Let The Joy Begin

Was Love Meant To Be?


Let The Joy Begin


I snort at the image of the so called 'famous idols' wearing bolcky hats, with drawn moustaches and pink lipstick.

They look ridiculous!

''Oi, What you laughin at ey!'' J-Hope smirks as he gives me a twirl of his tight genes and welli boots. They all laugh at him, roughling his hair and acting all 'cool'. I smile. 

''How comes your not wearing any disguise'' Jimin asks 

''Yahhh, that's so unfair!'' Suga complains

''Guys don't you realise we're the ones who shouldn't be seen?'' Rap Monster criticises as he kneels against the wall.

''Haha yeah, I don't exactly need to hide anything to be honest'' I admit, as the we all become incredibally silent. I start feeling really uncomfortable since we are practically squashed together in the worlds smallest lift, and the air starts becoming more and more stuffy. I can't breath! 

''Yahhh, Joy are you okay?''

''Yeah you don't look that great'' Jimin admits. 

I turn to see my reflection in the surface of the shinee metal against the walls. My face looks as white as a sheet of paper; as f I've just seen a ghost! 

''Yahhhh Joy, ...'' A hand is lifted above my forhead as I turn to see who it is. ''Your burning up!'' It's Jungkook. 

''She must be hot from the warm weather thats all.'' Rap Monster states. 

''Yeah'' I agree. ''Don't worry about me, I'm fine'' I smile at him. At least I hope I'll be.

Finally the lift doors open and we all seem to rush out to catch our breath. I however make my way straight to the door across the hallway. 

''Where are you going?''  Jungkook asks worried they'll get lost, or even ... loose me. 

''Oi, you can't just leave us!'' Suga shouts, annoyed. Jeez, he's got some anger issues!

They all start running following me climbing up the narrow stairs, soon up to the top that becomes a fire exit door, leading to the blowing warm wind of the spring and the bright rays of sunshine, glistening our faces. I turn to see their reaction and their eyes are wide open examining the view and running to the edge. We are up at the rooftop of the building, where there is nothing but a few left over chairs and a few cardboard bothes. 

But that doesn't matter, as what really makes this place so beautiful is the view of the big city, the neverending streets, tall buildings and people placed in every last place you could think of. Everything is covered with cars on roads and parks with playgrounds. I smile as I knew I wouldn't ever be let down by a beautiful view from Suzy's Husbands hotel. I believe his main priority of his hotel was the view and location of it to be honest. 

''So how'dya like it?'' I ask, breathing in and folding my arms against my chest. 

''Oh Joy! It's so beautiful!!!'' J-Hope ghasps as he turns and gives me another hug, spinning us in the air. 

He really does love hugging people I think to myself. 

I can't help but laugh ''Yah, hahaha!!! Put me down otherwise I'll hit you with my shoe!!!'' I end up screeming as I can't control myself. The truth it I'm afraid of heights and the fact that there is someone holding me in mid air, spinning me around with no control whatsoever of my balance, I can't resist but panick. 

He stops as he realises that he's gone too far, putting me down gently. 

''Oh, I'm sorry I just got a little excited.'' He blushes looking down. 

''Damn, J-Hope haven't I told you already to quit hugging everyone?!'' Rap Monster yells. 

''Look at her, she is literally about to colaps on the floor!'' Jimin panicks as he comes towards me and helps me stand upright. 

''N-no I'm o-okay'' I sigh as my face drops and I lean against Jimins shoulder for suport. 

''No, you're clearly not!'' Jungkook panicks as he comes towards us only now realising what has happened. He must have been too distracted from the amazing view. ''Are you okay?'' He asks alarmed. 

''Y-yeah I'm good'' I stand, feeling my forehead with my palm I only just then realise how hot I am. They must have seen my eyes expand as they all turn towards me. 

''Joyyyy!!!!!!'' The voice fades out as my eyes begin to shut, left with catching only a glimps of Jungkooks anxious eyes and his hands catching my falling head. I end up loosing my balance and after that - It's only a blank vision. 


My eyes instantly peel open to find myself in their dorm - once again! 

''Wow you really are talented!'' Suga announces, as all 6 other heads jump up following his vision. 

''Joy! You woke up!'' A familiar voice comes near to me as the sun shines against his flawless skin and makes his dark hair look a surprizingly different colour. I swallow hard the not that begins to form in my throat, as I realise who it is. 

'' V-'' I whisper. 

''Oh haha that's my stage name, but you can call me Taehyung.'' He grins. 

''Oh ... Taehyung'' I smile as I get up from the bed and stretch my arms and legs. My eyes wonder off to the clock against the wall. ''It's already 4:00!!!'' I pant, flying the covers all over the place and getting out of the bed but then stop imediately. 

