
CABIN FEVER • about               ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ          ㅤㅤㅤㅤX

"finally, it's summer break!"
summer is the season that every students wait for the most. students at seoul international high school are no exception. why, because they'll be sent to this summer school thing for the entire summer break except for that they won't be wearing uniforms this time and they'll be staying in the cabins together instead of camps. so worry no more about having a boring holiday because so many events are being planned already, from bonfire night to pool party. be ready for summer break because a flood of fun things is coming right ahead of you!
but will it be a blast? oh, wait until you stay in one cabin with baek hyunjoo, the leader of high school's popular girls squad. or let's say, the queen bee, the girl you always hate whenever you see her stereotypes in the movies. you will either like her or despise her or maybe fall in love with her, that'll be your choice to make after spending the whole summer break with her.
"she's nice, but she's scary... too." – a grade 10 student.
"one cabin with her? mom, just put me on a summer scout camp please. i promise i'll be good." – an anti-fan of hyunjoo's squad.
"will it be fun... i don't know, i'm not really interested in summer school in general. but hyunjoo can be a good cabin leader, maybe." – a student who doesn't care about anything at all.
"...." – the nerds club representative.


CABIN FEVER • NOTE               ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤX

hey hey celia is writing again. i was banged but changed my username to dadbum because i want to hohoho. i figured out there are so many fics with no set plotlines are on-going around me so i'm in for the ride! this fic will be nothing special unlike other applyfics around, it's only about high school students going on school vacations during summer break and are put into different cabins but will be focusing on only one cabin led by baek hyunjoo.
anyway, this baek hyunjoo person will probably be a little inspired by scream queens' chanel or meredith baxter dimley from bratz the movie or teen wolf's lydia martin or tvd's caroline forbes, i'm still undecided. so yes, please apply?? whether as boys or girls, i will love you down! <3
DEADline is may 10th! extensions? comment!
「ㅤnew reviews are released + deadline set + new update!ㅤ」


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Chapter 5: Hey just to let you know, i've changed my username! Formerly known as xXExoLover1Xx^^
register- #2
Chapter 5: omg so excited
the deadline is set sCReams
Chapter 5: thank you for the review on taewon ! i'm glad you like him ((-:
buuut just waiting for everything to be released, good luck everybooody c'':
Chapter 5: the deadline is set! odg i'm very excited and nervous in the same time
goodluck to everyone!
squeals-- the deadline's set! ; A ;
i'm really excited to see how everything's going to unfold.... good luck to everyone! ; u ;
Chapter 2: aaaaAAAAaaaa- thank you for liking jeongha!
i was so anxious you know hahaha
but jeongha defending hyunjoo, yes please!
and you actually read the scene request hahahah
thank you
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh. It is totally fine for giving a late review.
Thank you for liking her so much♡ I was worried she was a bit lame or too outcast person.
Though, I thought there are more people on school than sport jocks or popular people :')
And mijoo is definitely gorgeous; ;
imnayoungs #8
Chapter 5: you're alive!!!
omg the deadline is set
i'm so excited and nervous but at the same time yES ; ;