
Take My Heart

Taehyung narrowed his eyes as he scanned the arrival board. 

"Her plane would've landed an hour ago.. Why isn't she coming out?" he exhaled deeply and muttered. Random people kept on coming out of the gate but he couldn't spot his sister. Taehyung eyed the arrival gate carefully as he rocked back and forth on his shoes when suddenly his phone vibrated. 


Ya Taehyung-ah! Just pick me up at Hongdae. I'm gonna go shopping first. 


His eyes widened instantly as he scoffed. "You've got to be kidding me." 

Taehyung sighed as he rolled his eyes after reading the text his sister just sent him. He slid his phone back into his jeans pocket and walked back towards his car. His sister was that typical noona who liked to go shopping all day and made her own brother as her personal driver. She just literally went back from America and she went straight to Hongdae from the airport instead of her house. They had 3 years gap in age yet his sister didn't even look like she was older and mature. 



"Seulgi?" Jaebum looked up only to find a tall and slim figure with porcelain skin looking at him. She was holding 3 shopping bags and a huge pink suitcase. The girl had a smirk curved on her lips.

"Omo! Look who's here!" Seulgi exclaimed nonchalantly as her eyes went to look at Dahyun who was pretty much in surprise. A mocking scoff slightly escaped her lips. "And look who's with him." she mumbled to herself. 

Jaebum scoffed in disbelief as she eyed Seulgi. She looked nothing like a different person from the outside and he was sure her personality didn't even change a bit either. She still looked fake and rotten.

"We meet again." Seulgi looked at Jaebum as a smirk spreaded across her face. "I've told you. Fate brought us together Jaebum-ah and nothing can seperate us." Seulgi spoke softly as she bent towards him and their face were only an inch away. 

Jaebum's gaze was cold towards her and he didn't even move an inch. She's back. And his life was going to turn chaotic again. 

Dahyun has her eyes widened as she saw the scene infront of her. She wasn't even sure how to react to that.



The sound of heels clicking echoed in the hallway as the girl walked towards him. He was with his group of friends and their eyes immediately went towards her in instant as she stopped infront of them. 

"You're a jerk Im Jaebum." she gritted her teeth and a slap quickly went across his face. 

The other students' mouth were in agape when they saw what she just did to him. Jaebum scoffed as he eyed the girl infront of him coldly. 

"I've told you so many times. I have no interest in you Seulgi-ah." he stepped closer towards her. "That's what you got when you keep on messing with her." Jaebum whispered onto her ear. "Now don't even try to go near me or her anymore." Jaebum stated as he walked passing her. 

Seulgi stood there as her fists clenched. "You'll regret everything Im Jaebum. I can assure that." a bitter scoff escaped her lips as tears started to well up on her eyes. "We're meant to be together." she trailed off.




Taehyung parked his car along the main street of Hongdae as he sighed. He started to stroll along the alley as he slid out his phone and tried to dial his sister's number. 


'The number you're calling could not be reached right now. Please-'


"Aishh!" Taehyung let out a frustrated groan as he ruffled his hair. "Where did she even go?!" he scoffed.

The boy continued to walk down the street as his eyes scanned the people in the crowded area to find his sister. It was getting late and Korean BBQ shops along the street were already starting to open their store for dinner time. She was really making him go crazy. Taehyung had been sending her a couple of messages and calls but none of them got replied. 

"That's it. I'm done." he scoffed as he stpped infont of a clothing boutique. He gave up trying to find his sister who asked him to pick her up yet didn't even pick up his phone calls nor send him messages. Taehyung was about to call her when suddenly his gaze fell onto a spot infront of a vintage shop and his eyes widened instantly in disbelief.

There she was. 

With his ultimate rival. 

And Im Dahyun.

Taehyung quickly jogged through the sea of people across the street of Hongdae as he didn't take his eyes off them. His heart was beating rapidly as he went closer towards them. A protective feeling suddenly washed over him as he saw Dahyun. He didn't even know why but his heart just didn't want her sister to do anything to her. 

