✵✮Star RolePlay LinePlay✮✵


Star RolePlay LinePlay

Hello!!! We are a new roleplay, set up in an application called LinePlay. Where you can customise your avatar to look like how you want them to look, and dress them up however you want them to!

Please join us if you are interested!!! 

However, as much as i want many people to join, having a character in LinePlay is extremely tedious due to the fact that the game's currency is rather difficult to earn and very easy to spend. The only good thing about this game in my point of view, is the friends that we are able to make. And the joy we receive when we can tell people more about our idols.

Do consider in joining our Roleplay!

Thank You



1. This is an English speaking roleplay. If you speak another language to someone else who understands, feel free to. However, please speak only english to the base.

2. Add all the Star RolePlay roleplayers, aka [SRP] as friends.

3. [SRP] members please try to date among yourselves if you want to date. It just makes it easier that way and i can put it in the Couple List. Although, if you want to date a "fan" (one who isn't in SRP), I won't stop you. I'll probably just have a mini [BREAKING NEWS] heehee.

4. To makes things easier, No SRP roleplayers are official unless they are confirmed by the base. To get Base's Verification, just give me a comment in one of my post, or just write in my guestbook in my diary. If you want verification, DO NOT just like one of my post and expect me to see you. You have to say something so i know you are here.

5. Be friendly with everyone!!! LinePlay is a place where there many people to talk to and many friends waiting to be made. You have very little restrictions regarding making friends (at least i hope its little. doesn't seem like a lot to me), so let's have fun and talk a lot!!!!!!!


How To Join:

For People Joining by commenting in AFF: Just comment below the character you want to reserve. The Password is your favourite food. You have 2 days to make your account. Note that if you are inactive for 1 week, we will kick you out. Just tell us if you're going on a hiatus (max one month)

For People Joining through asking base LinePlay: Just tell base which character you want to roleplay as. Remember to check the masterlist. It will be updated in my diary everytime someone leaves or join. Then you can join immediately!



A Weird Note:

To those who think that SRP seems fun and want to join but is new to LinePlay, I suggest you play LinePlay for a few days before really deciding whether you want to join or not. Like I said, roleplaying in Line Play is extremely tedious and i hope that everyone who joins SRP will have fun and not regret their decision if they do join. Do ask us questions if you have any.



P.S. Unless this AFF says close, we are always open for you to join no matter how long we haven't updated this post!


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Coolkid_jiyeon #1
Still active?
Is this still open?