Why you care?

A Sin

Sungjong and Sunggyu were on their way back to the hospital. Because of cancer that suffered by Sungjong, he'd to stay in the hospital since he's 13, but that cheerful Sungjong never regret it even he's really tired of those recovery.

"Hyung, are Woohyun hyung and noona in a relationship?" Sungjong asked when Sunggyu was focused on the street. He turned to look at Sungjong, "Why you ask?".

"I'm just wandering."

"Well.. They're cousin," Sunggyu said.

"Cousin? But they hugged when we're in the hospital before, noona even said saranghae to him. I don't think their feeling just a cousin!" Sungjong exclaimed.

"Out of your bussiness, Sungjong-ah. Even though there's something between them, they'll settle it right away."

Sungjong just nodded and turned his head away, looked out of the window. It's autumn already. Leaves have fallen from its stalks, and the temperature decreased sometimes. Sungjong tightened his jacket while prepared to go out of Sunggyu's car.

"Thank you, Hyung," Sungjong thanked him before getting out. Sunggyu just smiled and went to his apartment.

Sungjong walked into his room while thinking of you, "I've miss Hyowon noona already."

> A Sin <

You gently opened your eyes and found Myungsoo was using his earphone. You stood up, you need to go to the toilet but Myungsoo stopped you once again.

"Where will you go?" he asked softly. You sighed while gave him a sign that you needed to go to the toilet. "Fine."

You walked away hurriedly. You really burdened because of Myungsoo, he behaved like he'd a right to order you. So, when you met a stewardess you asked for her help. You wanted her to separate you from Myungsoo, you told her that you got airsick and you're going to vomit. Of course the stewardess helped you. She took you to a seat that close to the toilet and she went to meet Myungsoo to tell him your condition. You're really sure that Myungsoo wouldn't look for you. At least, you still had a few hours to escape from Myungsoo before the plane arrived at the airport.

"Lucky that she really helps me from that stupid ," you mumbled in relieved.

Suddenly you felt that you're going to vomit. You went to the toilet in rush, seems that you're really got airsick. You couldn't do anything but vomited everything you'd eaten last night. Your face turned pale and you gently rubbed your stomach that started throbbing inside. Damn it, you sighed in pain.

Suddenly someone knocked the toilet, you opened it even though you're exhausted. But you regretted because you saw Myungsoo was looking at your pale face, Now I can't even move away, you sighed and stared at Myungsoo. He didn't move but said, "You're really not in a good condition. Are you okay?" he asked softly and touched your forehead. "You got fever, come out, let me call the stewardess to give you some medicines."

You wanted to ignore him but you did know you couldn't do that or you'd to stay in the hospital because your condition became worst. Then you followed him back to your seat. He let you sat next to window, he said you might feel better. You just did what he ordered you, you never refused him.

"Why you care?" you couldn't let yourself to not ask him, it's because Myungsoo acted weird. A few hours ago he hurt you, but then he care for you. How weird he is, you mumbled.

"I care because you're my wife, at least for now."

"Do you mean..we will divorce some time?" you asked wandering.

"Perhaps yes," he answered without thinking. "Or..." he glanced at you amusingly, "You're really want to defend our marriage? Are you really want to marry me?" he laughed at himself. You just kept quiet, that wasn't funny but hell yeah you thought it anyway. You'd been dreaming to get married once in your life since you still a child. You never wanted to get married again. So it means, if you married to Myungsoo you'd to be with him until the end of your life. You let out a sigh, I guess I'll be married to Woohyun oppa, just like our promises before, you thought regretful.

> A Sin <

Woohyun walked around Hongdae, he'd been there almost an hour to find nothing but he still walked without thinking where he would go. He let Sungyeol went back to Chungcheong and left him alone there.

Woohyun finally stopped in front of a coffee shop, his legs hurt because he didn't stop walking.

"One cappuccino please," Woohyun ordered and went to a seat next to window. He looked tired. Is Hyo doing everything alright? Woohyun thought, his mind went to Hyo who was in the plane, she's on the way to Bali spent her honeymoon with his husband. Woohyun let out a sigh, If you're happy with Myungsoo..I'm okay to let you to be with him. You still my lovely dongsaeng like before, nae teuki yeodongsaeng.

"Excuse me, are you Nam Woohyun?" someone tapped Woohyun's shoulder. "Woohyun-ssi! Is that really you? Omooo—" she said in excitement.

"Excuse me, do I know you?" Woohyun asked politely.

"You don't remember me? I'm your high school friend," she looked disappointed. "We're even classmate at the first year."

"Really? I'm sorry, I don't know why I've to forget you. Jwoiseonghamnida.." Woohyun quickly apologized.

"We're friend at all, can we talk without using banmal? Hehehe.." she laughed a little and looked at Woohyun. He just nodded and gave her a warm smile. "Omoo—you look more handsome than before, keep smiling Woohyun-ah," Woohyun couldn't let himself to just keep quiet while he saw his high school friend was taking photos of him.

"Minhyun-ah.. Stop it, people are watching us," Woohyun asked her and took his coffee. His high school friend who had name No Minhyun just laugh playfully and put back his cell phone.

"So how's your life going?" she asked before took a book of menu and ordered.

"Not too bad, I'm working at abeoji company. How about you?" Woohyun asked her too.

"Do you still remember what I told you before? In front of the class," Minhyun gave him a clue. Woohyun tried to remember his past then said, "You didn't only tell me but the others too," Minhyun nodded and waited for his answer.


"Hey everyone, listen me! I want to promise to all of you! I want to be a writer! Once again, I want to be a successful writer someday! You guys got it? You've to remember my promise so I could fulfill my dream and treat you guys some delicious dishes later.." Minhyun spoke in grateful.


"Writer," Woohyun answered after completely remember what Minhyun said before when both of them still a junior in high school. "So you’re a writer right now?" Woohyun asked. But Minhyun gave him a sigh and smiled weakly. "Seriously, you never remember me even my name after we graduated, uh?" Minhyun asked. She felt a little disappointed—again. Woohyun just stayed quiet, looking at Minhyun who started to make him feel guilty. He never intentionally forgot her, but it happened like that.

"Here," Minhyun gave him a business card. Woohyun took it and read.

No Minhyun

Exclusive Journalist for XXX Magazine

"Great, congratulation Minhyun-ah," Woohyun said awkwardly. Minhyun just smiled and stood up.

"Mianhae Woohyun-ah, I've to go. I’ve fun because I can meet you again after few years, ah..there's my phone number there. Don't be hesitant to call me if you need something okay, annyeong—" and Minhyun left before Woohyun could say a thing.


Finally update :D  Bear with my typos or else, hope you like it. Happy new years!

© Shinyunyun, 2011.

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L! You bad boy.. at least you took care of her at the end
shinyunyun #3
I'd repost chapter 18 later. After my exam & school trip ^^
hye_yong #4
Myung! you ! sigh, but he is still so sweet..
LeePeppers #5
sdfghjkhgfdfgh he's bipolar ~he's jelous :3 I find that cute but just he doesnt have the needs to call her like that!
I hope that Hyo ang Myung can have good moments well a little more before Woohyun ~ but he's doing nothing ._____.
LeePeppers #6
Myungsoo is bipolar or what ? D:
ehh? myungsoo called her ?
that bastard
LeePeppers #8
waaaa less the money thing. i really loved this chapter!!!!
I wish... It's not Myungsoo's appa who did that, and hope even he knew about it... he still receive Hyo as her daughter in law I mean yeah even bankcrupt...
I want see Myungsoo junior.... ha33