"what a shirt can do"

jin X jimin (work in proces/ not finished)

Jin and Jimin sit down and sit down at a table. Jin smiled awkward "you got luck i had a shirt in my locker " Jimin laughed " yes that is true" Jin giggles softly and ask "coffee?". Jimin said" yes and this time I stay here". Jin laughed and made some coffee. Jimin lay down on the coutch where they sit on. Jin walked back with 2 cups of coffee "Jimin? " he said softly "are you asleep?" Jin looks at Jimin but Jimin did not sleep but faked it. Jin smiled and sit a cross of him and drinks coffee "mmm delicious" he smiled when he looks at jimin at the moment Jimin felt asleep.hen Jin was done with drinking coffee he lift Jimin up and drag him to his house.

-the next morning-

Jimin wokes up in a stange bed without knowing that Jin lay next to him. Jin was still asleep in his too big shirt, and jimin was still in the same shirt as yesterday. When Jimin looked on the other side he saw Jin sleeping"Jin!" he yells, Jin wakes up in a shock"what!".. Jimin jumped out of bed "im sorry" he runs out of the house and runs directly home and blush very red. Jin changed and runs outside and hopes he could see him but he was too late "Its my fault..." Jimin was inside crying and didn't know what to do because he was scared and didn't know what to do "I want to with him but I dont want to be sleeping with him...!!!! what is he thinking!" Jin opens the store and waits for Jimin too come. later that day, the coffee shop was emty so he locked the door and hold a short break so he walked to the shoppingmall to clear his mind "What have I done i JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS with him." he said in a confused way. Jimin walked to the coffee shop but he noticed it was closed so he desided that he waits for Jin. A hour later Jin came back and saw Jimin walking away so he runs to Jimin "Wait!" Jimin waits and turn around with his head red "hey..."he said. Jin stand afront of him "come in plz" he said with a smile. Jimin "umm... yeah" while Jin opens the door and walk in Jimin followed him. Jin said spontaneously" sorry i didn't want to hurt you" Jimin smile and said "im sorry I was over reacting.... its just i woke up next to you and I didn't expect that...." jimin look at Jin. Jin was blushing "I understand" Jin looked at jimin and giggles because he was blushing " so everything is okay? " he said . Jimin smile "yes of course buddy you want to help out... " jimin think i did like it sleep with him. Jin smiled and ask him "do you want something to drink? " Jimin smiled "yes of course umm tea?" Jin smiled "on my way " jin walked to the kitchen and mae 1 cup of tea and one coffee. Jimin looked outside and think about jjin how nice he is and still he felt guilty witth what he has done. 

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