
Unsympathetic〈 2Jae 〉

Not feeling
or expression sympathy

'Please don't turn out to be that my nightmare says you are and what you said you won't be.'Youngjae thought to himself as he stared at Jaebum's back. Mostly his boyfriend.

A deep left his lips as he sat up, feeling uncomfortable. He hadn't been able to sleep for a few days and he was glad the make-up could cover up his dark bags under his eyes.

Youngjae wondered how his own boyfriend could be sleeping peaceful but he leaves that curiosity. Resting his head in his hands, the young brunette would feel weak. It was so odd to feel this emotion.

As he was standing up, a raspy voice spoke up, startling him.

"What are you doing?"

Youngjae looked down and admired the older brunette who was half-asleep. He waited for the older boy to regain his visions, which took a few seconds. The main vocalist would send his boyfriend a reassuring smile.

"I'm just getting some water."

". . . .You're lying."

Jaebum sat up and rubbed the sleep out his eyes as he pulled the younger brunette to sit down in front of him. Youngjae felt happiness leaking in his system seeing how cute his leader was.

"What is it Youngjae?"Jaebum whispers.

The sound of soft wind and cricket echoed in the night, making it harder for the main vocalist to answer. Something inside him felt wrong. He didn't want to tell the truth to Jaebum. he knows he can trust him but why was this instinct of his telling him to not say?

Letting his actions flow, Youngjae says,"I'm not sleepy. I feel kinda bothered."

The half-truth seem to alert the older brunette who seem more awake. The leader notes that his main vocalist had recently looked like hell entered him. His hand reached out and ran over the soft cheeks.

"Youngjae, have you not been getting any sleep lately?"Jaebum inquiries.

A nod seem to have answered the leader's question.

"Why didn't you tell me that you could't sleep, damnit Youngjae."Jaebum says frustratedly.

"N-no, Hyung. Don't say anything bad to yourself. You were sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to disturb you. Please don't get mad."Youngjae takes his boyfriend hand and gives it a kiss, in hoping to calm the other brunette.

Jaebum stops his rambling and looks at the innocent before him who was smiling brightly. With a sigh, Jaebum pulls the younger boy closer and tighten the embrace.

"Let's sleep ok."

Youngjae hummed in response and both vocalist laid down on their bed, feeling the sleep return and they drift off to the perfect dreamland.

{ }

Youngjae thought he was starting to lose his mind. Well, somewhat. But the reason why he's losing his sanity is because of the jealousy that kept layering on his heart. Why?

A fan caught Jinyoung and Jaebum together. No, not like a brother together. But a lovey together. It was during some interview thingy. Youngjae couldn't remember since he didn't have much sleep so he couldn't recall much.

Youngjae was inside the building with Jackson and Bambam. They were ordering some drinks and enjoying their small talk with the staff and some other artist friends. The reason Youngjae didn't know what happened was because no one bothered telling him.

Inside the van, Jaebum was feeling rather odd and impassive. He lowered himself in the backseat, his legs perches against the other back seat. Jinyoung was besides him but what made him felt weirder was when JInyoung kept staring at him.

"What?"Jaebum asks, his eyes never leaving his phone. He was texting his friends and Youngjae.

"Nothing."Jinyoung answers with a smile that Jaebum misses. Suddenly, the older brunette felt soft brown locks touch his bare skin. Jolting in his spot, he realized Jinyoung had laid his head on his leg.

But what made Jaebum more even anxious was when Jinyoung placed his hand on his thighs. The leader sent him a warning look, but the other boy dismissed it.

"Don't worry. No one will know. Just us."Jinyoung said.

That made the older brunette froze in his spot. And it happened.

Yugyeom who was near the van, saw and heard everything. He had told Bambam and Youngjae had overheard it since earlier he was bringing them their shoes since they begged him.

The day Youngjae found out everything about this seem to apprise all the members in the GOT7's dorm. Mark and Jackson were the first. They tried to get the answer out their vocal but he was too stubborn. Yugyeom and Jinyoung then detected the attitude. Then Bamabm and lastly, his lovely boyfriend, Jaebum.

