frustrated adult

My Beautiful Tough lover.

“Aw come on Kookie ah! It’s Friday night!”

Jungkook sighed as he massages his forehead. Sometimes he keep on doubting who is older between him and – still mysterious how they are even friend in the first place- Jimin, who currently cling himself like a koala on Jungkook’s arm.

Maybe Jimin spent too much time with the kids in the kindergarten that his brain turns into one. Who know? Jungkook still didn’t know why the latter chose to be a kindergarten’s teacher when he have a freaking  master in contemporary dance.

“Jimin you-“

Jimin shoot him a glare. “-hyung,” Jungkook quickly added because if he start whining then there will be no end of it. His whining once enter his dream and Jungkook doesn’t want to experience that ever again because he already get enough Jimin every day.

Jimin smiled widely at that before sign him to continue. Not that Jimin would ever listen to any of Jungkook’s reason. Jungkook rolled his eye and tap his pen impatiently. He just want Jimin to leave him alone. He is still working for god sake.

“You do know I am not a club person right?”

“Yup! Of course I know everything about my bunny!” the latter answered still with his annoying smile.

Jungkook mentally face palm himself at the ridiculous nickname he get from Jimin when they are in first year high school. And Jimin still freaking use it just to humiliate him or that what Jungkook force himself to believe.

“Jimin- hyung, please refrain yourself from calling me that.. I am turning 23 this year for god sake.”

“Aww, but it’s a cute nickname! And you still look like a bunny, okay maybe now you look like the Easter bunny in rise of the guardian..” Jimin babbled.

“Stop watching cartoon hyung, it corrupting your brain.”

“Hey, cant help it. I am a kindergarten teacher after all. Deal with it bunny boo and you still coming tonight right? Even Namjoon agreed to go!”

Jungkook sighed again and he thinks he just aged more than he supposed to, today. He put down his pen and finally gave his attention fully on the clinging koala.

“If you know I am not a club person… What make you think I would agree to go to a gay bar?” Jungkook pointed out with one eyebrow raised. Jimin snorted loudly.

“Because you, Officer Jeon Jungkook are pretty much gay.” He said while jabbing the other’s chest. “Oh did I mention single and frustrated?”

Remind him why he didn’t shove the older in the jail yet? Maybe he does have a good heart after all, beside Jimin always being unreasonable and stupid.

“I am not frustrated hyung!”

“Oh sure, I know you sneak out some red mixtape from the evident room-“

Jungkook widened his eye as big as possible before quickly shoved a muffin in Jimin big mouth while blushing bright red. The thought of kicking Jimin out is really tempting at the moment.

“Dammit, Why are you even here? Why they keep on letting you in? What happened to protocol and outsider?” Jungkook grumbled while Jimin try not to choke on the muffin and laugh at the younger.

“Oh Kookie bunny, everyone know you love me.” Jimin winked and smooch his cheek with sloopy kiss. Making sure to left a chocolate mark – from the muffin- on his cheek.

“What the- JIMIN!”

Jimin quickly ran out before the other could shove another muffin in his mouth or maybe actually put him in jail for god this time.

Jungkook groaned before slammed his face on the desk. He should change his apartment password later and burn Jimin’s fav boxer. That sly hyung. 


Jimin smiled all the way back. He’ll make sure Jungkook will come with them tonight, no matter what. The truth is, Jimin only want Jungkook to stop work so hard and relax for just one night. Jungkook has been working too hard this pass year that he didn’t have time for fun. Yeah, Jungkook is a workaholic. Ever since high school. Even during the time in university.

After he became a police officer, it get only worse and Jungkook become even more workaholic. Jimin tried to persuade him to take care of himself but he didn’t buldge.

 So after he faint for a week due to overwork, Jimin took a drastic measure to take care of the younger.  Make him food everyday, and make sure he didn’t over work. –The reason he knew Jungkook’s apartment password- .

But after month observing Jungkook’s life – not so creepily-

Jimin come up with a brilliant conclusion that only Namjoon knew.

He decided that Jungkook need to get laid.


