

February. It's been one month since Doojoon and Junhyung's failure to identify the Midnight man. They gave up after the criminal database was said to be off-limits. The pair assumed that the reward money from the tv station was long gone and out of the news so they decided to ignore it. Doojoon and Junhyung went back to school, the two became more busy than ever. It was their final few weeks of school as senior high school students. Soon, they'd need to take University entrance exams... if the army didn't call to enlist them*.

They arrived at Doojoon's house all the way from school at 9pm*. Their energy was so drained, the two best friends shared silence until they reached Doojoon's bedroom and dropped on the bed utterly lifeless.

With the little energy left, Doojoon grunted, "I miss my Yoseobie..." and he smacked his hands on the mattress, hitting Junhyung in the process.

"Yah! Watch where you aim!"

"Sorry... I'm just really frustrated... I want to see my Yoseob!"

Junhyung decided to ignore Doojoon as his eyelids began to feel heavy until he closed his eyes. Doojoon did the same. The best friends fell asleep in an instant. Junhyung's phone was vibrating but the latter didn't wake up.

 ★ ★

Hyunseung sighed as he looked at the screen of his phone. That was the fourth time he called Junhyung, still without an answer. He checked his watch -- 10:15pm. Hyunseung and Junhyung promised to meet at B2st x B2uty... but only one-half showed up. Hyunseung crossed his arms and dropped the cellphone angrily on the coffee table before him.

Yoseob emerged from the background and sat beside Hyunseung.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Junhyung... he isn't picking up his phone."

"Don't worry. Doojoon isn't picking up either."

"Do you think they're---"

"What? My Doojoonie? We may have just been going out but I know those two are just friends. What makes you think they're even--"

"Nevermind! Nevermind... I just---this isn't the first time he hasn't picked up. Lately, he's been looking more groggy and tired. I'm worried."

"He's in high school. What do you expect?"

Hyunseung sighed again. He massaged the temples of his forehead, thinking through things about his relationship with Junhyung. Hyunseung really liked Junhyung, there was no doubt he wanted to continue being with him. The problem was... having to be the reason why Junhyung loses sleep. Hyunseung's afraid of daylight so he could never see Junhyung during the hours he's awake. Hyunseung knew he couldn't take away Junhyung's sleeping time but Junhyung sacrficed that time to be with him. Hyunseung loved it but noticed Junhyung's energy lowering.

After Hyunseung gave it some thought---he knew what he needed to do.

 ★ ★

Junhyung woke up the next morning. His back was aching after having woken up in an uncomfortable position. He turned his head and realized Doojoon's face was a few centimeters away from his. He quickly jumped off and stood up.

He stretched his arms and legs and ruffled his hair. He wanted to check the time, he fished for his phone in his pocket and when he found it he clicked a button and the screen popped open. There was one new message from Hyunseung. Junhyung instantly smiled and wanted to read it. What he read shocked him.

[From Hyunseung: Junhyung-ah... I don't want to be the reason why you keep losing sleep and our promises to meet keep getting broken. Let's break-up... I'm sorry.]

"WHAT?!" Junhyung yelled out in anger. Doojoon immediately woke and sat up. His eyes shot open and looked at Junhyung.

"What happened? Junhyung, what's up?!"

Junhyung didn't reply. He grabbed his bag that was on the floor and sprinted out of the room. Doojoon extended his arm and exclaimed, "Yah! Where are you going?! Yong Junhyung!!"

It was useless to call. Calling Hyunseung was no use. Junhyung wanted to face Hyunseung and make sure it wasn't a joke. Junhyung ran and ran. He reached the bus stop and got on the bus that was headed to district 3. After fifteen minutes, the bus stopped at the district, Junhyung got off and ran to Hyunseung's house.

After a while, he banged the door with his fist as he shouted, "Jang Hyunseung! Open the door!!"

There was no response. Junhyung checked if the door was locked, it wasn't. He went inside, up the stairs and looked for Hyunseung's room. He opened 2 doors and when he opened the third, it was dark but there was little light. He heard crying and recognized that voice from anywhere.


Hyunseung emerged from the dark part of the room and Junhyung could see his boyfriend's cheeks covered in tears. Hyunseung hugged Junhyung immediately, sobbing on his polo shirt and grabbing onto his back. Junhyung sensed something was wrong.

"Hyunseung-hyung... why--"


"Geurim? Why? What.. What happened?"

"She's been kidnapped..." and Hyunseung continued to cry on Junhyung's shoulder while Junhyung was frozen in place, unsure what to take of the situation that just happened.

 ★ ★

Hyunseung sat on his bed, Junhyung beside him. Hyunseung was cradled in Junhyung's arms, trying to stop the tears from falling. There was silence for a while... but Hyunseung broke the silence.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"...You broke up with me over a text. I wanted to come here and ask why you did it so suddenly."

Hyunseung dug his head in Junhyung's neck and whispered, "I'm sorry... I'm a burden..."

Junhyung caressed Hyunseung's cheeks, the two looked into each other's eyes, "You're not a burden to me. I should be the one who's sorry. I'm not able to keep my promise to you..."

"No! It's my fault! I'm the one with phengophobia... you're the one that needs to cope with me and my fear. That's why I wanted to break-up. I don't  want you to feel tired."

Junhyung giggled and planted a kiss on Hyunseung's lips, "All I need is a kiss, okay? That'll make me feel better."

Hyunseung gave a soft smile and wrapped his arms around Junhyung's neck. "Junhyung, Geurim's been kidnapped. I need you with me... to help me."

