D (Half Moon)

Kangnam Drabbles
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-January, 2015-


"I may need to stay in Paris for sometime." Taehyun tried to speak in the most casual tone.

"Why? For What?" Seungyoon looked up from his laptop.

"My old classmate said there will be an extensive art project, artists around the globe will come to Paris for collaborations, and he invited me. I think it is a golden opportunity for me to broaden my horizons and brush up my skills." Taehyun bit his bottom lip nervously.

"But for how long? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Seungyoon frowned.

"Maybe for a year? The details are yet to be ascertained." Taehyun anxiously waited for Seungyoon's response.

"A year?! What do you want me to do? What about us? We just dated for 3 months!"

"I'm sorry! But I just can't let the opportunity slip away! I've made up my mind. I booked the ticket, I'll be leaving on Saturday." Taehyun insisted.

"Then I assume we will break up by the time you leave for Paris?" Seungyoon raised his eyebrow.

"I…...Whatever, if you want to break up, I have no objection. I don't want to fight with you, I'll stay with my parents tonight." As Seungyoon did not respond or ask himself to stay, Taehyun sighed and left the apartment.




Seungyoon got insomnia that night as he was struggling whether to see Taehyun off at the airport for hours. ". Nam Taehyun chose his career over me and we already broke up. Why should I care?" Seungyoon groaned, pulling the blanket over his head.


Taking a peek at his watch, Taehyun looked around the crowd worriedly. "Why is Seungyoon not coming? It's about 9 already…" Taehyun mumbled to himself. The lane in front of him was becoming shorter and shorter, yet Seungyoon was nowhere to be seen. When it was Taehyun's turn to check-in, he took the last look at the surroundings and wiped his tears.


Their relationship was really over, Taehyun thought.


-March, 2016-


Coming back from the company gathering, the half-drunk Seungyoon eventually wobbled into his home after having failed to press the code correctly for several times. "Taehyunnie! I'm home~" Seungyoon yells while ing his shirt. However, the entire house is imbued with nothing but dreadful silence. Then Seungyoon remembers he has made the same mistake over and over again - forgetting that Taehyun is not here anymore. Obviously, he is still not used to Taehyun's absence. On usual days, Taehyun would help Seungyoon change his attire and sleep with Seungyoon in his embrace. "Wake up Kang Seungyoon. Yah bastard! Forget anything about Nam Taehyun, it's been 2 months already!" Seungyoon clenches his teeth and pulls his hair frustratedly.


He steps out to the balcony, trying to get himself sober with the cool breezes. It has almost been a century since he last stood outside the balcony. Even looking at the pictureque scenary cannot lift his mood, he smiles bitterly and takes out a lighter from the pocket to light up a cigarette, so that he can forget everything, temporarily. He glances at the flowerpot at the corner, there stands several wild red roses, beautiful yet withered. Most flowerbuds seems to have fallen off to the ground. "Oh I forgot to water the plant these days." Seungyoon murmured to himself. He remembers Taehyun has always been the one who takes care of the flowers and decorations in their home. Whenever Taehyun discovered Seungyoon smoking in the balcony, Taehyun would take the cigaratte from Seungyoon's mouth bluntly, and said "How many times have I told you to quit smoking? Also, why do you have to throw the cigaratte butts into the flowerpot! They kill the roses!" Usually, Seungyoon would just hug Taehyun from his back, whisper "I'm Sorry"s and "I'm just under stress"s to Taehyun's ear, making the younger one feel itchy and finally wriggle out of Seungyoon's hug. Things are so fine with Taehyun. They are so happy together. They were, Seungyoon corrects himself in his mind. He holds the lighter in his hand tightly, without knowing that he is trembling all along.


-26th September, 2016-


Starting from that day, Seungyoon has been burying himself into work. If there isn't any love filling his hollow soul, maybe work can serve that purpose as well, Seungyoon assumes. Accordingly, he keeps himself busy 24/7 for months. It is until 26th September does Seungyoon eventually get off work on time to celebrate Jinwoo's birthday with Seunghoon and Mino.

Pointing his fork at Seungyoon, Seunghoon asks, "Where have you been these days? You seldom contact us. But you guys must have got back together right? You and Taehyun." 

"No hyung, we're not in contact. I mean I have his phone no. and address, but no, I didn't find him." Seungyoon mutters. 

Having his eyes widened, Seunghoon almost shouts "What the hell are you doing? Are you nuts? It's been months already, Taehyun left in January! Woah, you're in lame! All you need to do is to apologize and ask him to come back!" 

In support of Seunghoon, Jinwoo knocks Seungyoon's head with a spoon, "Seunghoon is right. Kang Seungyoon, stop acting like a kid! Apologize!" 

