Chapter One

The Monochrome Parable


Taehyung awoke, on a morning like any other, he gazed around his bedroom and reached over to turn on a lamp, it emitted a dull grey light, which spread throughout the whole room within a matter of seconds. He arose from his bed, and slowly stumbled over to the door. He brushed his teeth, got dressed, the usual morning routine, and then walked to school. Every day was exactly the same, and he knew that it'd never change, but he could never help but to think that he was meant for something more, that he was different. 

"Hey, did you end up watching the video I told you to?" 


"Taehyung, are you okay? You haven't been speaking much" Seokjin asked.

"What?..... Yeah, I'm fine" Taehyung muttered

"Okay.. But next time, you can't avoid telling me, if something is bothering you, you know you can tell me" 


Hours had passed, yet all of it felt like nothing. There was no definite reason for it, but Taehyung was slowly becoming dissassociated with his own life, like he wasn't in control anymore. He'd miss whole conversations, he'd just let his mind drift. 

A tap on Taehyung's shoulder brought him back to reality

"You need to tell me what's wrong. I know it's not nothing, we all know that something is wrong" Seokjin told him

"... I can't... I can't tell you" Taehyung said under his breath

"You can tell me anything. It can't be that bad" 

"..... I don't feel like I belong here" Taehyung admitted

"What do you mean? At this school? Do you even know how much money it cost for all of us to come here?" Seokjin asked

"Not the school. This world, the planet. Whatever. I feel like I should be somewhere else, I feel like there is something more to life, something that no one else understands, I see things, I see weird things. And they're undescribable. But they're there. I feel like this isn't reality" Taehyung explained.

"What? So you think you're an alien now?" Seokjin sarcastically asked

"I told you to stop calling me that" Taehyung muttered.

"Well bye, I gotta go see Namjoon now anyway, see you later" Seokjin blowed a kiss, something that he did whenever he said goodbye.


Taehyung was walking along an empty road, the fog in the distance blocking his view. Slowly, the fog started to clear, and Taehyung looked up at the sky, the dull blue sky was being sillouted by the thick white clouds, and for a moment, Taehyung almost felt happy, but just like the fog, his happiness didn't last long, he saw someone in the distance, walking towards him, as all of his surroundings became clearer, he noticed the small details, the spring Green color of the grass, the Black color of the road beneath him, even this person, now closer to him, was wearing a jacket, which was a spectacular dark Purple color. Taehyung leaned against an Orange brick wall and sighed deeply. This was happiness. The person continued walking, nearing closer with each step. He stood in front of Taehyung. He opened his mouth, like he was about to start speaking. 

All of a sudden, everything turned black, Taehyung opened his eyes, and saw the gray atmosphere that he saw every morning. His bedroom, he was dreaming, but there was something so real about it. Whatever it was, It wouldn't be a mystery for much longer


Wow okay so this is sorta an intro chapter. So, I didn't intend to write this yet. I was gonna wait till I was up to 5 chapters on my other fic, but I got a sudden burst of inspiration ^_^ 

It's also important to add, that this is Taehyung's POV (If you didn't see it, the name at the top of the chapter will tell you who's POV it is)

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