Play Time

Love at First Wave


"Ok, say goodbye to the rest of the band members for me." said Sooyeon with a quick smile and turned to leave.  

Choi Sooyeon looked very different now. Her hair was no longer wavy and dark brown. It was natural black and straight. She was also dressed differently, with a long floral skirt and a loose t-shirt. MBLAQ would talk to her every now and then online, but they haven't seen her face to face in ages.

"So, what brings you here?" asked Mir.

"I'm on vacation with my friends over there." Sooyeon pointed. 

"Ooh! You’re having a picnic!" observed Cheondung.

"Yes, we have some fruit left, if you want some." commented Sooyeon.

Apparently Sooyeon didn't need an answer because both Cheondung and Mir ran towards the picnic and sat down next to the girls, who passed them pieces of watermelon. 

Kat first met Mir when they ran across to her group and stood there. He took a good look at Hwayoung, then Ellie. His eyes squinting a bit while looking over them, studying their every feature. Next his eyes travelled to Beckah, saw her 'I will smash you if you stare one more second' look and quickly averted his eyes to Kat. Naturally Kat has a cold and 'I’m not interested' look. She doesn't mean it though. She did once, when she was younger. She thought her life was perfect so she acted spoilt, until her grandfather passed away, she only realised how average her life was. Her brother, David Armanand, didn’t take the death too well and left his past life to become the rap sensation Tablo.

"Hello! I'm Mir.” He pointed to as he gave introductions. “This is Cheondung. Sooyeon worked for us once."

"Do you mind if we join?" asked Cheondung.

"Um, not at all" answered Ellie shyly.

While Mir and Cheondung began eating, Kat saw the other three guys walking towards them with Sooyeon. The guy on the left was the one that was talking the most. Next to him was the only blonde of the group. Besides Cheondung, he looked the coolest. Then she saw Lee Joon whom she recognised straight away, but she quickly averted her eyes when he looked at her and smiled. It was the same cheeky grin as before.

"Hey I’m Seungho, this is G.O and Joon. Together we are MBLAQ." introduced Seungho. Beckah said hello back, but wasn't really interested.

"Can we play volleyball now?" she asked the others.

"Yeah, let's go." agreed Ellie, trying to escape from further embarrassment. She was already blushing. 

"I would have asked if you guys wanted to play but we are pretty competitive." stated Beckah looking at MBLAQ.

"We can handle a little competition." replied Seungho, more serious than playfully

"Oh, it's on then." said Kat, standing up for a good challenge. 

"You know it!" replied Joon who winked at Kat and cocked his eyebrow. She could see in his eyes that he was being bold and obnoxious. Kat never liked people like Lee Joon. She used to, but now she couldn’t stand them because she knew that they were always heartless users. Joon mader her pissed her off. Beckah witnessed something that has probably never been done to a Korean idol before, Kat gave Lee Joon the finger.

Silence. Everyone just witnessed what Kat had just done.  Joon's mouth was wide open, gobsmacked with shock. Hwayoung always admired Kat and Beckah for their bravery; if she was in that position she would have definitely tried to avoid the situation afterwards. She noticed that Seungho was the only one of the boys that was smirking; he must be the only intelligent idol that realised that celebrities don't get the red carpet treatment from everyone that lays eyes upon them. 

"I'm not playing easy any more." stated Kat, her eyebrows curled with anger, her voice low and mean. She turned to face the volleyball courts. Beckah didn't think that he deserved any of her kindness after that, but this was making the game more fun. 


Mblaq came up to Lee Joon and Seungho hit his back. “Someone’s going to be busy this holiday. I forgot to mention, G.O and I share each others clothes. So you have two people to wash for." teased Seungho.

"Please tell me that she did not just do that!" pleaded Joon, still in shock.

"Joon, there are people that will treat you like this in the world when you do stupid things like flirt with pretty girls." informed Cheondung.

"It may be best if you sat this one out. Maybe let Kat cool off in the game and think of how you are going to apologise." Seungho insisted.

"Yeah, you should go Hyung, you’re too good at sports." complimented Mir.

"And give us a chance to impress the girls!" added Cheondung

"No. Remember boys, our image. We shouldn't be interacting with people unless they're idols or they work with us." stated Seungho.

