Betting for Love


Mark Tuan: Comes from a middle-class family. He is awarded a scholarship to one of Korea's most prestigious university after graduating from high school. He can't say no since he feels that it's the least thing he can do to repay his parents for all that they have given up for his education. He leaves his family and friends behind and travels to Korea seeking to finish school without getting into too much trouble...he liked it when no one noticed him. It was easier to go around being one bothered him. He liked silence, he was silent himself, a man of few words. He wanted to maintain things that way...however things don't go as planned. He meets new people and his life becomes more noisy. Is this a good thing though? 

Jackson Wang: Is one of the most popular students at his university (which he attends not because of his good grades but because of his fencing skills and money). Having been born to wealthy parents Jackson is used to having everything he wants and when he wants it. There is no girl that has ever said no to him which earned him the nickname of "king wang" which he very much loved. He is arrogant and cocky, why wouldn't he? Everyone admired him...well except for the new student who doesn't seem at all impressed. 

What will happen when there is a bet and this bet involves both Jackson and Mark? New situations and emotions will flourish. People will chage...but is their change for the good? Can love survive when someone is "Betting for Love". 


-I love you!- he said crying. 

-Do you even know what love is? You don't have to continue faking it! You won...hope you enjoy your price.- he said leaving the other behind. 


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aag1418 #1
Chapter 2: Oh no T^T whyyy
Chapter 2: Oh damn you Jackson Wang(?)!! I feel sorry for Mark;; He's just so innocent & I'm glad that he became friends with Bambam :D
This is so interesting! Really! ♡ The chapters are short, so I can't help but crave for moreee! *;;*
Hope you will update this soon, our beautiful author! ^©^
Chapter 1: Omg omg I LOVE THIS! I have a thing for high school aus and this sounds so intriguing! I assume that the one who collided with Mark at the airport is Jackson? *;;*
And Bambam is so cute xD
Can't wait to read the next update now;;; wish the chapters were longer... I really can't get enough of this ♡
860204 #4
This fic is going to be awesome. Hwaiting author-nim!