"Youngjae-ah, tell us, what's wrong with you please."Jackson pleaded, trying to make the scary, quiet boy turn around. They all waited but the silence was what killed them.

When Youngjae set the orange juice bottle down with a thump. And when he drank it and slammed the glass cup down, making them all jump, they knew something was serious. Finally, the main vocal turned, a fake, yet sweet smile on his comportment.

"There's nothing wrong hyung. Unless there is a problem that I wasn't informed about."Youngjae says, making each member shiver. The smile that the brunette wore was no joke.

"Youngjae. We need to talk. Privately."Jinyoung demands suddenly. His eyes darting between the oblivious leader and main vocal.

"If you have something to say, just say it all. After all, what's the point of keeping a dirty secret away your members?"

Another silence followed.

Slowly, the monsters in Youngjae's head rewind during their other interview when Jaebum and Jinyoung had to do the pepro game. How much he despised that ing game. Last time was fine. But this time, the contact was real.

Every time the leader does those games, he always went to the young brunette and comfort him with every romantic thing that makes Youngjae weak in the heart and fall in love more than usual.

He returned to the reality and waited for an answer.

"Oh, so there's nothing to say. Alright, then I'm fine."Youngjae speaks up in the violent silence. The atmosphere in the kitchen remained even after the main vocalist left.

"You guys are terrible. Unsympathetic. . ."Yugyeom says aloud, making everyone turn to him.

The tall maknae tries to hide his dejected expression as he faced Jinyoung and Jaebum. Finding his courage, he continues to speak his mind,"If you guys were people with hearts, you'd say the truth. But I guess that's something unsympathetic s can't say, right?"

Jackson and Bambam had to create a massive distance between the leader and Maknae who was daring. Everyone knew what Yugyeom had confessed was true.

"Then why didn't you tell him yourself?"Jinyoung says.

Yugyeom scoffs. He was in disbelief at the vacuous response. Holding back his tears and love, the Maknae remarks.

"Because I'm not the one who ed up. Did I?!"

They watched Yugyeom disappeared into his and Bambam's shared room, making a loud noise with his door.

"Wait, where's Youngjae? He didn't enter the—"Jackson came to realization and panic filled him. Jaebum widened his eyes and dashed outside before more words could be spoken.

Youngjae could be found sitting under a tree, crying his eyes out, cursing his boyfriend and how the world must hate him. His chest hurts. Mostly his heart. He felt a headache approaching and he knew he wouldn't be getting any sleep.

"I'll just sleep alone."Youngjae muttered, wiping more of his tears away. The main vocalist wanted the tears to stop flowing but the emotions he's been having wasn't helping. It kept giving a reason for him to cry forever.

Concealing his teary-face from anyone, he didn't notify that someone he love with all his heart had taken a seat besides him. Jaebum put his arms aroound the younger boy that was bawling. It damaged the leader how someone he loves was suffering.

"Youngjae. . . Please stop crying."Jaebum whispers, near the brunette's ear.

'Stop crying? Do you ing realize how much I'm hurting and the emotions that I kept bottled up are now attacking me?!'Youngjae mentally screamed.

But it was always Jaebum.

His boyfriend had the soothing voice and it made Youngjae calmed down slowly. But the older brunette was willing to wait, no matter how long it took because the boy in his arms was what mattered the most.

The younger brunette had regained his steady breathing and his normal self. Wiping his wet face with his sleeves, Jawbum heaved Youngjae up who kept avoiding eye-contact.

"Come on. The others are worried."Jaebum kisses Youngjae's forehead. The simple action was enough to make him melt and hold the leader closer even though their arms were around each other as they were walking back.

{ }

Youngjae thought he could be alright. Thought.

Jinyoung and Yugyeom were taking some stuff down in the closet and Youngjae was assisting them.

