Chapter 6

Red Spring
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"The betrayer. He is the one who sent the officers and maybe kill your mother based on your step-father orders."

Wonwoo grabs Mingyu’s collar strongly, nearly chokes the younger as he make their face closer to each other, "How do you know? He always been nice to me! He is always there whenever you weren’t with me! Do you have evidence to conclude this?!”

“I saw everything.”

“You don’t ask him directly right? You know nothing!”

“What?!” Mingyu grabs the older’s collar back, “You are the one who know nothing, even every ing little things in front of your eyes! Of course he’ll always been nice to you so he could stay by your side and inform your father where you were about! You are stupid enough! Your strength is fine but you are actually a ing retard weakling!”

Wonwoo gasped. He loosens his grabs on Mingyu’s collar and lowers his head. Then he slaps the younger hand from his collar, asking to let it go. By seconds, he turns his body and back to preparing his bags and inserts some things from his savings.

“Then, let me go by myself.” The older voiced, resulting the younger back to widen his eyes.

“What? I’m a murderer also now, I have to go with you.”

“No need to, you can say that you found those corpse when you just arrived here and sure that a guy named Jeon Wonwoo is the killer. I can go by myself, I don’t want ro rely to someone anymore.”

Mingyu sighs, he understands that his words are too much for him. Wonwoo hates if someone called him weak, even though in fact he is. He surely tried everything to make people see him as a strong person even that means he should hold his own feeling and his own desperate. Mingyu was just too mad before because Wonwoo didn’t thank him, but scolded him instead.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Mingyu scratches the back of his ear, “Let me join you, you said that you only have me now, so do I. Let’s go together.” The younger slides his hand to Wonwoo’s head and it, feeling every strands of his hair as he delivers his apology to him. Wonwoo answers with a little nod.

Mingyu hands Wonwoo a fleece jacket that can hides every marks on his body, he pulls the hoodie and wears it on him. He gives a hat and wears it on him. Anything to make Wonwoo's face hidden and he won't see those purple marks on Wonwoo's neck.

Everything has done, Mingyu and Wonwoo each bring their own bags and sneaks out to leave this bloody house. Three persons died here, either its floor or its wall had covered by bloods and sins. They leave the corpses and just wait people to find out about them. For now, they have to go far. Furthest from this house, trying to erase their own pains and memories. Starting new life together as two.


Moving scenes of green, seen from the window. Few dews shaking on its glass following the movement of the train. It's quiet since it's still dawn. The boys just randomly buy the ticket, going anywhere they never know the name of the place. Anywhere, as long as no one never see them or even know them.

Mingyu can't keep his eyes closed even though he is tired. Those eyes are open in half. He just blankly stares to the dews that moved by the strong wind. His head full of many thoughts. What should they do after this? What can they do to stay alive? Where they should live?

And what should he do to hold his feeling?

It feels ticklish on his ears. Wonwoo's strand of hairs tease his skin. The older head is resting on Mingyu's neck crook. He falls asleep on the younger's body, and Mingyu hopes that he can forget everything once he wakes up later. Mingyu's left arm is on Wonwoo's waist, keeping him closer, and will pulls him whenever he moves. While his right hand is resting alone on his thigh, don't know where to put it. He just want to touch Wonwoo as less as he can. To keep him from falling more.

Why Wonwoo didn’t give him any feedback? A refuse also ok, just give him a certain answer. He talks to himself, does he takes it wrong this whole time? Those red faces, those r

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ladyhouse23 #1
Chapter 13: your story is masterpiece! you always make a perfect ending beside the plot of story never disappoited me. you are so talented author-nim? I will wait for your next project! Iloveyouuuu
AbRei8 #2
Chapter 13: This is totally AWESOME
dannaching11 #3
Chapter 13: this is just so great authornim! and the ending? AWESOME!!!
khasabat #4
Chapter 13: Oh, such a beauty in the end! Wonwoo back for Mingyu and Cheol back for Jeonhan!
Please squel...please please
3036jonestom #5
Chapter 13: Truly a great angst story with a nice ending!
shaxobyarm #6
Chapter 13: omg!!! the ending is beautifully sweet T_T
thank u for making such a painfuly beautiful story like this
shaxobyarm #7
Chapter 11: omg!!! im crying eottokhae ...
shaxobyarm #8
Chapter 10: omg!!! this is so painfully beautiful T_T
and wonwoo's words r painfully logic for my painful heart T_T
Babypowder94 #9
Chapter 13: I dont know what should i write in this column, i just want to say that this is really really very good fanfic, it is really deep angst and i love angst, thank you for hurting my heart then comforting my heart directly, i love u
ElleNat #10
Chapter 9: It hurts right to the hearteu T__T