh im frustrated now but ugh it was so good nd like what do you mean its not original ?????? who the wrote anything like this before ?! ugh it was something totally new for me and tbh im not into the magic stuff at all but this was just... everything was so y
the moment key kissed jonghyun BAM brain god damn it the imagination was too y ugh key the beautiful demon and jjong he just gave me the biggest bottom vibe and then all of a sudden it was the other way round xD ugh godh what to do now
how am i suppossed to sleep xD i cant get this kiss out of my mind uuugh the kiiiiiiiss hahhahahahahhahah please help me xD
ugh but it really was so good agh me now im totally lost in this au
mhmnmbnhghhhmmnhhmgjghhmnm !!!!
orz guck those feels what is wrong with you
who allowed you... *glares*
i hate you
i cant put in words what i feel but it feels unhealthy xD
omg that kiss that whole scene omg
ugh jjong
ugh key
im about to cry i should stop
but it was too good and too y for me i.. i cant
you know i really thought like key would have with jjong
the whole time i was like damn she said something about i bet it happens
and those shadows i always was like yes pin jjong down grab his do it
and this story totally teased the out of me
but ugh gosh it was a total mind
its probably even harder for me since its 3 am but i gosh please dont tell me this is not original
cause srsly it is
i need to sleep.. im gonna cry and sleep now >3<
sweetstreet #4
Chapter 1: i really like this idea and the flow of it all ^^ and your writing manages to be descriptive without tipping the reader out of the story, which is nice. (uhm, if you're rly looking for a beta i can run through for grammar and sentence structure?)