"Hyung, be careful."Yugyeom advises, worry evident in his voice as he uses one hand to grab on to Jinyoung's sleeve tightly. The maternal-figure of GOT7 would smile at how cute the Maknae was.

"Don't worry. I got it."Youngjae begins to search for the items require for the day. Some of the stuff were heavy and Youngjae had to use all his upper body strength which made him tired instantly.

As Youngjae was reaching for the last object, the end of his jacjet sleeves got caught in one of the items.

"Damn it. . ."Youngjae hissed.

"Hyung?"Yugyeom calls out.

"It's nothing."Youngjae answers, looking down at them, but as he harshly pulls his arm back, he lost his balance on the chair and he falls down so quickly that Yugyeom and Jinyoung couldn't catch him. The objects in the cloest fell on the main vocalist, injuring his arm.

"Hyung! Youngjae-ah!"Jinyoung and Yugyeom chorused, their fear evident. Loud footsteps were heard comng towards their location. Mark, Jackson, and Bambam were immeidately at the end of the hall, staring in horror.

"Youngjae!"Mark shouted and began taking every fallen stuff off the vocalist who was repeating that he was alright. Reassuring them that it was just a small fall.

"Enough Youngjae. . .! Jinyoung. Yugyeom, take care of Youngjae in his room right now. We'll clean it up."Mark demands, shutting everyone up.

The mother and Maknae helps their main vocalist up. But what troubled him the most was why Jaebum wasn't here.

Thirty minutes had passed and he was being lectured with Yugyeom and Jinyoung about his mistake and how much they were frightened.

"Now that you know. Rest up alright? We don't want demonic Mark on the lose."Jinyoung says, making the younger brunette laugh. Yugyeom smiles at Jinyoung who pats his shoulder and took him out the room so the vocalist could sleep.

As they exit the room, the smile was dropped and the emotions that he had earlier that week, came crashing down. It was so sudden; tears were on the brink of escaping. He pondered why it had to be now. Why did he have to feel his contrary feeling.

Being the strong boy he is, Youngjae held his tears and the muscles in his arm began to ache. his injured arm wasn't helping with the pain, so it was triple the experience.

"Youngjae, are you okay?"

The vocalist looked up and examined his boyfriend at the door, looking impassive. The younger brunette could only lie and prayed for the best.

"I'm fine, hyung. . ."He lies although the truth was perceptible in his glassy brown orbs.


Youngjae didn't now whether he heard the sound of sound of glass-breaking or it was his heart. He watched his leader walked away.

Instead of walking in the room and holding him till he was smiling brightly.

He was ignored.


{ }

Youngjae assumed Jaebum was stressed about his duties as leader. After all, Jaebum had so much responsibilities so he could understand that so much work can make his boyfriend this distant, odd guy.

Youngjae injured arm wasn't a major issue. He could hide it by wearing long sleeves. The 'FLY' concept; outfits mostly, were long sleeves. So he was able to hide his damaged arm with success.

The main vocalist was still troubled by his leader actions and emotions. Jaebum lacked feelings. To him. And that's what scared him.

Today was the day Youngjae was going to find out what was ticking off the leader. He knows Jaebum should be in the dorms because it was too hot to leave the house and they were all too lazy. Leacing their room, he walks into the living room and only sees the Maknae.

Slowly, he walks to the kitchen and only sees three hyungs. He feels nervous somehow and walks up to Mark.

"Oh, Youngjae, what's up?"Mark asks, smiling at the younger brunette who was looking around with too much tension. Slowly, the smile was fading.

"Hyung, have you seen Jaebum-hyung?"Youngjae questions quietly and the Jinson duo stops talking. They look at their innocent vocalist who is clueless and agitated.

"I thought he told you. . ."Jackson speaks up with confusion.

"He didn't say anything to me this morning expect, morning. . . ."The main vocalist informs them.

And the panic rises in the four boys in that room.

"Wait, didn't Bambam and Yugyeom asked him where he was going?"Jinyoung said, grabbing the brunette who was visibly trembling in his spot. Making it into the living room, the Maknae would look at their perturbed hyungs.


