012 (HyungNu)

Growing Pains


HyungWon wasn’t sure what Hyunwu was up to all week, but he did get the general impression of being cornered and isolated.


He wasn’t doing much at the moment, just sitting on the floor taking his turn at folding laundry when the leader came in to hover awkwardly in the doorway.


HyungWon watched the conflict and confusion on his face, daring him to run away.


He cleared his throat and began to speak.


“Can we talk?” He asked and HyungWon nodded, setting the folding aside and putting a hand out so Hyunwu could pull him to his feet.


“Should we sit?” HyungWon suggested, nodding towards the makeshift couch. Hyunwu agreed, scratching the back of his neck and letting HyungWon take his seat first.


HyungWon sat facing him but Hyunwu could only stare forward, rubbing his sweaty palms against his jeans in an effort to stall for time.


His talent for words wasn’t exactly a fluke, but it wasn’t always so reliable either. He really hoped it wouldn’t fail him now.


“I think you’re beautiful when you dance.“ He blurted in a rush, words slowly stitching together in his throat before spilling out unfiltered.


“You look… Alive when you dance. And when I tell you something… You never judge me or pity me or look disappointed or blame yourself, you just get it. And you don’t force me to talk– Usually– And you don’t look at me funny whenever I do talk. And you always get it, you always understand even when I don’t… And you make me laugh and you fill up all the spaces where I lack… And you’re not afraid to call me out.” He paused to take another deep breath and get himself together.


“And you’re really, really ing attractive, but you never shy away from the grunt work and you never quit before I do, but you always know when we should stop and take a break…” Another deep breath.

“And you don’t change after I tell you a secret…

And I’m in love with you.

And I want us to still be friends.

And when it’s difficult or when I miss you, I want to hold you.” He pauses again, but this time he actually looks HyungWon in the eye.

“I want to stay the way we are, but I want permission to…

Ask for things from you.

Is that okay?” And he’s still looking at HyungWon, but he’s lowered his head in uncertainty.


HyungWon doesn’t respond right away, he has to think about it for a minute…


And another minute…


Is that it? Was their love so simple?


Actually, yeah. Maybe it always has been.


Maybe all the tension and the awkwardness these past few weeks was just a byproduct of their own inexperience and hesitation.


HyungWon collapses forward, smothering laughter in Hyunwu’s shoulder and trying to nod.


Hyunwu’s lungs deflate in relief and he can’t help laughing along. They might be smart, but sometimes they’re idiots.


Now they just have to explain it to the rest of the group.


(Won’t that be fun.)

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ssalmedi #1
Chapter 1: Which v-app where you mentioning?
Chapter 14: I need more Hyungnu in my life TT there are barely any hyungnu fanfics around so I thank you for writing this ^^ it's lovely~
Chapter 13: Aww! I love this~ <333333

Chapter 6: I agree with Minhyuk ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
AllinMX_7 #5
HyungNu <3 Love them
doyoungieNct #6
Chapter 4: It's so sad that only a few fans ship hyungnu
doyoungieNct #7
Chapter 4: This amazing author-nim!! I love hyungnu♥️♥️ Pls continue writing more hyungnu fanfic stories!