That is when Namjoon tell him about a famous gay bar at the city. So… Why not? If he is lucky, he might have fun too. If you know what he meant. Jimin grinned at the thought. Hey, he have been single as long as Jungkook is because he is busy taking care of his best friend sorry . Not like Jungkook, he didn’t deny the fact that he is quite frustrated.

Jimin’s train of thought were interrupted with Jimin’s phone caller ringtone. With one hand, he quickly took his wireless earphone and wear it on his ear.




“Oh? Jinyoung hyung? What’s wrong?” Jimin asked. JInyoung is his co-worker in the kindergarten. He teach upper grade’s class.

“Uh, I am so sorry but can you please come back at the kindergarten? You know Lee Jihoon in my class? His parent is still not here like what the hell are they doing? Did they go and plant potatoes or something? And I have to meet my future mother in law in like one hour! Oh my god, Please, I will do anything as return Jimin-ah, okay, not literally anything. I can’t buy you an island.” Jinyoung babbled nervously.

“Relax hyung, it’s okay. I’ll wait with him there.” Jimin quickly answered before the older could continue his rambling cause who know how long it will take if he continue.

“Oh my god, thank you Jimin –ah!! I owned you a lifetime,” Jimin could hear the older squealed before cutting the line. See, people with love life is happy and all giddy. He wanted to feel being in love too. Let just hope he’ll get his chance tonight.

But seems like fate have another plan for him.

Jimin was singing a children song with the Jihoon kid when he saw him. A guy who wear a very gangster like cloth, not to mention the black face mask with the skull print on it and his gangster like walking style. Jimin almost call the police If not for Jihoon that quickly ran toward the scary looking creature while screaming,

“Yoongi samchoon!” before practically threw himself at the male. It is a very cute scene if not for the guy’s gangster like aura. How Jihoon didn’t even freak out with an uncle look like him?

Jimin’s questioned was immediately answered when Jihoon pull off the face mask to place a quick peck at the guy’s lips.

Jimin jaw dropped and he swear he’ll droll right there and right away if not because of a cat suddenly jump out of nowhere and scare the out of him. Behind all the murderous aura and gangster like attire, there is an angel hidden. The pale skin, the chubby cheek and the way he blushed slightly at the sudden peck.

Jimin feel like he just meets the man of his destiny.

“Jihoon-ah, I said not to do that again..” the ‘angel’ speak and it only make him more attractive. The husky lazy voice he own, damn Jimin can imagine how he sound in the bed-



He should really stop watching Jungkook’s mixtape because damn that not so innocent bunny do know how to pick hottest mixtape.

Why is he even thinking about this now?! Jimin quickly put the most charming smile he could musher and practically flash it at the male.


The male turned to look at him and it somehow turned into a stare. A freaking intense stare. Jimin really hope he stop starring because.. Well, he is a frustrated adult after all. And he pretty much stare him with murderously like.. What the hell?

That is hot and all but that also make him feel like he’ll get kill any moment. Those gangster like cloth didn’t help one bit.

“Oh no, Samchoon! Stop starring at people again. It creep people out you know.”

If he could, Jimin want to smooch Jihoon for saving him from attacking the other or maybe die from the stare. But he can’t, because that will look so pedo. And Jimin is not a pedo. Jimin like adult. Like Jihoon’s uncle. Like- shut up brain.

“Oh. Sorry..” the guy said quickly before nod a bit. “Thanks for taking care of Jihoon,” he continued before smile a bit and with that they left.

Leaving Jimin who is stunned and speechless after witnessing the male’s smile or in Jimin’s point of view, the ‘angel’ smile. Or maybe an angel disguising as a demon..

Okay, he should seriously stop watching anime.

With that thousands of questions start to bombarding Jimin’s brain like what is his favorite anime, his favorite size or why the hell he dress up like that. He will look thousand times cute with ‘normal’ outfit or maybe a maid outfit- dammit, Jimin stop imagining before you get yourself a .

And Just great, he didn’t even get his name.


But at least now Park Jimin have a life goal- other than making sure Jungkook get laid- which is,

Stalking Get to know the pale male.