"Did you guys know where Jaebum-hyung went?"Jinyoung asks.

"Oh yeah! He told me somewhere nearby the dorms with a fri—"Bamabam stops talking when he sees the expression on Youngjae's comportment. Yugyeom stands up but before anyone could say anything, Youngjae does.

"I'll find our troublesome hyung. Don't worry."The vocalist grins and takes his leave.

But everyone knows.


When Youngjae sets out, he immediately goes to the park. That's where his instinct keeps directing him and he hurries by the second. The brunette would look around for his boyfriend.

And his heart stops.

It's not how many people that are there. Not the noises. Not how reckless the children are.

But how his boyfriend just sits there as he allows someone to kiss him freely.

It was like a bomb exploded inside. The anger, sadness, fear, jealousy, doubts, shame, and hate. All those wild negative emotions were just overpowering his system. Riding him of his hope, joy, pride, empathy, and love.

But those negative emotions didn't let him cry.

No, they let him have some power over himself.

Maybe his venomous gaze seem to alert Jaebum who turns in shock at the presence of his lover. He immediately stands up and walks toward his younger vocalist.

"Let's go home."Jaebum tells Youngjae who is vigorously silent. Even if there was exuberant sensations around them, Youngjae's silent was more powerful and it scared Jaebum.

Youngjae waited for a kiss to reassure him that it was all okay.

But Jaebum just walked away.


{ }

Today was their day off, even tomorrow, so the Bangtan Boys invited them over to have a get together. It had been awhile since they had a proper conversation and hang out. And so they all agreed to go.

The lifelessly Choi grabbed his last reaming clothing which was a black hoodie. Everything was black. His outfit. His life. Probably his blood.

No one dared to mention about what happened three days ago. After Jaebum and Youngjae returned, Youngjae cheerfully broke out, saying he wanted ice-cream. Because for their main vocalist to suggest something like this after an alarming event.

Their manager dropped them off at the place they were to meet up with Bangtan. The seven boys were greeted warmly by the other seven.

Minutes in, all of them were happily chatting, the dark emotions slowly vanishing. Jungkook and Yugyeom were reunited and they kept messing around too much, making the mother of each group worried that they had to keep an eye on the Maknaes.

Youngjae stood under the patio and stared at the happiness. Mark, Jackson, and Namjoon were happily conversing in English and rapping. Yoongi, Hoseok, Bambam, and Jimin were talking about random things. Jinyoung and Seokjin were helping one another cook. Taehyung, Yugyeom, Jungkook, and Jaebum were playing a mini game with the soccer ball.

The monsters rose.

The lonely boy would clutch his glass cup tightly, he swears it could break any second now. After what had happened, he knows it will never stop and work. No matter how much his heart wants him to continue working.

'If you want be to be unsympathetic. . . .Let me return the favor.'

Those words were Youngjae's alone.

He didn't need any emotions to help.

He made up his mind.

"Youngjae! Come here, you're also one of our amazing English speaker."Jackson called out to the boy who stood under the patio.

Letting that beauteous smile appear on his face, he abandoned his spot and the cracked glass cup; Youngjae hung out with the English speaking group, ignoring the odd look from his boyfriend.

Everyone gathered in the house after it was getting dark. Inside the house, it was full of delight. Youngjae, Yoongi, and Jungkook. It was an odd connection between the trio but he loved being around them.

As Youngjae was assisting Taehyung with the glass cups, he lost balance. He blamed his lost of concentration. Taehyung couldn't help in time due to the other cups in his arms. The main vocalist landed on his back and the glass pierced his tender skin.

But was that pain compared to what Jaebum was afflicting on him?

Although he managed to save three cups, the rest were broken.

Just like his heart.

All members were gathered around him, but not Jaebum.

Youngjae endured it and was helped up by Seokjin and Hoseok. The other Maknaes began to clean up the mess quickly so they can make sure GOT7's vocalist was alright.

