Am I Dreaming?

Because I'm Stupid

Many thought's were rushing through Yura's mind when she heard her name. She didn't know what to do. She panicked but eventually went inside the audition room. She straightened up her clothes and kept a calm yet happy expression plastered onto her face. But on the inside her heart was pumping and the side of her forehand were sweating. Yura examined each and every one of the judges, There was a tall lady who seemed nice and looked like she was in her early 30's while there were two men. One of them seemed old and the other was......Oh No, Not him! One of them were the celebrity judges that all the girls were fangirling about. It was Kim Hyun Joong. The man that ruined Yura's night. The man that Yura couldn't stand. Yura tried to keep all her anger inside and forget about everything. She pretended that nothing happened between them. But somewhere deep inside of her, Yura just wanted to slap him hard on the face till he begs for mercy.

"Hm, So you're Yura Hwang. 22 years old, Korean, 171cm tall and is specializing in Dance and Singing. So you're here to sing and dance for us? Am I correct?"  Judge number one said examining Yura's resume.

"Yes, You're correct" Yura said in a polite manner.

"Well then! Lets get started. MUSIC" Judge number 2 said and with that the music started playing. Yura decided to sing a song from the OST drama track  I'M A FLOWER TOO. The song was called Too Much Tears. It was a very emotional and sad song. Everytime Yura sang the song, She would always feel the mood in the song which made her sing her heart out. That's why she chose the song. While Yura was singing each judge were judging her whether she would make it in or not. When the music ended, One of the judges spoke up.

"Tell Me, Yura. Out of all the songs in the world, Why this song? It's a very dull song that doesn't seem to appeal to me." Judge number 2 said which caused me to step back from his actions.

"Well, Sir. It doesn't have to appeal to your liking. Music comes from the heart, the soul and the mind. Each and every composed piece of music has a story behind it, And if you were paying attention closely to the lyrics more then the music itself. The song tell's a deep and meaningful story. Which kind of relates to my life story. So sir to answer your question. This song isn"t dull but it's beautiful. So please accept my decision." Crap. Yura thought to herself. What has she just done. The three judges were staring at Yura blankly without saying a word. Did I speak too harsh? Was I wrong to answer back. Yura thought to herself.

"You may go now, Miss Hwang" Judge number one said without eye-contact, She was writing on a piece of paper which seemed like my resume.

"But I still haven't finished my audition. I still have a dance to show you" Yura said trying to hold in her tears knowing that her faith was no hope.

"I SAID you may GO now" Judge number one said again but this time in a more serious tone.

And with that, Yura ran out of the audition room no longer holding back her tears. Her parents were right about her achieving her dreams. She was nobody. She wouldn't get anywhere. Yura regretted everything and hated the world. She was furious just knowing that the dream of her's just disappeared out of a blink of an eye.

"What's a beautiful young girl, Crying out on the street like this?" A male voice said which was coming from behind Yura. Yura turned around and recognized the male figure. He was surely tall and had nice hair. It was the none other Kim Hyun Joong. The last man Yura would want to see. But what's he doing here? Did he follow here or something?

"I kept an eye on your audition and I must say you're very talented yet alone very beautiful. I don't see what the judges were going on about but just ignore them. From my eye, You were by far the best singer who auditioned today. Oh and just ignore the judges because sooner or later, You will achieve your dream. So don't  give up and do what is best. I better get going now, But Goodluck Yura Hwang." Why is he telling me this. This was the side I never saw of him. Did he forget about what happened that night? Or was he too drunk to remember. Yura thought to herself and gave Kim Hyun Joong a second chance. Maybe he is right, Yura just needs to move on and work hard again in order to achieve her dream.


Back at her apartment Yura was lounging away in her living room admiring the taste of her chocolate chip ice-cream. It's been months since Yura has eaten desserts due to her weight managment. Afterall, In order to keep up in the korean industry you had to have a body of a goddess. Just when Yura was going to take another bite of her sweet dessert, The voice from the TV interuppted her from eating. It was Lee Minho. Sure he couldn't see her but Yura could see him on the TV. He's been so famous and busy lately that Yura wondered if he still remembered her. After all they were a couple right before Lee Minho rose to fame. She remembered all the fun times they shared together and Yura must admit that he's grown more handsome everytime Yura saw him on the screen.

"I will be famous soon. Just give it some time and I would be a superstar!" Yura happily mumbled to herself right before taking another chunk of ice-cream. It was soon growing late and Yura was just about to head to bed when she saw an envelope sliding under her door.

"Who sends mail at this hour?" Yura questioned herself and took hold of the letter when suddenly the unexpected happened. Yura eyes widned by the second, He mouth was shaped as a perfect O shape and her hand was shaking from shock. Yura couldn't believe what she was just reading right before her eyes. It was a letter informing her that she would make it into the Korean Industry ready to debut.

"Am I dreaming?" Yura said in almost a whisper.



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LOL I finially updated after months !


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KHJ7777 #1
Love4KHJ #2
Plz updates soon getting hype up about the story :)
OMO ~ This story is jjang :) update soon !
Update,update and please do update soon.
Update update soon.
Their destiny seem to be crossing now!<br />
More please!<br />
Love it!
Yura won the audition right?<br />
Is Hyun Joong has some kind of sickness that make him doesn't remember what he did that night?<br />
Update soon!
Aw Hyun Joong, such a sweet guy!<br />
Yuri, LUCKY GIRL!<br />
Why Yuri's so mean? Never seen such a parent. Hope not ever in this lifetime.<br />
It's kind of like Hyun Joong but he wasn't kicked out, disowned or got slap.<br />
Update soon.<br />
Love your story concept!<br />