"Of course. I'm here. Doojoon will help, too. Was there a note or anything that the kidnapper left?"

Hyunseung let go from the hug and raised his index finger, "Ah! I think.. I saw something in her bedroom!"

Junhyung quickly got up and went to Geurim's bedroom. He found the note on the bed and went back to Hyunseung's room. He sat down on the desk and the lamp light. Hyunseung stood behind Junhyung and read the note with him.

February 14.
- 1200

"February 14? 1200? What... What kind of note is this?" Hyunseung asked, very confused.

Junhyung stared into space, thinking about what the note could mean. In an instant, he remembered.



"Do you want to save Geurim?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then we need to leave the house."

"Leave... the house? I-In the d-daytime?"

Junhyung stood up and looked intently into Hyunseung's eyes, "Jang Hyunseung, look at me and take my hand."

Junhyung held out his palm. Hyunseung bit his lip and took the hand offered to him. Junhyung continued, "I believe in you. You can conquer your fear. For your sister. Do it for Geurim."

Hyunseung began to shake. He didn't know if he could do it. For years, he hasn't stepped out of his house in the daytime. For years, he hasn't seen the outside world in its beauty in the day. But the image of his sister not being by his side was a greater fear. His heart pounded. He muffed up the courage.

"Let's go"

 ★ ★


Korean men are required to serve the military for 22 months, with 1 month of training = 23 months. They have 1 month to 2 months (unsure) worth of vacation time which they can distribute within the 2 years. Usually when the men finally turn 18 (19 in Korean age) or graduate high school the military will enlist them. The men are allowed to dodge service (7 times max.) under special conditions.

For High School students, the schools are open until 9pm so that they can study on their own. Korea takes education so seriously

GEURIM HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED! If you can figure out the note then you're awesome! The clues are in the previous chapters ;) Hyunseung's gonna conquer his fear! Let's see how he'll be in the next chapter *O*


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Chapter 16: This story is great... Doojoon being like a detective is so cool lol and their friendship between Doojoon and Junhyung is so funny and cute lol...
meemow123 #2
Chapter 16: I am in love with this fanfic omg it is so cute!! I thought it would be angsty and dramatic (I usually don't bother to read the tags ... Hehe) becuz of the title and the angsty bits were angsty > < but noooo authornim you just absolutely HAD to go and kill me with fluff T T
Lee Joon?? OMG :O
What happened to Ara?? Did Joon kill her?? :O
scary *hides* but wowowowow
This is so addicting seriously
I might actually go back and read this all over again
But its too short!! I want moreeee
Hehe ^^ Oh yes I'll definitely remember this fic!!
Also there are only dooseob and hyunseung+junhyung (dont know what to call this ship) as couples? No more couples??
I hope Joonie doesnt escape amd try to kill them O.O altho that would make a good sequel, or is Hyunseung had a relapse ... *hint hint*
Just kidding you dont need to make a sequel!! I'm perfectly happy woith this little fic .. Huhu ... Its so sweet my feels ajsjfjsje and I dont even know this band really ... Hehe ^^
well done authornim!! :)
meemow123 #3
Chapter 14: I haven't finished it yet but
OMG I KNEW IT!! I KNEW it ws the guy who did that!! And I actually dug out Joon's name when I was going through the list of all the characters who it could be but I never thought ... Wait is it even Joon at al O.o
And Hyunseung's phobia is cured! Yehet! And Doojoon and Yoseob are just too cute >.<
Okeyyy back to fic now ... Ohorat ^^ I'm liking these guys now hehe ...
Chapter 16: Seriously im in love with your writing eventhough currently im a junseob shipper kekeke. For me, your story are not too complicated to understand and you know its so damn cute!! The plot was easy to understand and idk why i always giggles reading the part xD I can imagine 2Jun interaction as bestfriend, how they always argue over smallest thing and also dooseob (eventhough dooseob is minor hereu i feel like omg if they're more weet moment bu ty yey! At the last you wrote about them! ) . What's more-- /thinks hard/ ohh! Your note about the Korean's culture. I've been wondering why the Korean people makes seaweed for some occassion event, some translation and elaboration about something in your stories about Korean's culture really help me to develop of understanding about them without need to google it. C: thanks a lot for making up my day with your story! I really like it. ^^

Keep on writing authornim! I love you and fighting! ♡
Chapter 16: This is so sad considering that this fic had ended, in a good note. I love it, everything. The idea, the characters, the plot. Though it might lack something, I personally think that this is good and you'd done it well, my friend. From the first chapter up till the last one. The idea of Hyunseung being accused as the 'Midnight Man', Junhyung finding out the truth, Doojoon investigating the case of 'Midnight Man' and Geurim's kidnapping case, I like it! This kind of plot is my thing. I always have a soft spot for something criminal like this. At first I thought it's going to be fantasy-like?? But it turned out to be something even more interesting! Positively, I hope you will write more in the near future :D

<3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: It's sad that this fic is going to end soon :c
Chapter 7: Yeahh!! Yoseob, Dongwoon and Kikwang have appeared :D
I'm looking forward to how JunSeung relationship develops from here and Doojoon, though. I wonder what he's up to.
Chapter 5: I was pretty surprised to see my username there in this chapter >_<
Anyway, Hyunseung is sooo cool and cute right now haha xD
Chapter 2: I'm starting to love Doojoon's character here. And Junhyung being curious is something new too! Hyunseung, though.. He looks cool in this story :D
Chapter 16: AHHHHHHHH FEELSS JUNSEUNG!!!!?!?????!?