Jungkook think that today is not his lucky day. Because first of all, he meet Jimin. Second, he has a road block duty today and third, the weather is freaking hot. His uniform didn’t help at all and just why those ert looking ajumma keep on looking at him like he is a piece of meat? Jungkook feel all of sudden. Maybe its Jimin who rub the unlucky charm at him.

His mood is also not at the best because he have to stop every car that pass by and check their road tax. Its annoying when people get angry about why they had to do this and Jungkook really want to chop their head off. Do they think, all police officer want to do this kind of job? Standing out in the hot weather and stopping people for fun?

Don’t get him started with the one who try to flirt with him. And most of them either have wedding ring on their finger or very very old. Like seriously old.

So when he stopped another car and the owner freaking whistle at him, he freaking  lost it.

“CAN YOU NOT? I AM WORKING FOR GOD SAKE-“ But then the rest of the word stuck in his throat when the car’s owner rolled down the window.

It’s a he. And he is a freaking one fine, good looking, young and hot dude. ‘’ is all Jungkook could think as he checking out the male.

And the dude seems to notice this so he smirks.

“Like what you see?” he said with surprising a very y deep voice while wiggling his eyebrow. Jungkook slowly gulped at that, well who won’t really? He quickly composed himself and prepares a comeback. He can’t lose in this silent flirt battle. He is guy! And a MANLY one!!

“Yeah, I see you renowned your road tax. Thank you for making my job easier.” He answered before smirk back at the muddy green hair male.

“Ohh, sassy. I like that.” He smiled amusedly before quickly hand a name card at him.

“You shouldn’t work too hard, officer. Come here tonight if you want to… relax.” He said not before sending a wink. Jungkook frowned at that. What did he mean by relax? Did he work at a spa or something? He took the card and read the content.  

It’s a plain black card with only a name and a number there.

Kim Tae Hi


“So.. Kim Tae hi- shi… what do you do?” Jungkook glanced back at the male. Confused because the card didn’t mention any address or workplace.

The male smile suddenly change from very flirtatious to a very cheerful bright box like smile.

“Oh! I am an alien by day and a saxophone star by night-“ Jungkook almost choke at the air when he heard that. And he didn’t know which part to get shock and confused. The alien part or the ‘saxophone star’ part.

“A WHAT?!”

The guy blinked confusedly before repeat himself. “ Saxaphone star, that is why I told you to come. It’s a very relaxing show,” he said before flash another box smile.

Jungkook seriously could blame the weather when his face turns bright red. How can he tell that bluntly- and did he JUST INVITE HIM TO SEE HIS SHOW?!

“I – Okay, um. Go on.” Jungkook quickly step aside and the male only chuckled before drove away not before saying

“I really hope you come, Officer-shi!”

Successfully making Jungkook even more flustered than he already are. And thank god there is no car right after so he can calm the down first.


But the guy is very hot and.. a flash of a hot scene, starring the ealier man playing inside his brain.

Dammit! Maybe Jimin was right. He was frustrated after all.

Jungkook scanned the card. But he didn’t left address. He not gonna call him just to ask where he is going to do his ‘show’. That is too embarrassing.

He makes a quick flip at the card and his widened.

Bangtan club ~

That is the ing gay club Jimin want to drag him to tonight!

Maybe luck was on his side after all.


a/n :

 I have no idea why is this getting more and more erted xD

First chapter up and a bit short because.. well. It’s a first chapter . HAHAHAHAHHAHA.

plse drop your feedback, comment of anything. IT REALLY MAKE ME HAPPY <3 SARANG FOR ALL And subscribe guys~







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Thelollipoptaesucks #1
Chapter 1: There's no way that i'm not going to love this XD
yoonmined- #2
Chapter 1: ooH this is gonna be gooodddd !!
ziaaco #3
Chapter 1: wwwahh please continune this~
iamabaplover #4
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha cocky and funny. I like it!
But Suga tho. I can imagine hin with those colths. . . . .
jellyzelo96 #5
Oohh I'm so excited....
_Ziri_Fangirl_ #6
This description has me laughing so hard. Really looking forward to this story!
yoonmined- #7
hmngfdertyujnhgfrtyhjn this sounds so good TT-TT
buzzing for when it updates