Chapter III.

Let Me Know

You stayed in your room while Chanmi was bandaging Hoseok and Jimin. You didn’t know what was on the paper they brought back home since they didn't let you see it, repeating that the less you knew the better it would be. It kinda annoyed you that they didn't want you to know anything, but you knew it was better for you and your safety, so you didn't talk back and just went back to your room. But now, you were tired of being alone, so you decided to go out. You went to the bathroom where Chanmi, Jimin and Hoseok were and you looked at them. Chanmi was so careful not to hurt them and they looked so weak comparing to when you first met them that it broke your heart.


                «Will they be ok?» you asked.

                «Yes, don't worry», Chanmi answered while smiling. «They survived to worse than that».


                How could she say that while smiling?! You couldn't even imagine what happened to them before.


                «Why did they do that to them?» you questioned.

                «They're the second most powerful gang», Jimin announced. «They want to be the first one, but for that, they need to take us down. That's why they were after your parents».

                «Are they the… the ones who were chasing… them?» you muttered.


                Since no one was answering and they all looked awkward, you assumed you were right.


                «What… are their name…?» you asked, clenching your fist to hold your tears in.

                «The less you know the-» Hoseok started, but you cut him.

                «Can you guys stop being gang members and start being humans for once?! I want to know who did that to my parents! Is that too much to ask?!» you exploded.                

                «What's happening?» Jin asked, arriving from the living room.

                «(Y/N) got tired earlier than we expected», Chanmi said. «Maybe we should tell her».

                «I'm gonna ask Namjoon…» Jin agreed and left.


                Chanmi started bandaging Hoseok's arm and you left them alone to join the others in the living room.


                «(Y/N), I think we owe you some explanations», Namjoon announced.


                Finally, you thought. You sat next to Sehwa and all of you waited for Chanmi, Hoseok and Jimin to arrive before talking. They finally arrived few minutes later and sat on the ground. The two boys had bandages and injuries on pretty much all their bodies and you could clearly see it was hurting, since they flinched while sitting down. Jin shot them a sorry look and Namjoon sighed before talking.


                «Topp Dogg», he said.

                «What?» you asked, giving him your attention.

                «That's their name. The second most powerful gang in the country. The ones who were chasing your parents the day of their death», he explained.


                You swallowed and he continued.


                «Jimin and Hoseok went to see them today to try to negotiate to make them leave us alone. Unfortunately, as you can see, it didn't turn out really well».


                You glanced at Jimin and Hoseok who weren't making a sound, but Hoseok was laying on Chanmi with his eyes closed. From your point of view, he was probably the one who they beat up the most. He had black eyes and bruises and his lips were still bleeding trough the bandage Chanmi put on them.


                «Anyway, you remember the paper Jimin brought back?»


                You nodded and he took the paper out of his pocket to give it to you. You gave him a surprised look but he motioned you to read it so you did.


                «Don't come near us again if you don't want us to end the job. Just give us the girl and everything will be fine.»


            Your body started shaking when you understood that you were «the girl».


                «Why do they want me?» you muttered, speechless.

                «Because you're our bosses' daughter», Jin answered calmly. «They think you know things they don't. That's why we're not telling you anything».

                «I'm… I'm sorry for yelling», you said.


                You suddenly felt bad. You already knew they were just trying to protect you, but you didn't think it was that bad.


                «That's ok», Sehwa reassured you. «We understand it must be hard for you».


                She smiled at you and you smiled back.


                «So now that everything has been explained, how about we go to bed? You have school tomorrow», Jin reminded you.

                «Yeah that would be a great idea…» you agreed and got up.


                You went to your room and grabbed your things to take a shower. You arrived at the washroom at the same time as V who wanted to take his shower as well.


                «It's ok, you can go first», he said and left before letting you the chance to thank him.


                It was one of the first times you heard V talk, and the first time it was to you. You did hear him talk to the others, but it was really brief. He had a really low and deep voice. It didn't really match his childlike face, but you kinda liked it. You thought it made him even more mysterious and y.


                You went to bed right after your shower, being tired from all the emotions. Sehwa came to wish you a good night but nobody else did. You assumed it was because she was the youngest of them all – still older than you, though – so she knew how you felt. You thanked her and wished her a good night back before falling asleep.


                Surprisingly enough, you dreamed that night. You didn't dream much usually, and when you did, you forgot about it once you opened your eyes. It wasn't a happy dream nor a nightmare, it was more like an enigmatic dream. In it, you saw a very weird place you could swear you never saw before. Bangtan were there too, as well as other people you didn't know and didn't see the face of. You barely remembered what happened in the dream, but there was one image you couldn't get rid of: V was tied up and you had blood on you.


                You woke up at 3AM and, since you couldn't fall back asleep, you got up and headed to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. There, you found V drinking something as well. You took your glass of water without much sound, thinking he hadn't noticed you since you were facing his back and tried to leave but he called you.


                «You can drink it here, (Y/N)», he said.


                Why did your name sound so good coming from his lips?


                «I know we didn't talk much and we're not really close, but don't feel awkward to be around me», he then added. «Come sit next to me».


                You gave in and went to sit on the chair next to his, still slightly awkward since he stopped talking.


                «Why… are you in Bangtan?» you finally asked after a few – really long – seconds of silence.


                You didn't know why, but, to you, he seemed even more mysterious than the others, even though they all were. You thought he wouldn't be willing to answer you, but he did.


                «My parents abandoned me a few years ago because I was a loser. Your parents kinda adopted me. Now Bangtan's my family».