"Ya Kim Seulgi!" he yelled as his voice made the three of them turned their heads towards his direction. 

He abruptly stopped as he took her hand. "Let's go now." Taehyung said and dragged her away.

"O-omo! Ya! Kim Taehyung! Stop! I haven't finished yet!" Seulgi exclaimed as she struggled to break free from his brother's grip. But Taehyung didn't stop and he quickly took her away, leaving Jaebum and the extremely shocked Dahyun behind. 



The sun had set and it was night already. The cold breeze brushed against Dahyun's skin as she walked along the street with Jaebum. She starred down blankly as her feet carried her body. Her mind was going crazy as she tried to understand what just happened. Kim Seulgi, the popular queenka of the school who liked to pick on her every single day 4 years ago was back and it turned out that Kim Taehyung was her brother..? All this time and she didn't even realize that Kim Seulgi and Kim Taehyung were siblings. 

"I thought you knew it." Jaebum suddenly spoke as he glanced at her.

"I didn't know at all." Dahyun replied in confusion. 

"You see now.. Why I've been trying to get you to stay away from Taehyung." he exhaled deeply. "Because he's her damn brother. And who knew if he was going to do anything bad to you just like his sister." Jaebum explained trying to sound calm. He didn't want her to notice his feelings. 

"Mm.." Dahyun sighed in reply. "But I guess I can't stay away from him now."

She finally realized why she REALLY had to stay away from him. Not just because he always tried to flirt and pick on her but because Taehyung was her brother. Seulgi was pure evil towards Dahyun.

Jaebum instantly looked at his sister. "Why?" 

"Because well I'm his tutor. And I'm responsible for his studies." Dahyun cringed slightly. "But I guess he's not going to do anything bad to me.. He changed quite a bit." she pressed her lips onto a thin line.

"Wait- how are you responsible for his grades? I thought he wasn't even in the same class with you." Jaebum asked in confusion. 

Dahyun's heart suddenly stopped as she remembered she haven't told him about the crazy thing Taehyung did.

"Ahh that. I haven't told you." she rubbed the back of her head. "He.. transferred to my class." Dahyun sighed deeply. 

"Wait what?!" Jaebum's eyes widened in instant as he scoffed in disbelief. "That crazy punk." Jaebum gritted his teeth in irritation.

"B-but it's okay! He didn't do anything to me!" Dahyun replied as she tried to calm her brother down.

Sometimes Jaebum hated the fact that Dahyun was too naive.

Jaebum scoffed as he inserted his hands onto his pocket. That punk was trying as best as he can to get closer to Dahyun. He just couldn't believe if Taehyung had no other intention. And plus with the fact that Seulgi's back on town, his life wouldn't be as peaceful as before. Now he had to protect Dahyun from both of them to make sure they didn't know about Dahyun being adpoted. Seulgi was definitely seeking for revenge and she was her target. 

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NekoRin-chan #1
Chapter 11: Please up date author-nim :)
Kkaey02 #2
Chapter 11: Update pls~~~~ btw I'm #TeamTaehyung lol. And why suddenly I ship Dahyun with Jinyoung kkk~
KrisTine09 #3
Chapter 11: Please Update~~~~
enefeydee #4
Chapter 11: Pls updateeee omh
Kim_Ya_Dha #5
Chapter 11: Why do I suddenly ship her with Jinyoung ( >~< )
Is there any possibility not to love this story, I might get addicted
Beckycute #6
Chapter 10: Jinyoung is about to get savage ahaha
Chapter 10: Thanks for constant updates! Really aprreciate it and can't wait for further chapters :D
Beckycute #8
Chapter 9: Jinyoung is in da place, and that's not good for my hormones LMAO
Kim_Ya_Dha #9
Chapter 9: OMO Jinyoung Oppa ;) hul you're making me ship crazy things (>.<) but I really loved that chapter, poor Dahyun :(
Beckycute #10
Chapter 8: Omg ahaha, I love Seulgi so much but she makes the perfect villain.