"But Sooyeon has. Don't tell me you've forgotten already, Seungho. You must be getting old." G.O joked. Seungho glared, unimpressed.

"I know. It's just..." said Seungho. He found it hard to explain how letting these little things happen, leading to forgetting about your career and how hard you worked to get there. He feared losing all the hard work MBLAQ put in to where they were today. But G.O was right about Sooyeon, so that made it ok, Seungho guessed. With a nod he and the rest of the boys (except for Joon) went to join the girls at the volleyball court.   

"I'll umpire so we have even teams." announced Ellie, while walking towards the sidelines. She wanted to play, but she knew that she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of the handsome boys any more then she did before.

She watched them play. It was MBLAQ against the ‘All Stars’. Sooyeon and Kat wanted to be ‘ The Dream Team’ since they were the only Korean girls of the group and Ellie didn't want to keep MBLAQ waiting so the All Stars was reluctantly chosen. MBLAQ were very strong. Even when they had a few practice rounds they accidentally sent the ball past Joon in the dunes rolling down towards the water. On the final practice round that Hwayoung begged for, she served the ball over the net but only strong enough for it to reach the front row where Mir and Cheondung were. Yelling and pushing each other to spike the ball, they ended up hitting the ball at the same time sending it bouncing over towards the shore. Thunder landed on his knees while laughing and Mir just sprinted  off the court to get the volleyball. In a playful mood, Cheondung quickly got onto his feet and chased after Mir, yelling for him to stop. Kat watched them laughing at each other while kicking the water. She smiled at them, then suddenly realised that she liked Cheondung’s personality. It was cool, but still warm and playful.

Seungho took this as a good opportunity to approach Kat.

"Kat, I think that you should know that Joon didn't mean what he did. Before we met, Joon was telling me about you helping him to his room and made a stupid bet with him. I'm sorry." apologised Seungho in a low, calm tone. He bowed to her. Kat stared at him, in thought.

"What bet?" she asked.

"If you would feel some sort of attraction to Joon." confessed Seungho.

"So, technically it was both your faults. You shouldn't play with a lady's heart, Seungho. It's rude. I’ll forget this ever happened, just this once…” said Kat, who started walking over towards Lee Joon, who was sitting at the top of the sand dunes, staring at the horizon.  She hi-fived Mir when they passed.

Joon turned when he heard the sound of footsteps walking in the sand near him. He looked up and used his hand to shade his eyes from the sun and saw Kat smile at him and sit down next to him. He just returned staring at the beach thinking of one thing or another. Kat spoke first. "Joon, I’m sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did. Especially to a highly respected idol like you. I over reacted" said Kat while looking at Joon.

"No, it was my fault I teased you like that. I'm an idiot. I know never to treat girls like that. I was just too selfish. I'm really sorry Kat. For the trouble I’ve caused, and i'm really not like that." apologised Joon, his eyes were full of remorse. 

"Trouble, what trouble? I don't remember anything!" stated Kat smiling. Joon sighed in relief. He was forgiven. Kat can be a real nice girl, he noticed. She was so tough before, but now he saw a friendlier side. Joon smiled back with the widest grin he could show. 

"We're about to start the game. Are you in?" asked Kat.

"Of course!" answered Joon getting up.

"I’m still not going to play fairly!" said Kat running passed him. 

Mir noticed that the girls were very strategic when they played volleyball. They had Ellie and Hwayoung in the front, while Beckah, Kat and Sooyeon were standing in the back. He noticed that whenever the ball was flying towards the middle, usually Beckah moved forward and passed the ball to the front where someoe would hit it over the net.  They called "Mine!" for the ball too. MBLAQ were just all over the place, running into eachother and going for the ball, but they didn't have to pass because they would hit the ball with speed and strength. When it was game point, Mir stood in the corner of his side of the court. He took a breath and bent down a little, threw the ball in the air and jumped to meet his hand with the ball. It went over the net towards the back where Sooyeon called for the ball. She hit it lightly over to Ellie who went for a spike but luckily Cheondung ran in at the last second, fell onto the sand and hit the ball as hard and high as he could.

