12. Surprise Birthday

Can this love last? (Sequal: Love is Difficult)

"Jungkook broke it off with me"

L was happy that he could have a chance with Jieun but sad to see her like this. 

"I'm always here if you need anything. I won't ever hurt you, i promise"

Jieun smiles. Though Jungkook has broke it off, L was someone who she could count on and be there for her in need. 


Months have passed, Jungkook has gone back to his old self; rude and cold. He goes out every night to drink, dance and pick up girls. BTS members are worried their maknae is acting like this. Jieun and L have been getting along really well. L still has feelings for her and Jieun is starting to develop feelings for him. 

Jieun was walking around Myeondong shopping for herself. 

"Jieun! What are you doing here all by yourself?" Sehee said. She was buying new skincare and makeup products for herself alone when she noticed someone identical to Jieun and realised it was her. 

"Just walking and shopping" 

"I'll join you. I never asked but when's your birthday?"

"It's... actaully...today...."

"WHAT?! And you're spending the day to yourself on your birthday? What are you doing? Your parents must be throwing something huge for your 19th birthday then!"

"I'm seeing L today..."

Sehee had a feeling there was something more than just friends between Jieun and L since she kept denying that they're just friends. At the beginning, Sehee was always jelous of Jieun, but not jealous to the point she'd get revenge or destroy your friend. Jieun was the first friend who had been by her side since the day they met. They walked around until their legs were about to fall off. Sehee bought Jieun a new phonce case with cat ears. Then they both went there seperate ways.


"I don't like surprises" L blindfolded Jieun and took her to a place while holding her hand so she wouldn't fall over. They arrived at their destination, L took the blindfold off and Jieun was touched. How could a guy like him do such a nice thing to her? They were in a garden filled with greens, flowers, candles and food. He pulled out a chair for her for Jieun to sit down. They ate and talked and he takes out a small box in his jacket. She takes it out, opens it and she was surprised that L bought her something so dainty and simple. 


About a month ago, after Jieun's and Jungkook's breakup. L took her to Hongdae for her to take her mind off and enjoy the sunshine and shop! They walked past a cute boutique. L could see Jieun was looking at a necklace. Though she could afford it, somewhat she didn't get and just walked off. So therefore L purchased it in secret and had been waiting for the perfect time to give it to her.

"Thankyou L oppa"

L was probably the happiest person alive right now. 

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