
Making You Mine

Things had started to look up for Mark. His stutter got better with each coming day, just like Jinyoung had said it would. Sure he had his off days where the stutter got to much for him and he would hide himself away. And there were days where he would continue talk about nothing and wouldn't stop until someone had to tell him to cut it out. Jackson had stayed by his side through all of it, even though Mark had never made it easy. His silent days were the worst for Jackson. His fears grew those days when he thought Mark no longer wanted him around. The younger would soon get over it when Mark would call him over to just take naps. Youngjae would always stay by the older's side no matter what he did. Their friendship meant too much for the younger just to throw it out because Mark was being difficult. Mark's anxiety went down, only slightly. He didn't scared trying to speak in front of people anymore, though he was still cautious of speaking in full sentences and with large crowds. He didn't many attacks and he was working on getting over his fear of the public. Jinyoung likedo helping with that. They recently went on a double date, but had to call it short when Mark almost fainted because a child called him out for being gay in a crowded coffee shop. Everyday had its struggles and it's victories. But each of them were working it out together. Mark was glad to have all the people in his life; Jinyoung, Jaebum, Bambam, Yugeom, Youngjae, and Jackson. He couldn't have come this far without anyone of them. Especially Jackson, who had pushed him so far out of his comfort zone. And right into his loving arms.


Annyeong Haseyo! Guys, this is the end. Yep, that's right, Making You Mine has officially come to an end. I really hope you liked it. I loved writing it and I loved reading all the comments you guys were giving. Each one made me smile and many of them gave me new ideas, plus some of them were ideas that I had already planned. It was very nice.

If you guys have anymore stories/ideas you'd like to see in the future please tell me, I would love to make them for you. Kamsahaminda! Annyeong! 

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iSimplicityy #1
Chapter 20: Awww the ending is so cute! I'm so glad they were able to make it through everything that happened. I feel bad that Jackson had to wash the bathrooms for a few days though. Bambam was such great comic relief throughout. Especially his failed plan that caused Jackson to get smacked instead of kissed. Looking forward to reading more Markson from you~
floralis #2
Chapter 20: As good as the prequel :) thanks a lot
Zico01 #3
Chapter 20: I really liked this story , Good Job :-)
safarisunset #4
Chapter 20: Aww, this has ended so nicely!<3 I really appreciate the fact that you didn't make Mark's stutter completely disappear in the end.
Chapter 20: :((((( it's too sad it ended
Chapter 18: Cute <3 just cute*^*
Chapter 17: I can't believe they're acting like this hahahhahaha poor Youngjae, they love each other, of course they would kiss whenever they want :/
Deminator #8
Chapter 17: XD poor Mark for fainting. This story is just to cute markson man the feels *faints*
Chapter 16: Hahahahhahahhahahahahhaha plz Mark can't be sweeter Hahhahahahaha OMG they're just perfect to each other *-*