Beckah watched the ball. She was praying to god hard that the ball didn't go over. It went up, moving towards the net, and hit the very top, but managed to roll back.

"NO!" yelled Seungho, who dropped to his knees with his hands in his hair. The girls all cheered while MBLAQ congratulated them and shook hands with everyone. "This isn't over." stated Joon while shaking Kat's hands. 

"Are you challenging me?" she questioned seriously.

"What do you have in mind?" questioned Seungho, joining in their conversation.

"The surf competition, of course." answered Kat.


Authors Note:

(TeddyBoo) Hey guys! How have you all been? I originally planned for this chapter to be updated last weekend but the website went down and so I held it off.  Did you enjoy this chapter? I forgot to answer Chapter 1's question, so I may as well do it here. Hmmm...I would like to meet MBLAQ behind the scenes of some variety show. That'd be fun. I would look forward to meeting Thunder the most. He's so kind and cool. 

Next Question: Which MBLAQ member/s do you feel most attracted to and why? I'm really looking forward to the replies!

Anyway, if you LOVE or LIKE this fanfiction then you will LOVE my friend Yamasau's story titled "Cleaning For the Music Boys Live In Absolute Quality"

Talk again next chapter!

(GracieP) Hello Everyone! Getting better with these updates. Hm... I think I'd like to meet MBLAQ on a variety show like TeddyBoo. Then I'd be on TV too x) See you next time!


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geegeegeegeebabybaby #1
Chapter 12: I'm glad you haven't abandoned it and hopefully, you'll find some inspiration soon. :)
I love the story so I'm glad it's continuing. ^^
Chapter 12: Oh... finally! *.* I was kinda of wondering what will happen to this story because it was pretty fun to read and all~~ Plus, I'm still hoping my character will get Seung Ho :P
And welcome back! ^~^
Chapter 11: Please update... TT.TT
wonderkris #5
the title caught me... i'll start reading this
Chapter 11: WAY TO GO G.O.!!!! I'm so envious on those two, G.O. and Thunder...they already fell in love and have the girls for themselves. While Seung Ho is practically being a panda for nothing! >.<" But you have to admitt, he was cute! >///< Nice update!!!

Well, I LOVED Seung Ho's black hair back in Mona Lisa time as well as his dark brown hair earlier, but gotta tell you, I'M FREAKIN' IN LOVE WITH HIS HAIR STYLE FROM 'It's War' It's just that he looks so gangsta like with it^^ Love it! As for Joon, loved his red hair. Mir, again, the 'It's War' blonde hair cut. Thunder, I love his black hair and the straight cut he had right after ending promotions for 'It's War';he's really handsome! And G.O....well, the same, the 'It's War' hair cut. I think their latest album represented them the best!^^

Please, update soon! This was one of the best b-day presents I got!^^
winterflowr #7
Chapter 11: WAH! GO...OMG *dances around* LOL That's so cute! That scene when he comes because he misses her *sigh*

Oh Seungho--he totally forgot! Now we'll see how he reacts to GO/Hwayoung...

I can review for you or recommend a shop. But what would you be looking for in a reviewer?
Chapter 11: ADSIGAOIWEJGLKASDJGOIADG Can I just say Cheondung made me keyboard smash? XD
MBLAQ (and I) can defend her. >:)
Dude, GO + Hwayoung = SWEETEST COUPLE EVER. <3
Oh my gosh, loved the update. ^_^
For favorite hairstyles? :/
Hmm....for Lee Joon, I liked it when it was red. Seungho's is definitely when it was brown with bangs, not spiked. Mir, very beautiful blond he was. GO, definitely brown with bangs, very lovely, after he shaved though cuz like he looked younger. XD
Oh, and Cheondung...well, he looked good with just about everything...except that mohawk thingy. (Sorry, bad with terms like this. ;P) Yes, I especially like the black slightly messy with bangs look. <3
Chapter 10: <3 <3 <3
Did I just read Cheondung confessing his feelings for me? <3
Haha XD
Sorry. Anyways, Seungho, lighten up. D:
What, you find out you like someone and you're lecturing yourself and Cheondung at once or something? DX
Update soon? :)
Fighting! ^_^