''W-wait'' I turn around. ''What happened to me?'' I ask confused. ''The last thing I remember is that we were on the roof top.'' 

''You were on the roof t-!'' 

''Yeah, don't worry about it, you weren't really feeling that great and passed out - again.'' Jungkook informs my worried look. ''But you look a lot better now so.'' 

''Wait, I passed out again?!'' I yap, covering my mouth with both hands. I literally can't believe it, Again Joy! Really?!

''Oh My God I'm so sorry!'' I say, waiting for their response as I have no other words. 

''Nahhh it's all good'' V says as he grabs hold of one of my hands and sits me down again. ''Do you need to rest a bit more? You can stay as long as you like.'' 

''Yeah, it's not like we have much to do anyways!'' Suga says starcastically. I feel so bad right now, but I don't even know why!

''Oi don't be rude! Joy can do what she likes'' Jungkook requests. 

''Right'' V agrees. ''Plus she can help us write our next song right guys? I heard you were trying to get inspired to write it anyways.'' 

''Ohhh, m-me - ? I-i'm n-not r-really that g-''

''Well you inspired us to write the previous one, I'm sure the next one will be great!''  Jin says excitedly 

They all go and grab the pens left on the floor and grab a new clean sheet of paper, making their way back to me. 

''So how should we start this one off, hyun's?'' Rap Monster exclaims. 

''Oooooo I've got something!'' Jungkook replys enthusiastically grabbing the guitar and playing a few chords. When he finished he finally looks up at us, nervous of our reaction and looks straight at me. 

''That sounds great!'' I say, as I feel the need to reply to his awaiting, gorgeous sparks in his eyes. 

''Yeah that's good for the chorus!'' Suga smiles surprizingly. This is the first time I have ever actually seen him smile, and it's so nice it ends up making me smile too. 

After an hour of hearing them sing and play around with each others instruments we finally have created a song. It's so beautiful with all their voices and guitar chords it's music to my ears. Rap Monster and Suga head to their little room to edit a few things on their laptops and straighten up their rap verses, whilst Jimin, Jin and J-Hope colaps on their beds listening to music and going on their phones. Jungkook and Taehyung place their guitars in their cases full of stickers that I guess are all the places they have traveled to. I make my way to them as I spot one that says Calafornia. 

''Haha like them?'' V asks zipping up his case. 

''Yeaheah!'' I giggle looking at the others amoungst it. ''Have you guys really been to all of these places?'' 

''Well yeah, our fans are all over the globe, mostly in Asia but they have even started in America and Europe.'' Jungkook confirms, smiling at me. 

''Yeah, I'm surprised you didn't recognise us when we first arrived here.'' 

''Oh me? Well to be honest I didn't even think you'd be a well known band, let alone idols!'' I laugh as I see their hurt faces. ''Not in that way of course. I mean I never thought I'd be able to see someone famous in real life and now I've woken up in their hotel room. - TWICE!'' I add blushing.

''Well now I understand Suga's comment from when you first woke up'' Taehyung starts laughing. ''You really are talented.'' 

''Oh - um thanks?'' I laugh harder. ''So about your fans, Namjoon (rap monster) said that it would be hard to even leave the hotel without getting caught be screeming fans.'' I help them place their instruments on the side of the room. ''Is that really how crazy they get?'' I ask curiously. 

''Haha once we had to go through the back door of the resturant in the wheely cart thing that holds all the food for serving meals and stuff''

''Oh yeah! I remember that! And then because we were still in our costumes from the previous show we did we had to be careful and hidden''

''So then we had someone as a distractor wearing our jackets and a mask to walk through and act like it was one of us so then we could try and get through the crowd'' V finishes.

''Oh wow! Well I guess they really do go full out then'' I agree.

''Right come on guys, lets go grab something I'm starving!'' Jin exclaims. 

''Oh great idea, I didn't have anything after my interview'' Taehyung moans. ''Oh Joy, you wanna come with us?''

''Yeah since you have now helped us with two of our songs its only right to treat you with a snack or something'' Jin suggests. 

''Oh uh, yeah sure. I'm a little hungry anyways.'' I say delighted by their charm in joining me in. 

Wow this literally feels like a dream! I'm not a fan or anything, I have actual only known about them for like what 2 days now. But it feels as if they are like my brothers and I have known them forever! I'm just so happy right now! 

My daydream is then interupted my my growling tummy, that I quickly snap out of and cross my arms over, embarrassed. However they all just smile amusingly grabbing their coats as we exit the room. 





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