Chicken Wings and Chocolate Milk

Chicken Wings and Chocolate Milk

Jongin loves his chicken wings. He likes it in all types of marinade, grilled, fried, you name it. He especially loves the sweet soy sesame kind and could have it all day, all week, without complaints. His eomoni gave up on giving him other things to bring it with him to school.

"Kim Jongin, why is your doshirak still full?"

"Jinki had chicken wings so he shared it with me."

"But you had chicken wings yesterday. And the day before that."

"But it was honey garlic. I haven't had honey garlic for a week now."

Everytime his eomoni sends him something else, it always goes back untouched. Eventually, she gave up and just subscribed to a chicken delivery service.


While Jongin loves chicken wings, little Kyungsoo loves chocolate milk. 

He never leaves home without a box of this chocolatey goodness. Ever since he read in his book that milk is good for his bones, he never stopped drinking the thing. 

"What about other vitamins and minerals. You've got to try these other yummy juices."

"But having all other parts of me okay will be useless if my bones can't carry it."

Ever since then, his eomma just sent him his beloved chocolate milk every day.


One day, as Jongin was eating his beloved chicken wings like usual, he felt a itch on his tongue. Then it turned into a roaring heat that he cannot explain. It was excruciating that he was on tears. His face blushing a shade of red and he doesn't know what to do.

At the other corner of the room, Kyungsoo was taking out his chocolate milk from his bag. He hears someone sniffling. And there, he saw his classmate, his name was Jong-something, he can't really remember. His face was so red and appeared to not know what to do. No one else seemed to notice what was happening to the other boy so Kyungsoo leapt off from the bench he was sitting on, clutched his beloved chocolate milk box, and tredged the 45 steps he had to take to the other end of the room. Yes, he counted it before but sometimes it takes just 41 or 48. He wondered why it sometimes seems different, is the room shrinking or expanding? He still wonders.

Back to the crying boy. He seemed quicker and it took him just 39 steps at this time. 

"Would you like some of my chocolate milk?" Kyungsoo offered.

Kyungsoo also read in that same book that chocolate makes people happy. Maybe if the boy would have some chocolate in his system, he would stop crying. Chocolate milk is chocolate too right? He pondered.

"Gomawo." the boy replied to him. Jongin was just desperate to drink anything now and the water fountain seems to be too far away.

Jongin drank the milk and, as if by magic, the burning on his tongue went away. His eyes crinkled and he was able to smile at the wide-eyed boy who offered him the magic drink.

Chocolate milk works too, it seems. 

As Jongin was handing the milk box back to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo refused. "No, you can have it all. My bones could maybe take it even if I skip one day."

"Your bones?" asked Jongin then he returned to sipping more of the chocolate milk.

"I've read that we have to drink milk to keep our bones strong. The book also said that chocolate makes us happy. So I drink that to keep me strong and happy every day." explained Kyungsoo.

"What? I've taken your happiness today. Mianhae." choked on his drink.

"No, you shouldn't be. I'm happy that I made you happy today." replied Kyungsoo as he patted the other's back.

Jongin was happy that he became the source of happiness for the other too.


At the other corner of the room, one of the day care volunteers found that her spicy chicken wings delivery was replaced by a soy garlic. The delivery man seemed to switch her order this time. She saw two of her students with a chicken box. Her eyes widened when she saw that the pieces were redder than Jongin's usual. Did Jongin mistake his chicken box from my chicken box? Then she saw Kyungsoo patting Jongin's back as the other was drinking milk. She didn't want to interfere as it was the first time she saw Kyungsoo interact with another kid in this room. Maybe sooner so the kids won't touch more of the spicy wings. Aigoo, these little kids. 


"Jonginnie, it seems we switched lunches today. Is your tongue okay?"

So his name is Jongin, thought Kyungsoo.

"I'm fine, seonsaengnim. He gave me chocolate milk that sent the fire away." replied Jongin.

"Thank you, Kyungsoo. That was very thoughtful of you. Here is your chicken, Jongin. There is too much fire in that one. I'm sorry that you suffered through that," pointed their teacher at the chicken box.

So his name is Kyungsoo and my chicken isn't really on fire. I can still have chicken, thought Jongin. 

The teacher went away after switching their chicken boxes.

"I've read chicken that is good for you too. It has the pro-something that develops your muscles," recalled Kyungsoo.

"Really? Bones and muscles must be strong together to move. That would help when I dance." 

"You dance? So we should have chicken wings and chocolate milk together. So we will be strong and happy together," suggested Kyungsoo.

Starting on that day, Jongin and Kyungsoo always spent their breaks together, sharing their chicken wings and chocolate milk.


A/N: It was shorter than I expected but I'll just edit if I want to add more details. Also, having chicken wings and chocolate milk everyday is not and advisable diet. I might do a sequel when they're grownup and they'll have chimaek instead because of the photo from Minseok's birthday. I dedicate this to all the strong Kaisoo shippers after the Kaistal news. Stay strong, everyone!

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MyungyeolLover100 #1
Chapter 1: I just died of how sweet and fluff of this I LOVE IT!♥♡♥♡
Chapter 1: AHHHHHHHH This is so fricken cute!!! I would definitely love to see the sequel!!! I love this so much!!