You're on your own (in the real world)

She Wants To Dance With Me
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"You look good." Momo says to her reflection to convince herself.


Momo checks her reflection in the mirror once again. She catches the sight of a stray strand of cappuccino colored hair and she pushes it back into her perfectly styled bun. Furrowing her eyebrows she scans her look, feeling nervous suddenly. Her parents told her to present herself the best way possible for the meeting of her fiancée for the first time- not knowing the other's name nor her age. The only thing she knows the other is a woman- feeling a bit relieved that her parents has chosen her fiancée considering her ual orientation.


Nothing else.


She knows nothing again.


Panic rises in as she realizes maybe these high heels and that dress don't match- and what will happen if those shoes are her and that dress is her fiancée and they won't match for the God's sake. One and a half year, caged with a person with whom they don't get along- even the thought suffocate her.


How can two person marry if they know literally nothing of each other?


Hirai Momo considers herself as a free soul.


Her soul is a dancer just as herself is- she's given up so much thing just to be able to enjoy herself in the golden days of her youth. She likes herself to be three thing: free, unkempt and lone. Her parents think that she's the black sheep of the family- the so, so perfect family with a perfectly managed business and spotless generations of businessmen and businesswomen.


Except her.


And here she is, training to be a dancer which is overly looked down in her family, from aunts to cousins shame on her for choosing her passion rather than her responsibility, calling her stupid and an ungrateful brat who does nothing for her parents but making them embarrassed. They make her insecure for choosing her dreams rather than money. She's always been the odd one in the family, while her cousins asked for expensive presents for their birthdays, she always asked family-outings.


(She never got them.)


So she decided she'll do something for exchange. She told her parents they can choose something and she'll go along without a compliment.


But never in her dreams she thought they'd choose her to marry someone.


Truth to be told, it's just for one and a half year, a deadline both partner agreed. In this time they can decide to stay together or break the contract. After all, the companies will be mended by then, they have nothing to do with it. At least that's what her father's men told her. Not like Momo cares about the company too much.


She takes one glance back at the mirror once again and she turns away from it immediately.


Those shoes and that dress don't match at all.


"Here goes nothing." Momo whispers to herself to calm her nerves.


Her thoughts are all over the roof, thinking about a runaway or making herself look stupid and manner-less so the other part maybe break the contract with the Hirai's. Maybe she can plead to her fiancée to stop it and tell her about her tear-jerking back-story, praying that since probably she comes from the same type of family, she would understand. Maybe she can stand up herself and say no.


But she won't.


For once, Hirai Momo will take the responsibility of her words.


No runaway, no pleading, no standing up.


She'll sit down to the restaurant table, smile with her most beautiful smile ever, charming her way into her fiancée's heart, she'll talk softly, thoughtfully and will watch her manners. Momo will do this- one and a half year isn't that much. She will go through this and finally finish something.


And then no one can tell her she's useless.


Momo stops in her track and pats her shoulder, imitating her best friend, Sana whom always tries to cheer her up with the same, lame, old-fashioned way. She smiles softly at the thought of her always cheerful friend.


"You can do this!"





Momo stuffs the third breadstick into , calming her nerves by eating. She drums with her fingers but stops, only to read off the time from her wristwatch. Her fiancée is late by 15 minutes already. She continues drumming with her fingers, feeling herself calm down by the even sound- and slowly this sound morphs into the one piece she's working on. She closes her eyes, imaging the way her body follows the rhythm.


She hums the song, swaying slowly. She doesn't have to bother with the judging gazes- there are no one in the restaurant. Their parents rented it out for the night so no one can disturb them in the middle of their conversations.


Momo is so in her own world, in her bubble she doesn't notice the nearing


"Hirai Momo." An awfully familiar voice says behind her for what she misses a beat in her made up song, sending shivers down to her spine with its' coldness. Momo slowly turns her head back at the source of voice- only to find her ex standing there with all of her glory.


Oh my ing goodness.


"Mina?" Momo asks carefully, aware of the eyes which are trying to bore holes into her skull. She takes the chance to have a good look  on the other, running her gaze up and down on the younger when she looks away.


Mina is as breathtaking as ever. She changed nothing since Momo's last seen her- when she ended their relationship with an 'I don't love you anymore' and Mina left her apartment tears running down her cheeks. She's the same as before beside she doesn't have the same smile on her lips as before. Those tender smiles which made so easy for Momo to fall in love with her. Her features are stoic, her hair is sh

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1241 streak #1
Chapter 1: Where are u,authorssi? We need updates for this story T^T
1241 streak #2
Chapter 1: Will u update this? It's been years :(
Chapter 1: Please, Uptade! I need to know the End! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease! you write so well, i want more!
zlnzx_ #4
Chapter 1: Update Please:-!
Itsme27 #5
Are u going to continue this fic?
318 streak #6
Author-nim, please continue :) -<3
HiraiMomonce #7
Chapter 1: please continue this author-nimmm
Chapter 1: Don't leave this hanging pleaseeeeee!
Chapter 1: this is interesting~~ i can't wait to find out more so please update soon!
baejoohyunswife #10
Chapter 1: Ud plsss