                «Seems like my parents saved a lot of people I didn't know about…» you muttered.

                «Pretty much everybody here, except for Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi who were in another gang before».

                «I see… Why don't you want to say your real name?»

                «It's not that I don't want to say it. The other members know. Your parents knew. But I don't want my own parents to search for me so I go by the name of V».


                «You can't understand…»

                «Try explaining me, then».

                «Maybe another day», he said before getting up. «Head back to bed, now. You have school tomorrow».

                «I can't sleep. I had a weird dream».

                «What was it about?»

                «I don't really know. All I know is that you were tied up, I had blood on me and the other members and some people I don't know and I didn't see the face of were there as well».


                V's facial expression toughened for a second but he controlled it and went back to his usual poker face.


                «It must have been a really weird dream, then», he said. «But it wasn't the reality so it's ok. Try to get some more sleep. We have to leave early tomorrow, your school is quite far».


                You finally gave in and nodded. You wished him a good night – to what he didn't answer – and headed back to your room. You laid down on your bed and covered yourself with your blanket before closing your eyes. You tried to forget your dream and finally succeeded at falling asleep.




                «(Y/N), get up. You need to go to school!» a gentle voice woke you up.


                You opened your eyes and saw it was Jin.


                «Oh! Here you are!», he smiled. «Good morning!»

                «Morning», you muttered while rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands.

                «Get up fast! I made breakfast and the others will eat it all if you don't hurry!»


                You smiled and nodded. He left your room and you got up. You got dressed and went to the washroom to wash your face and use the toilet before coming back to your room to style your hair and put some makeup on. Once you decided you were ready, you went down and joined the others in the dining room. You sat between Chanmi and Sehwa and started eating what was on your plate. Just like the dinner you didn't get to finish the day before, it was delicious. Jin was really good at cooking.


                You glanced at Jimin and Hoseok and noticed they looked a lot better than the day before. They were laughing and talking and it relieved you to know that they weren't hurt too badly.


                «V, Yoongi and Jungkook are the ones who are going to bring you to school this morning and I'll come pick you up with Jin, Chanmi and Sehwa tonight since Hoseok and Jimin are injured», Namjoon announced and you agreed.

                «You guys should leave, now», Chanmi said. «You're gonna make her late».


                Yoongi, V and Jungkook nodded and finished their plates fast to go get ready, which gave you the time to finish yours as well. You left the house with the three guys by your side and headed to your school, where you met Yewook at the door. She welcomed you with a hug and asked you who the boys were. You told her they were just some of your parents' friends' kids and that you were now living with them since you were too young to live alone, judging that she didn't need to know the truth. She believed you and the three guys just nodded.


                «Well, we'll get going», Yoongi announced.

                «Have a nice day!» Jungkook said and waved at both you and Yewook, making her blush.


                You waved back at him and smiled and they left.


                «They're handsome», Yewook declared, speechless.

                «I know», you answered while she was still looking at their backs.

                «Will I get one?» she asked – almost supplicated –, turning her attention to you.

                «Jungkook's taken, Yoongi already has someone in mind and V isn't interested».


                What you just told her was just half false, but it was still half true. The truth was that Yewook tended to be a little bit invasive and you never liked that side of her, so you wanted to keep her as far as you could from Bangtan. Plus, it wasn't really a lie since Jungkook really was taken, Yoongi truly did seem interested in someone (*cough* Chanmi *cough*) and it looked like V didn't care about anything.


                «You sure you don't just want to keep them for you?» Yewook pouted.

                «Not at all», you defended yourself. «I'll tell you once they're free».


                She smiled again and nodded excitedly. The bell rang and you both headed to your respective classes.




                At the end of the day, Namjoon, Chanmi, Sehwa and Jin were waiting for you outside the school, just as decided.


                «Woah, there're more?!» Yewook mouthed behind you.

                «Yeah. Not free either though», you said.

                «Of course they won't! Did you see them?! Even the girls are so pretty! Are you parents' friends models or something?!»


                You never really made a thing of it, but now that she was pointing it, it was true that all Bangtan members were good-looking.


                «I don't know», you answered, laughing. «I gotta go now. See you!»


                She waved at you and you waved back before turning your back to her to join Bangtan.


                «Hi», you said once you reached them.

                «Ready?» Namjoon asked.



                Jin took your school bag and you started walking between the two girls, holding their arms – a gesture you always did with your friends.


                «How are Jimin and Hoseok doing?» you asked.

                «They're fine», Chanmi answered. «Their injuries weren't that bad, there was just a lot of blood».


                You nodded and stopped talking until you reached the house, the others talking among themselves.


                «We're home», Jin yelled when you arrived.

                «Come here», Jungkook said from the living room. «We received a letter from Topp Dogg».


                You heard Namjoon curse and you swallowed. What did they want again? 

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Hyunju_T #1
Chapter 7: I'm crying too when yoongi's sad how chanmi is really strong
Chapter 8: This was really good I liked it but it would've been better if Yoongi stayed alive
Chapter 2: Chapter 1: I think your plot is fine, and you're trying to develop your characters. But, and it might only be mine, your dialogue is bothersome. Not what they're saying, but how you format it. The proper way to format dialogue is between "" < those. Not the arrows you're using. So if someone was to say Hi, then you'd format it as "Hi!" of "Hi." which every type of statement you're using. I think people would understand your story more if you did in fact use quotation marks because it's the universal symbol to show that someone is talking.
Altunaijia #4
Chapter 1: Hmm.. it seems interesting!!
Looking forward to the next chapter!