Horrifying Carousels

Horrifying Carousels

Eunjae's POV

''Hey, Jagi!"

my boyfriend's voice made me look up from the book that I was currently reading.

"Yeah, Namjoon?"

I smiled as he ran down the sidewalk of the park and right up to my bench.

"You...wanna...go...to...the...amusement park?"

he asked between breaths.

"You're not gonna be running again, right?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I am! I want to get there, now!"

he yelled and grabbed my hand.


I asked.

"The new rollercoaster, '
The Eagle Fortress'* is open and I really wanted to ride it with my girlfriend!"

He smirked giving me a wink.

"Well I don't Namjoon oppa, I rather be-"

I looked up and he gave me his usual puppy eyes; biting on his plump lips, allowing his bottom lip to pout towards me.

"Please, Jae!! Pretty please..."

I finally gave in and he threw me on his back before running all the way to Everland*  with me laughing the whole time.

"Now that was awesome!"

he yelled when we exited the ride.

"Okay, I'll admit it was pretty awesome,"

I rolled my eyes.

Truth is, I was scared as hell. The drops were way too steep for my liking but I wrapped my arms around Namjoon's the entire time. After picking up our pictures from the photo booth, we decided to get something to eat and spend the rest of our afternoon just hanging out around the place. Everything was perfect. I enjoyed spending quality time with Namjoon. We held hands through the park which caused some of his fangirls to pout and shoot angry glares at us. To add a bonus to the fun, I'd kiss Namjoon on the edge of his lips and they would all go crazy. Oh how I love that sight everytime, showing them how I am Namjoon's~ Until Namjoon had finally suggested we go on the vintage carousel.

"Come on, Eunjae! It'd be romantic, don't ya think?"

he said.

"N-no, It won't be. I don't like carousels,"

I shuddered.

"Why? It's nothing that scary, you know,"

he added.

"I just don't wanna,"

I turned away from him.

"Jagiya, are you scared?"

he asked.

"No! W-why would you say that?"

my voice had went two octaves higher than it's usual.


I looked back at my boyfriend who was smiling like crazy.

"The courageous Choi Eunjae is afraid of carousels?"

"So? The great Kim Namjoon is afraid of clowns!"

I shot back.

"But I'd expect more out of you,"

he then bursted out laughing. That made anger bubble inside of me and I started yelling at him,

"I can't always be brave! I was hurt when I went on it when I was four! You don't understand how terrified I was when I broke my arm! And there you are, instead of comforting me, you start laughing at me! You are by far the worst oppa ever!"

Feeling frusterated, I stormed off leaving a shocked Namjoon to stand there.
I sat on a bench I found near the roller coaster we rode earlier before covering my eyes. I felt someone sit down next to me and tried to turn me over.


Namjoon's voice flooded my ears but I kept my hands on my eyes.

"Eunjae, look at me,"

he was finally able to turn me around. He gently took my hands off my face and squeezed them in his,

"I'm sorry I laughed. I just don't know what got over me. It's just that, you went on the rollercoaster without even screaming in fear, that you being afraid of carousels really just surprised me. I understand that you're mad at me."

"I'm not that mad at you anymore,"

I sighed.

"It's just, you know, I need a little support from you about this. I'm just mad at the fact you actually bursted out laughing, that's all."

"I'm sorry,"

he leaned in and kissed me. I hesitated before returning it.
After a minute or so, we separated for air.

"Come on,"

he grabbed my hand and led me back towards the carousel.


I yelled trying to stand my ground.

"I'm not gonna leave this amusement park until you overcome that lame fear of yours and ride this damn carousel,"

he pulled me again and I was only able to stumble, following him into the line of six or so people.

"Wristbands, please?"

asked an old lady.
Namjoon showed his without hestitation and lifted my hand to show the lady mine.

"Enjoy your ride,"

she opened the gate and Namjoon led me over to a white horse.

"Now get on,"

he ordered.

"O-oppa, I'm scared,"

I whimpered.

"Don't be,"

he said looking at me gently; grabbing my hand,

"I'll be right beside you the whole time."

He helped me onto my horse before taking the brown horse right beside mines. He reached over and squeezed my hand one more time,

"Just hold on to that golden pole and everything's gonna be alright."

I slowly nodded and the ride started. My vision was taken over with a little four-year old laughing. I shut my eyes as the younger me fell over. I shook my head frantically to destroy my mind of that terrible time. However, a pair of strong hands had clasped both my cheeks and I slowly opened my eyes to see Namjoon standing in front of me.

"Don't worry, Jae, I'm here,"

he smiled.

"Just enjoy the ride, okay?"

I looked into his pools of chocolate. They were so gentle right now. I smiled and nodded.
For the rest of the ride, Namjoon stood behind me, with his hands around my waist. He'd crack a joke from time to time to get my mind off of the whole thing.


I hoped everyone enjoyed this oneshot! This was originally a request from Instagram but I switched up the names~ If you haven't, check out my previous oneshot 'Nuri's Wing Chun Teacher'! Love you all <3

Disclaimer: Anything with an asterisk * is not owned by me.

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AndreeaRea #1
Chapter 1: d'awww, a day off at Lotte Park with Namjoon would be a blis
jiminlovesmemore #2
Chapter 1: Again. Such a beautifully written story. I enjoyed this so much. <3