
Highschool of Deads


I kick the soccerball that was accidentally thrown away.I kick the ball going to the soccerfield to give it to the one who play,when I kick the ball I accidentally hit someone hardly.The one I hit went closer to me with an angry face,I tried to step backward slowly..

''You know,It really hurts and you just stand there''..

''''..I put my head down and apologised to him..

I step backward and still he went closer to me.He is so freaking scary,I tried to escape but I think it's hard to escape from him.I tried to think of another way while still putting my head down.Hmm..what if I will kick his private part?I still step  backward and still he comes closer to me,I have no choice anymore but to kick his private part.When I tried to kick it,my feet just pass on it.He just keep on laughing on me,I tried to do it again but still it doesn't work..What?!Is he a ghost?!

I tried to run from him but he caught me,he is now in front of me,how fast he was,he is so scary..

''Do you want to play with me?''

''Yucks!I don't want to..Do anyone please help me!!''

Do anyone even hear me or dare to help me?

''No one will help you here,they will not help someone who are not like them..haha''..

What?!Am I the only person here?No way?!

He is trying to hurt me,I tried to escape when a hand tried to stop his hand to hurt me,I look at the person who save me..

OH MY GOSH!!He is so freaking handsome,I can't stop staring on his face...

''Run!''the handsome boy told me..

What?!I should run?I even wanted to know his name but anyway the important is safety first before knowing his name,so I run away and went home already..And that was the time I know that all of the students there and school workers are dead,so sad,the handsome boy is already dead also:(


''Hayoungie wake up!It's now morning time to go to school''..

''I don't want to go school mom,Im scared''..I said as I covered my whole body with a blanket..

''Scared?Did someone bullied you?''

''No mom, just tired''..


My mom went outside of my room.When I tried to sleep again,I remembered that I need to know the handsome boy's name,so I get up hurriedly and prepared myself going to school,I didn't even eat a breakfast and went to school directly.When I entered the school campus,the students look all normal like they dont look like a dead,honestly..Before going to my room,I went to search the handsome boy but it's hard to find him.When I suddenly bumped someone.Oh,I thought it was him,it was just my bestfriends Namjoo-unnie and Naeun-unnie..

For your information,when it is daytime the dead or ghost really acts like a human and they can be touch but when it is night time the still look like a human but you can't touch wierd and so scary..


Yehey!!I finally updated..sorry if the reason why she know why all the students and school workers except her is dead is not so convincing and sorry if this chapter is so short..hehe..hope u like it guys!!

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Update soon author-nim:)
Chapter 1: This story is amazing:)