Seungyoon shrugs his shoulders and puts up a light smile, "Why should I? I enjoy being single now. And I don't think I should be the one who apologizes. Nam Taehyun has chosen his career over me! He decided to follow his dream at the expense of OUR future! But why would you guys understand huh, stop telling me what to do as if I was a kid-" 

Mino, who has been silent throughout the dinner, interrupts, "Kang ing Seungyoon, listen up. You are the one who doesn't understand the circumstances. Taehyun has always been the mature and clever one. Before he left for Paris, he told me he wants to be with you forever. He always knows you are competent at work; yet he is still a freelance artist. But he doesn't want to look weak or become a burden to you. He knows this will finally lead to disputes and break-up like many other couples. Taehyun wants to become strong and independent to you so that you guys can stay together forever. You think it's easy to leave for Paris and be away from you? Do you know how hard it is for Taehyun to step out of his safe zone and to explore the outside world on his own. Taehyun went to Paris because of you. He wants to become a better man for you, Kang Seungyoon. I still can't believe he chose this in front of me. And I don't know why we are talking about this as well, today is Jinwoo hyung's birthday!" Mino deadpans Seungyoon and gulps down a whole bottle of beer.

"Taehyun went to Paris for me? But he, I-" Seungyoon tries to say something to defend himself, yet ends up stuttering as his mind is in complete chaos. Should I be the one to blame? Is it my fault to have let Taehyun go? Seungyoon questions himslf. Then he imagines Taehyun went to the airport alone that day as he was even too stubborn to bid a farewell to Taehyun, his Taehyun. Seungyoon panicks. He clenches his fists as he thinks of how disappointed and heartbroken Taehyun was when they broke up. Holding back his tears, Seungyoon looks up to Seunghoon, asks desparately with a trembling voice. "What should I do, hyung? I don't want to lose Taehyun, but there's no turning back now, I'm the one who decided to break up. I broke Taehyun's heart, he must really hate me now." Seunghoon sighs, and pats Seungyoon's shoulder. "You brat. Finally realize what the boy has done for you? Such a stupid . Go home now, I know there's a lot for you to digest. Sleep and we'll talk tomorrow. But prepare yourself that you guys may not be able to get back together, you hurt Taehyun too much afterall."



Having tossed and the bed for nearly an hour, Seungyoon still can't stop thinking about Taehyun. He always thought he was sharp and quick-witted, yet it took him months to finally understand the purpose of Taehyun leaving him for Paris. He covers his eyes with his arm and chuckles as he mocks himself for being the from the very beginning. He picks up his phone from the nightstand and flicks through the contact list to find Taehyun. The profile picture set for Taehyun is the first selfie they took after Seungyoon's confession.


It was taken on the day of first snow in late November. Seungyoon called Taehyun out in the middle of the night as he insisted they must see the first snow together. Taehyun sneaked out from his home and met Seungyoon who was waiting for him outside of the apartment. With their hands intertwined, they wandered around the neighbourhood casually, blabbing about their plans for Christmas celebration. Seungyoon stopped walking, said adamently while Taehyun's fingers. "I know we just dated for a while, but I really want to tel

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kimsunmii #1
Chapter 6: Authornim please continue this story.. I can't waiting the next chapter..so curious
anjanief #2
Chapter 6: Cant wait for the 2nd chapter of tattooist one its so cool and great imagine Seungyoon tattooing taehyun and that taehyun reaction cant wait
Chapter 5: Omg clarice your fanfics always give a bang well the story is good it add spice to our kangnam imagine moments well your right thats why taehyun is not showy in public to sesungyoon and the hanam story it proves that they are really at the go about their secret relationship
Chapter 6: OMG the story starts really well, I'm eagerly anticipating their first encounter
I want to know why Jinwoo said all those things to Seungyoon... why that objection to get to know each other? is Yoon a bad guy? I want to know it and see how he can change when he falls in love with Taehyun haha
But careful with Taehyun and his naughty thoughts >_< hahaha
What a couple haha!!
Thank you so much as always for your work Clarice <333
Chapter 4: omg clarice one of my favorite kangnam author is really good as always

hmm my realization in this story somehow i can relate into this someone will choose career over you and you have to know its always have a reason its not the career but on how to be strong like Taehyun did

but in the other side both of them have fault and days not being together makes them realize they have to be together forever

always fighting clarice
Chapter 4: Haha pabo Kang Seung Yoon XDD
Poor Hoon, Mino and Jinwoo trying to get him back to his senses :D I laughed so much hahaha
The whole fic is just so cute and sweet and funny ^^
I love it so much <333 and thank you for keep writing :)
Chapter 3: your right in things about them we can create story like their IG post oh its all so good keep it up