How it began

Journey to his heart
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*Jinhwan's POV*

I- Kim Jinhwan was a normal high school student, I had a normal life, not perfect but it was enough for me. At least... that what I thought before this happens...

"Jinhwan, try this." Yunhyeong gave me an ice cream cone.

"How was it?" He nervously asked.

"It's perfect." I raised my thumbs up and we both laughed like fools.

It was a sunny spring day, we were just walking along the street. It wasn't very crowded, it was my favourite street. It was raining cherry blossom petals, I suppose. Everything was perfect, with my best friend there. The early morning's fresh air is the best.

"Jinhwab, are you okay?" Yunhyeong stopped walking.

"Yeah... I'm fine, I'm just having a stomachache." I tried to put a smile on my face.

"If you are..." He couldn't finish his words because I coughed out some blood. Everything started spinning and the only thing I could remember was Yunhyeong's voice begging everybody to help mixed with some yelled.

"It's okay, Yunhyeong ah, we will talke care of him, you can go home now." My mom's voice woke me up. I was lying in a white room, that smell hit my nose. This is the hospital.

"Are you sure Jinhwan will be fine, Mrs.Kim?" I could see their shadows on the wall, everything was blurred.

My mom came into the room with her eyes full of tears.

"Mom, what happened?" I tried to stood up. She held my hand while touching my hair.

"Jinhwan, I know this would be hard for you but the doctor said you a having a rare syndrome, which makes your body see illusions and grow flowers on your skin. It's too late now to take medical treatment. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, I

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ohiroo #1
Chapter 3: Still waiting
naya_chan #2
Chapter 3: author-nim~, I wait for you to update this ff until now, but why did you not show up? :(
araraluvsoo #3
i am still waiting for an update...
Hanbinjihwan0411 #5
Chapter 3: I hate you jinans' dad XD
poor jinan.. please you have ti make him survive okay? thor please tell me jinan isn't going to dead XD
Chapter 3: huhuhuuu.. poor Jinanii.. T.T
he's not even their child. what a twist duhh..
Chapter 2: Please update soon author-nim.. XD
Chapter 2: uh-huhh..
interesting plot.. another nice onee. so this will be a 31 chaptered.?? hahaa.. :D
I wanna ask you something, is this flower syndrome even real or just your imagination.? hhee.. :p
will Jinani survive.?? How about Junee.??
update soon. Fighting.!!!
rayaaa #9
Chapter 2: Am I the first who read the 2nd chapter?
Finally, binhwan already have interaction. But, how about june? He loves jinani too right? Next chapter please ~~~
rayaaa #10
Chapter 1: OMG. What happend with jinani? What kind of that sickness? Please dont make jinani die at the end