

His sparkling tears obscured his vision as he gripped the steering wheel harder. The whites of his knuckles showing as he attempted to wipe his eyes.  

We can't do this. A familiar voice was heard in his head. I'm not staying. He had both hands on the steering wheel. Goodbye. His tears gushed back, faster than before. The salty drops rolled down his cheeks, leaving a wet trail, eventually falling onto his leather jacket. 

Tears built up, and his foot pressed down on the pedal harder than needed. Anger was fueling him now. He took an extremely sharp turn, causing him to tumble off the vacant road. Entering a field where wild grasses grew. The last roll landed him to be upside down. Still crying, all of his blood rushed down onto the injured skull. At his last moments, he breathed out.

"Damn it Minseok."

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