The quiet boy stood in the living room, holding his phone, pretending he was reading a text. But just a few minute ago, he had learned that Jaebum was talking to someone else while he was wounded badly.

Loud footsteps were heard and Youngjae knew who it was. Putting his phone in his back pocket, he would look up.


This was it.

Jaebum stood in front of him. Half of his expression was filled wth concern and dismay. But staring in the vacant brown orbs, the reflected emotions were affecting the leader.

"How could you be so clumsy?! You know you're worrying everyone. Especially me!"

"Is this when you only care if I'm hurt?"Youngjae whispers.

Jaebum strains from hearing what remark the brunette has. Yoongi was able to perceived the words and he looked between the two lovers. Glancing at Youngjae, Yoongi knew what was happening.


"I said. . .Is this when you only care if I'm hurt?!"Youngjae highers the volume of his voice, drawing everyone's attention. Shock pricks the leader of GOT7 as he stared into the eyes of the boy he loves.

"If this is the only one time you'll show you ing care, then I'm done!"Youngjae continues.

No one dares to say a word.

"These last couple of weeks hasn't been friendly Jaebum!"Everyone notes that GOT7's leader was older and the main vocalist was younger and saying names with formality meant serious business.

"Did you think I enjoyed it?! Did you think it was alright?! Did you think I was alright?!"Youngjae continues."I am alright with you doing skinship with everyone! But if you think that kissing was, then you're dead wrong!"

Jinyoung lowered his head but when Youngjae looks at him, he knew he was forgiven. Yugyeom hides Jinyoung in his chest, knowing that the older vocal wouldn't want to see this.

"And another thing! The day I injured myself, I expected you to show some sympathy. But you gave me nothing! That may sound selfish but I am voicing out what I feel! Unlike you!"

Youngjae heart is beating fast and his adrenaline is pumping madly.

"And that last event! You can never show me any love can you?! Do you love watching me suffer?!"Youngjae shouts at Jaebum whilse asking, but not waiting for an answer; he adds on."Because if you ing do, then I hope you're happy!"

"Youngjae. . . ."

"Im Jaebum. . . .I don't love you anymore." — 'But deep down you'll know that that's never true.' — ❝I ing hate you.❞

Youngjae gives Jaebum the saddest smile and walks out the house.


3408 Words Count

Excuse any mistakes, I'll fix them later.

I hope you guys enjoy this lengthy, angst one-shot

Maybe I'll write an epilouge of what happens then 

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Chapter 1:
I'M NOT SURE IF YOU'LL SEE THIS BUT I JUST FOUND A SONG THAT COULD LEAD TO A SEQUEL (which many people want btw) BUT HERE YOU GO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-lp2bejhm4 [Alex and Sierra - Little do you know]
Selena55 #2
Chapter 1: Please make a sequel this made my heart ache I need to read more!!!!
BbuingBbuingMaknae #3
Chapter 1: Whyy;; Youngjae I know that it's a big fat lie that you hate your Jaebum Hyung;-;

Please make a sequel for this;; I'm crying u know?TT.TT
Chapter 1: Wtf? NOOOOOOOO i need sequel!!! TT.TT i need youngjae happy huwaaaaaa
Lyraine #5
Chapter 1: Oh dear god, the angst is killing me. I cant go on qq please write an epilogue where my sweet angel youngjae is happier ♡
xxxiiixxx #6
Chapter 1: Is this how this ends? My heart </3 but anyway, this was good, thank you, but if you ever feel like writing a second part where sunshine yiungjar finds happiness, please feel free and do so and share hahaha but really thanks for this. Really good! :)
Chapter 1: NOOOOOOOOOO! My heart is so broken right now. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! HUHUHUHU it can't just end like this pleaseeee
miss_niniey #8
Chapter 1: No!!!!!!! 2jae!!!! I hope that jaebum realize his fault and make an effort to take youngjae's back
Chapter 1: please..at least make youngjae happy with someone ???????
Lotus_Flower #10
Chapter 1: Please write am epilouge!! A happy one? please TTT